God and Science Are Not Mutually Exlcusive.


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Registered Senior Member
I am not going to name my particular religion because that would prejudice anything I say from that point on. However, a leader in my church once said that when dealing with anything that is religious or things of the world including science is to "Take your brain with you". Meaning that when dealing with religion and science you do not have to suspend belief in one to believe the other. He was also admonishing us to think before we believe anything not just blindly follow. Blind obedience is actually for the weak in faith. Strong faith can be buffeted by all sorts of opposing viewpoints and not be threatened. Weak faith will turn a blind eye to any evidence that seems to contradict their pre-conceived notions. Strong faith will weigh the new evidence and incorporate it in their overall belief system. Strong faith realizes that we do not have all the answers and that God will reveal them in time. Weak faith clings to old dogmas and closes themselves to new truths.
i believe that science and god cannot ultimately contradict eachother. science is merely the intellectualizing of the unknown.

god is the source of all (in my humble opinion)

*gives you a candy cane*
As a source for socially acceptable guidelines for moral behaviour, religion is fine. As a source for explaining the physical universe, nein!

I think a subtle spin-off is the current state of cosmology. It's really a bastardized religion if you examine the trappings and baggage it carries. It's what happens when you cross a god-mindset with a realm of science that by its nature denies the need for gods.
taken from another thread, but seemed apt to this

Originally posted by snakelord:
Well, it does show the ultimate battle between two distinct forces. One of them was hellbent on keeping mankind as a mental slave whereas the other wanted mankind to have the ability to think for himself.

This holds true even to the modern day - to quote some relevant text:

"For ages, a deadly conflict has been waged between a few brave men and women of thought and genius upon the one side, and the great ignorant religious mass on the other. This is the war between Science and Faith. The few have appealed to reason, to honor, to law, to freedom, to the known, and to happiness here in this world. The many have appealed to prejudice, to fear, to miracle, to slavery, to the unknown, and to misery hereafter. The few have said, "Think!" The many have said, "Believe!" [The Gods, 1872]

Those of the 'faith' ilk conduct their lives through a happy lack of knowledge versus those who seek to improve their lives and the lives of others through knowledge.

It is the very foundation of their beliefs, taught from child to child through the ages - where knowledge is seen as something ominous and evil. This can quite clearly be seen with this quote:

"The pursuit of knowledge, unless sanctified by a holy mission, is a pagan act, and therefore vile."
Saint Bernard of Clairvauz (1190-1153)

To think that someone who says this, can be considered a 'saint'. Through the ages, the sole focus is on destroying mankinds ability to seek understanding and truth - instead thinking life works out as long as you hold your hands together or cross your fingers.

It is really sickening. The majority of conflict and pain could be avoided if people would question and search for truth, instead of the "faith" method which merely means they're right, everyone else is wrong.

Currently the world is occupied by millions upon millions of these cretins- which does not bode well for humanity as a whole.
Brutus1964 said:
I am not going to name my particular religion because that would prejudice anything I say from that point on. However, a leader in my church once said that when dealing with anything that is religious or things of the world including science is to "Take your brain with you". Meaning that when dealing with religion and science you do not have to suspend belief in one to believe the other. He was also admonishing us to think before we believe anything not just blindly follow. Blind obedience is actually for the weak in faith. Strong faith can be buffeted by all sorts of opposing viewpoints and not be threatened. Weak faith will turn a blind eye to any evidence that seems to contradict their pre-conceived notions. Strong faith will weigh the new evidence and incorporate it in their overall belief system. Strong faith realizes that we do not have all the answers and that God will reveal them in time. Weak faith clings to old dogmas and closes themselves to new truths.

But Brutus1967, i wuld say you WERE 'blindly following'.....?

for example, THe main inducer that gets you believing the book/Bible is that is was writ by 'God', yeah?

How, may i ask, do you enviasge this event. Do you see actual God's hand writing it?

Do you feel his 'Word' was tranmitted to his prophets?


and if the latter, which i am guessing you will choose. How do you think it happened. Can you describe to us how you wold imagine the process to be, as far as you can imagine?

Were they 'channelers'? was God dictating

i ask this cause obviously this is what gets you reading and believing doesn't it? Your belief that the words you read int Bible are actually WRITTEN BY GOD
duendy said:
Your belief that the words you read int Bible are actually WRITTEN BY GOD
I believe (as a fact, not an act of faith) that Brutus declared he would not name his religion. Why, then, are you talking about the Bible? Have you had a revelation that he is Christian or Jewish? :)
Ophiolite said:
I believe (as a fact, not an act of faith) that Brutus declared he would not name his religion. Why, then, are you talking about the Bible? Have you had a revelation that he is Christian or Jewish? :)

Oh Ophiolite...heard of intuition and reasoning? i can TELL, i dont have to ask
Men that received revelation from God wrote the Bible. They were prophets and apostles that wrote by inspiration. It is by revelation from God that we discern from the scriptures what is the truth. There are many ways to interpret scripture and no doubt many errors that have been introduced through the ages. That is why we need to be in tune with the Holy Ghost who will tell us what is true. He has many ways of doing this. It is very personal. No one can discern the truth of the scriptures without the Holy Ghost.
Brutus1964 said:
Men that received revelation from God wrote the Bible. They were prophets and apostles that wrote by inspiration.

D--Well, i wonder then how you envision this 'revelation'. was it got soberly or through drugs? Either way, for me what i read is grim patriarchal rantings, and i have no interest in them at all, unlike believers in it.
It is very gullible to put one's trust in some 'channeler'. They can claim ANYTHING, and how would you ever prove it?

It is by revelation from God that we discern from the scriptures what is the truth. There are many ways to interpret scripture and no doubt many errors that have been introduced through the ages.

D--hehe...TELL me about it! Even though i dont agree with patriarchal prophecies, i am yet still knowing that most of what's written int Bible has been fuked with by others over the years. This makes it even more removed from the original nonesense

That is why we need to be in tune with the Holy Ghost who will tell us what is true. He has many ways of doing this. It is very personal. No one can discern the truth of the scriptures without the Holy Ghost.

D--And i am again wondering how YOU would do this Brutus? I am actually all for DIRECT experience.
But i am seeing two things that have been separated by the patriarchy, instinct and reason: instinct would include bodily awareness, emotions, intuition, ecstasy, visceral eroticism, and reason, logic, rationality. both CAN be complimentary when the former is not demonized. but what i see with the patriarchy, with its invention of 'evil' and the 'devil', and so on, is just that. Reasoning goes outta the window, through it doesn't REALIZe its reasoing is irrational, and that is the actual danger!

Blind obedience is actually for the weak in faith.

You have this reversed. Weakness of faith indicates uncertainty and skepticism. It is exactly those weak in faith that do not obey blindly.

Strong faith can be buffeted by all sorts of opposing viewpoints and not be threatened.

This is the description of the closed minded – they cannot be convinced by reason or evidence and are only able to believe in their faith and utterly blindly.

Weak faith will turn a blind eye to any evidence that seems to contradict their pre-conceived notions.

You are quite confused.

Strong faith will weigh the new evidence and incorporate it in their overall belief system.

If this were true then clearly their faith could not be very strong if they are willing to change it so readily.

Strong faith realizes that we do not have all the answers and that God will reveal them in time.

Those strong in faith only have one closed minded belief then – God did it.

Weak faith clings to old dogmas and closes themselves to new truths.

Once again that is the exact definition of those strong in faith.
The Devil Inside,

i believe that science and god cannot ultimately contradict eachother.

But in the meantime they are in direct contradiction, right?

science is merely the intellectualizing of the unknown.

You too seem to have reality reversed. Science is the practical establishment of knowledge, i.e. what is KNOWN. Fantasy speculation about the unknown is the realm of religion.

god is the source of all (in my humble opinion)

But does your opinion have any basis in fact or is it simply valueless?

Science is how, and God is why.

Popular gibberish and quite misleading.

Science is the objective search and establishment of knowledge. God is a baseless fantasy.

I believe (as a fact, not an act of faith) that Brutus declared he would not name his religion. Why, then, are you talking about the Bible? Have you had a revelation that he is Christian or Jewish?

He made reference to his church and hence revealed himself as a Christian.
Cris said:
The Devil Inside,

But in the meantime they are in direct contradiction, right?

no. i see no contradiction. in the 1400's, a rabbi established the 14 billion year old status of creation. if you want exact dates and method, feel free to ask. it is actually quite simple to someone "as smart as you are".

You too seem to have reality reversed. Science is the practical establishment of knowledge, i.e. what is KNOWN. Fantasy speculation about the unknown is the realm of religion.

who are YOU, to say that anyone else is absolutely wrong, mr. scientist man? if you are looking for an argument, you will not find it with me. i simply want intelligent, friendly discourse. dont waste your time.

But does your opinion have any basis in fact or is it simply valueless?
apparently, it is valueless, if someone of your caliber says it is. if you can explain to me exactly what is the source of all, then feel free to enlighten me. dont give me a bunch of "exploding big bang super monster collosal detonation" theory, either. if you are going to call the value of my opinion into question, explain to me WHAT exploded. explain to me WHY it exploded. explain to me HOW it exploded. WHERE did the exploding matter come from?
dont just insult folks, or they will make fools of you. be friendly.
it is much more becoming.
*hands you an ice cream cone* (vanilla, to match the complexity of your statements)
The Devil,

apparently, it is valueless, if someone of your caliber says it is.

But I didn’t say that did I – note that I asked a question. Opinions are interesting but without factual support they aren’t very useful. The perception of an insult is all your own doing.

if you can explain to me exactly what is the source of all, then feel free to enlighten me.

Why? I’m prepared, although irritated to do so, to admit we don’t know yet. What I find frustrating is the assertion by some that a god is the answer but they cannot or do not offer any support for their assertions.

dont give me a bunch of "exploding big bang super monster collosal detonation" theory, either.

No problem since a big bang doesn’t seem likely to be the beginning. If you read Linde or Guth they suspect that the big bang is simply one of a probable infinite number of big bangs, i.e. our current big bang is just one bubble among an infinite sea of bubbles. More recent theories have brought back the cyclic universe theory (new ideas based on dark matter) where we have a bang, expansion, collapse, and bang again, in an infinite series. But physicists have many variations on these themes, all of which have some basis in observation and facts – but the god fantasy stands alone as a baseless speculation, unless of course you have some facts to support it – do you?

dont just insult folks, or they will make fools of you. be friendly.
it is much more becoming.

Try not to see insults where none exist. But your ice cream and age 15 quips clearly rest in the arena of insults. Do you not now class as a hypocrite?
The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.
True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred. He has no right to preach them without challenge. Did Darrow, in the course of his dreadful bombardment of Bryan, drop a few shells, incidentally, into measurably cleaner camps? Then let the garrisons of those camps look to their defenses. They are free to shoot back. But they can't disarm their enemy.
-- H. L. Mencken, "Aftermath" (coverage of the Scopes Trial) The Baltimore Evening Sun, (September 14, 1925)

There is no possibility whatsoever of reconciling science and theology, at least in Christendom. Either Jesus rose from the dead or he didn't. If he did, then Christianity becomes plausible; if he did not, then it is sheer nonsense. I defy any genuine scientist to say that he believes in the Resurrection, or indeed in any other cardinal dogma of the Christian system.
-- H. L. Mencken, Minority Report, 1956

Cris said:
The Devil,

But I didn’t say that did I – note that I asked a question. Opinions are interesting but without factual support they aren’t very useful. The perception of an insult is all your own doing.

Why? I’m prepared, although irritated to do so, to admit we don’t know yet. What I find frustrating is the assertion by some that a god is the answer but they cannot or do not offer any support for their assertions.

No problem since a big bang doesn’t seem likely to be the beginning. If you read Linde or Guth they suspect that the big bang is simply one of a probable infinite number of big bangs, i.e. our current big bang is just one bubble among an infinite sea of bubbles. More recent theories have brought back the cyclic universe theory (new ideas based on dark matter) where we have a bang, expansion, collapse, and bang again, in an infinite series. But physicists have many variations on these themes, all of which have some basis in observation and facts – but the god fantasy stands alone as a baseless speculation, unless of course you have some facts to support it – do you?

Try not to see insults where none exist. But your ice cream and age 15 quips clearly rest in the arena of insults. Do you not now class as a hypocrite?
yep. i sure do. but im a big boy, and i can admit my own hypocrisy. perhaps you should try to do the same.