God’s law versus secular law. Which is moral?

Greatest I am

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God’s law versus secular law. Which is moral?

Our literature is rife with criticisms of God’s laws denouncing them as immoral.
This is mostly done by non-believers and secular law makers and even many believers. The whole world has rejected the morality of God’s law.

Satan shall deceive the whole world. That is scripture.

Believers say that God’s laws are moral; yet very few believers are trying to push for adoption of God’s laws by secular governments.

If believers believed that God’s laws are moral, it follows that they would be trying to have them implemented by governments. Strangely, they do not.

Can a believer believe in God yet not believe in his laws?

No believer is living by God’s law.

If believers believe in God’s laws, should believers be living by them?

Law without punishment is impotent law.

Should believers demand that secular law use God’s punishments where those few laws are basically identical?

Really! You should supply a list of laws from both parties, if you wish for us to make a comparison.
Else your post is moot.

P.S. And obviously a definition of Gods law and secular law.
I am the Son of God, I hold his law. What do you want to know about? We are all about simplicity, and good.
Really! You should supply a list of laws from both parties, if you wish for us to make a comparison.
Else your post is moot.

P.S. And obviously a definition of Gods law and secular law.

There are many governments and many Gods and if I have to define all the terms and conditions for people then I do not want to bother with them because they are not bright enough to fill in the general gaps and lead their argument.

I am the Son of God, I hold his law. What do you want to know about? We are all about simplicity, and good.

What is the good of the 10 million children who starve to death every year?
Which of God's laws force him to just sit back and watch?

Who knows what God's laws are? Or if there are any. If God wanted us to follow his laws, he would simply lead even secular people to enact them. Maybe that's already the case.
All they have to do is say hi.
Wow! How frigging stupid, So a child is born it has no comprehension of itself for 18 months to two years, let alone a god.
Yet it can starve to death, in that time period. But all it had to say was hi and it would not have.

How utterly stupid. You sir are a moron. In the most fullest sense. Wow!

No. I take that back, that would be an insult to morons around the world. No sir you are worse than that. There isn't a word for how stupid you are.
Wow! How frigging stupid, So a child is born it has no comprehension of itself for 18 months to two years, let alone a god.
Yet it can starve to death, in that time period. But all it had to say was hi and it would not have.

How utterly stupid. You sir are a moron. In the most fullest sense. Wow!

No. I take that back, that would be an insult to morons around the world. No sir you are worse than that. There isn't a word for how stupid you are.

Who is 'God?'
Who knows what God's laws are? Or if there are any. If God wanted us to follow his laws, he would simply lead even secular people to enact them. Maybe that's already the case.

If so, we would have to damn those who do not believe in secular governments the way same way God damns those who do not believe in him.

From were did the ten commandments come from ?

The Book of the Dead and other older religions and Rome.


I will also add these clips to the mix for your consideration. They show who put what in Jesus' mouth and how Christianity has been manipulated. The first which is part of the second speaks to my Gnostic Christian label and the second shows my view of religions overall and the Noble Lie that I think we and our governments should rescind. The third clip speaks to the reason that religions were invented in the first place as it shows why social control was required for city states that had to deal with the reality of finite resources. I see these city states as led by a timocratic king who through the religion that he would have created, also realized that there had to be a tyrannical part to his benevolent duty and created a religion to be just that.




I see the King/God as having to have the morals shown in the Haigt clip.


He would have to create his religion as expressed through his high priest/tyrant who would live by the first commandment of God, place no one above me as the enforcer of his King/God's rules and laws while still obeying his King. The larger Roman system would later assume the same system through the Noble Lie. First through the Flavian and later through Constantine.


You really don't make any sense .

Let say I am a Jew . and the 10 commandments were give to Moses I believe the law was given by God > At what point in time your secularism is developed or found ?

At about the time of Emperor Flavian if you believe the information I posted in the post just above.

Wow! How frigging stupid, So a child is born it has no comprehension of itself for 18 months to two years, let alone a god.
Yet it can starve to death, in that time period. But all it had to say was hi and it would not have.

How utterly stupid. You sir are a moron. In the most fullest sense. Wow!

No. I take that back, that would be an insult to morons around the world. No sir you are worse than that. There isn't a word for how stupid you are.

Sometimes the English language just does not have the right words.

Wow! How frigging stupid...
... Limited warfare is currently being practiced all over the globe, and it leads to one side or another claiming victory based on nothing other than propaganda.

When you try to fight religion within the rules it has defined, it's like a bayonet charge uphill against set fortifications.

Why do people insist on doing this?
Sun Tsu is rolling on his grave watching you lot. Well probably not, but y'all know what I mean.
Oh, and.
There is absolutely no difference between the morality of "god's law" and secular law.

Morality is exactly what it is understood to be.
When you understand that, you understand pretty much everything else.
If so, we would have to damn those who do not believe in secular governments the way same way God damns those who do not believe in him.


Not necessarily. If god is omnipotent, we can only assume that all governments are the way he wants, otherwise he could change them.
Oh, and.
There is absolutely no difference between the morality of "god's law" and secular law.

Secular law has a graduated punishment system where the severity of the crime is matched with the severity of the punishments we can give.

God sends all to everlasting torture in hell or death.

Both of these systemsare just as moral are they?
