Goats in Trees


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member

Pretend a million years from now, these goat's fossils are found. We would never ever guess that they ate in trees. There is no reason to guess from their anatomy that they did so.
So could baby T-rex have eaten in trees? Is there a whole world of things pre-historic animals did but due to anatomy, we would say is impossible?
We can only try to speculate on what evidence there is we find as to how the critters that lived millions of years ago actually lived.
They'd have to be pretty big trees--T-Rex weighed in at several tons--:Dbut I guess if they were omniverous as babies, they could've climbed into the trees and chewed on leaves, or browsed ground plants.
Great video

I had a large tree in a goat pen once. Took a while to figure out how they were escaping. There was one large branch that extended over the fence. They'd walk out past the fence and drop about 8 ft to the ground. Freedom.
This behavioral question was one of the major themes of the book Jurassic Park (not so much the movie, whose great theme was that kids were adorable and parenthood the inevitable future of decent men and women who did not want to be horribly killed).

Baby T-rex probably had feathery down or fuzz of some kind, for insulation when it was small(er).

Goats climb, by preference and by profession, and have a couple of physical adaptations of the lower legs and feet that reveal this behavior.
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