Go to www.cseti.com the best website currently available on the reality of UFO's

Commander X

Registered Senior Member
I strongly recomend that everyone that has some interest in the whole UFO-alien phenomena check out www.cseti.com for probably the best collection of factual evidence regarding the true reality behind alien visitation. Steven Greer is the head of Cseti and they are about to embark on a full disclosure project that will blow the lid completely off, regarding the alien coverup.
Just in case it gets missed, it should be noted that CSETI and SETI are not one and the same. SETI believes that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is looking for it. CSETI believes that extraterrestrial intelligence has already been found and is trying to invite it to a party.

On the site, Greer makes the claim that his organization has established contact with extraterresttrial craft and that they have the proof of such an event. Yet, for all the "the people have a right to know" posturing, he fails to provide a link to even a shred of the evidence.

I think he's serious in his intention, but the presentation leaves a lot to be desired. Right now I think he can only convince believers, not skeptics or non-believers, the people he should be targetting.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited June 13, 2000).]
Steven Greer, founder of CSETI, was on the Mike Seigel (Formerly Art Bell Show) radio show last night. He talked about how their full disclosure project was going to blow everything wide open. Apparently, they have over 200 credible witnessess, including a former CEO of one of the most powerfull aerospace industry companies, in addition to many members of the CIA, military and government agencies, that are going to come forward for a special earth shattering press conference in Washington D.C. with the date TBD. He expects that the conference will take place in around 3 months or so, and once they have a concrete date, they will let everyone know on Mike Siegel's show in addition to the CSETI homepage. He also confirmed that they have more than enough funding, that has come from the private sector, to blow the lid off of this cover-up for once and for all, and that the ramifications of what will be revealed at this press conference will force Congress to have public, open hearings, regarding the subject. Very Interesting Indeed.
Yes, that was quite an episode. Some things I did not agree with, such as Senators being interested and also the press.I feel they may be acting as if they are to lessen the impact of being accused of contributing to the cover-up.
Its funny how the section that supposedly knew nothing avoids the UFO subject like the plague. I feel Dr. Greer does have the evidence and if so may he reveal it soon before its too late.
But then again, the Art Bell show is nothing resembling a credible source of information. The host just sits there, listening and accepting automatically what everyone has to say. He doesnt ask for a shred of proof.

Oh yeah, I have some nice swamp...er beachfront... property I would like to sell you all.
Don't knock swamp-front property. The burg of Alviso, California is a swamp, and it's also some of the highest valued property in Silicon Valley, since it sits at the very north tip of the locally-famous Silicon Strip (North First Street San Jose, Ca).
Full disclosure ? What network will put his show on ? He will put on the show in about three months. That just gives the goverment three months to de-bunk him, if they haven't already got it set.

How many UFO shows have you seen on the tube that doesn't have at least two de-bunkers for every piece of credible evidence given ?

No one wants to see a full disclosure of the UFO story any more than I. I had the first contact with an ET in the year 1932-3. I went thru life wondering what this was. I have known the truth - to suit me at least -
since the 1960's.

This is just another ray of sunlight that I hope does not cloud over.
