

Staff member
Britain is expected to announce today that smoking small amounts of cannabis in private will become a non-arrestable offence.

The Police can still confiscate your stash and you get a warning. A far cry from the more liberated Dutch attitude. Street cafes selling good quality leaf would be nice to see.
Smoking is bad for the lungs.

No... ya think?!

Anyhoo, Amsterdam may well be cooling it's heals as far as MJ is concerned. At least one new politician, (Can't remember his name) is campaigning for the law to be changed there. As it stands it's illegal for cafes to purchase it and would you believe to sell it but a blind eye is turned to the latter.

The new politician is from a christian group (There's a surprise:rolleyes: ) and people seem to be taking him seriously. At least in the context of the MJ media here, he's getting quite a bit of airtime on t.v.

All said and done it's illegal for now and you can get it on any corner where I live. Nothing will change by the new act if it goes thru. except maybe some fucker will be forced to pay tax on it and the price will go up.

I don't know what all the fuss is about:rolleyes:
It is a known fact that -

smoking weed reduces consumption of alcohol. So if you took a few puffs & a beer, right?... & the two will blend together & you will seem relaxed with no need to drink alot. then have another beer & a couple puffs... you've only had two beers & yet you're floating. result: A huge benefit healthwise for citizens. This is only common sense. Do you agree?