Go ahead and flame me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
You don't need a reason just do it !!!!! Make me your bitch. Flame my ass like a black headed step child.

Nastiness is important. I guess creativity and humor are bonuses but not required.

Anything goes. Nothing off the limit.

Come on. Take your best shot.

NOW!!!!!:mad: :D
Yeah that too but flame me still!!!!!

Somone sounds eager. :p

Okay......I'm kinda rusty but....

What the hell are you doing here, loser? Shouldn't you be chatting up 16 year olds on AOL? What makes you think you can come here and just be recognized by people who are so obviously your superiours?

Go slime your way back to the petri dish, you morally deficiant, intellectually challenged, disgusting and insignificant little protazoan. Or better yet, go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and stay there. What makes you think you are worthy of our company? Have you been smoking paint chips or are you usually so delusional as to think that you have a place here?

You make me so sick that I've sent copies of your posts to the researchers at Pfizer so that they can perhaps find a way to market them as an emetic. Your arguments are as shoddy as a shack for Nike workers in Honduras, and your rebuttels are as convincing as an Enron executive trying to defend himself. Hell, Clinton's "I didn't inhale" was more convincing than your arguments.

This annoys me, but I'll let you off the hook this time - I remember the first time I tried to get high by inhaling acne medication.

No, it's okay - really. You challange a lot of my firmly held beliefs, and that's cool. Why, before meeting you, I did not support a woman's right to abortion. Now I'm a believer in anyone's right to infanticide.

But really, you're out of your depth here. Well actually, you'd be out of your depth in a kiddie pool, but I'll skip over that. Maybe you should try reading newsgroups? Might I suggest alt.menwholovegoatsohsomuch?

Actually, I'm done responding to your post. I'm off to alt.masochism - although I don't think that anything could be more painful than reading your inane, pseudo-intellectual drivel. I mean, I'd really rather be locked in a room with fundamentalist Baptists than listen to you.

You really are pathetic, but I'll be thinking of you. Every time I am overwhelmed with the feeling that life is good, I'll think of you so that I'm reminded of what a miserable hellhole this universe really is.

Don't get me wrong - I have a high opinion of you. In fact, I even defended you. Somone said the other day that you were not fit to fuck sheep.

But I stuck up for you - I said you were.
*clap* Bravo!!!!

Man! That was harsh. *weep*

Xev is taking an insurmountable lead here.

Come on you guys need to step up.
This is what I think of people who wish to be flamed for no reason what so ever. Have a nice fucking day.

Po' Joe = Mallory's Biatch!

Yeah, what the hell? I thought he was my bitch?

C'mon Joeman, anyone can forget the keys to the handcuffs. Quit sulking. :p

And of course I've taken the lead. Joe-pathetic excuse for a -Man ain't hardly any competition for me. Why, he isn't hardly competition for a box turtle! Hell, I mean, we're talking about a man who makes G.W Bush look like a master of the English language, and who makes Arthur Anderson look like an ethical firm.

Joeman you looking to get yourself banned? Because with combined with your last dozen posts on this board, I think that is where this is headed.