Gnute flex's!!


Registered Senior Member
First of all, no criticisms, try the damn advice first, then comment.

Glute Flex's: How to get that nice attractive ASS!! :D

Lie on your back and tense your buttocks. Flex your buttocks 5 times with a 3-second delay before unflexing. If you feel even a slight burn, then you are very out of shape. This is where most of your thrusting force comes from where sex is concerned. Your buttock holds most of your thrusting power and stamina, with your abdominal being second in line. Here's the Flexing exercise from start to finish:

Lie on your back, and make sure you are on a floor, or firm surface so that you have the appropriate resistance to force against (i.e., the carpet, floor, etc. Your bed is far to giving and will not work for this exercise.).

  1. Flex your buttocks as hard as you can, holding for a slow 3 count, then unflexing. Do these 5 times to warm up.
  2. Flex and unflex in a fast, steady pace for 3 sets of 50, or if you can't even do 50, do as many as possible. rest for 30 seconds between each set, and take in deep, slow breaths through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth.
  3. Next, flex as hard as possible and hold for as long as you can until you start to tremble. Once trembling, unflex and repeat 5 times..
  4. Repeat step 2.
  5. Repeat step 3.
  6. Finish by doing very rapid flexes continuously for 30 seconds or as long as you can.
  7. Sit up and rest for several minutes. This exercise will give you flex power!! It will increase your thrusting 10 fold after several weeks of exercising. They should be performed 5 days a week, for the rest of your life. This will also tighten and shape your buttocks, which will also be more appealing to your lover.

Ladies: Don't overdo yourself on this, no man wants a woman that has a more muscular ass than they do!! :D

Men: After you get the shape and flex you want, flex your bare ass in front of your woman...and watch her facial reaction!! :D

My experience is that dancing and Yoga do exactly the right things for all your body parts. I think it's more fun too. Hey, no offense, I mean it good...;)
Actually I quite like a strong woman. Physical and mental strength are appealing. But then I like most women, with just about any characteristsics, so...
Originally posted by Adam
Actually I quite like a strong woman. Physical and mental strength are appealing. But then I like most women, with just about any characteristsics, so...

I hope you aren't saying you want a woman with a muscular defined ass, do you?! Hope not buddy! :)

But women with a well-toned, nicely defined, and firm ass works fine by me, anyone agree? :D

Dancing does work the ass out, depends on how you dance. That's why there's the rumor of, good dancer = good lover.

But Gnute exercises make the most out of your ass ;)

Once you are able to "bounce a quarter" off your ass, women will indeed notice. :D
Dancing does work the ass out, depends on how you dance.

i definately agree... while i have gained alot of strength and balance from dancing... ive also gained a lot of injuries from the way i dance. (competitive)

I'll bet when you do those exercises that you'll not be able to say POOP anymore! :p

Oh not tonight honey: my poop hurts like hell!

what happened darling?

well eeh,.....I was crazy enough to believe this guy on the internet who was subscribing these butt-exercises and all,...

ohh,.....aaaw,....! poor boy ! come here, I'll give you a nice massage!

OU! AA! iiii !!!! NO ! AAAAH !!!! It hurts!!!
I'm very happy to say I don't need those excersices. I've had countless females tell me how nice my ass looks. I remember a few girls starring at it in the middle of gym class when they thought I wasn't looking. One time, a 40 year old woman commented on it in the middle of Wal-Mart when I was trying on Jeans! (That's disturbing when you consider I'm 16 and was 15 at the time. :D )

And no, dancing and yoga are not the best ways to get that nice ass. I've been wrestling for a long time now, giving me one of those quarter bouncing asses. Not to mention excellent stamina :eek:
Originally posted by Elbaz
And no, dancing and yoga are not the best ways to get that nice ass. I've been wrestling for a long time now, giving me one of those quarter bouncing asses. Not to mention excellent stamina :eek:

Wrestling!?!? Hell yea, I believe that's one of the most difficult sports, everything is all you, individual. Within 5 minutes of a match with an opponent as good as you, you get hella tired!!

But I don't recall my ass aching from a lot of work out from wrestling, maybe a few times. Gnute flex's are specificially for the ass and thrusting power!! :D