

The Boney King of Nowhere
Registered Senior Member
Why is it that we humans (or at least me) tend to forget little things? Like when you have a pencil in your hand one minute, but the next minute it's gone. I refer to these dissapperences as "gnomes" because it always seems like some little gnome comes along and steals your little possessions. 75% of the time, you end up finding these things, but every once in a while, they are gone forever...

So what's up with that?
I've always considered this to be "the law of falling objects" or at least related to it. It seems that when you drop something, it tends to bounce and rebound in the strangest and most unlikely manner possible. You drop it, look down, and it's nowhere to be seen. Hmmm. WTF? You ask yourself. You look about a bit more. Still no luck. Where did it go? Finally, you find it 10 feet away under a stack of old newspapers. (Ok, that's a bit extreme. But, I think it illustrates the pont.)
i have found stuff i dropped directly under my foot :eek: and thats without taking a step or anything
I have also dropped things or set them down, only to find them missing moments later. Sometimes they turn back up, sometimes not. I always look. I would be willing to suggest that the objects that did not turn back up were hallucinations caused by CIA radio mind control beams that Stryderunknown has been trying to warn us about. The things that do turn up again are probably just things that tumbled in improbable ways and came to a rest in some place we didn’t think to look.

However I would have to say that under no circumstances are small people in pointed hats with great flowing beards sneaking around to steal our stuff.
I would agree with Nexus, things just tend to fall, bounce and roll in an odd way. And most times, you have your mind on other matters while your possesions behave due to the law of physics, hence you will likely not remember where exactly they may have ended up.
Surely there are no gnomes I think... :D
Listen to us! My god, its just what the gnomes want. We are all snapping at every suggestion OTHER than gnomes, and why? Because those corrupt gnomes in washington have us brainwashed!
You may be right... but then again, perhaps gnomes are an American phenomeon, employed by your government. So I might be save... but I better prepare, I will paint some protective sigils on my house and conjure some ghost that chase or kill the possible gnome menace.

I better sacrifice some animals too, you never know.... now where is that spell for a cleansing magical fire.... damn, I think the gnomes have taken it... :mad:
"Gnomes," if I remember right from childhood, are short people. Migits, who were concidered hideously/magically weird back in the day (my personal theory). So.... There are no short people with magic powers, same as there are no tall people with magic powers. Get over it and pay attention to what you do with your posessions.
however it is know that domovoj can take personal things ;)
it's a being known mainly in slavic folk tales. is small, usually lives behind the stove and has put himself in charge of the house.. like he (never she) was the real owner and the human owner just a guest. he does some of the daily chores and sometimes plays different pranks and evil jokes on the human inhabitants.
That actualy soudns vastly more interesting than gnomes. Is missplacing thing and not being able to blame ourselves for it such a common phenominon that many cultures have created supernatural beings to blame it on?
DO you have A.A.A.D.D?

They have finally found a diagnosis for my
>condition. Hooray!!

I have recently been diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. !

Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder...

This is how it goes: I decide to wash the car; I
> > start toward the garage and notice the mail on the
> > table. Ok, I'm going to wash the car. But first I'm
> > going to go through the mail. I lay the car keys
> > down on the desk, discard the junk mail and I
> > the trashcan is full. Ok, I'll just put the bills
> > on my desk and take the trashcan out, but since I'm
> > going to be near the mailbox anyway, I'll pay
> > these few bills first. Now, where is my checkbook?
> > Oops, there's only one check left. My extra
> > checks are in my desk. Oh, there's the coke I
> > was drinking. I'm going to look for those
> > checks. But first I need to put my coke further
> > away from the computer, oh
> > maybe I'll pop it into the fridge
> > to keep it cold for a while.
> >
> > I head towards the kitchen and my flowers catch my
> > eye, they need some water. I set the coke
> > on the counter and uh oh! There are my glasses. I
> > looking for them all morning! I'd better
> > put them away first.
> >
> > I fill a container with water and head for the
> > pots - - Aaaaaagh!
> > Someone left the TV remote in the kitchen. We'll
> > never think to look in the kitchen tonight when
> > we want to watch television so I'd better put it
> > in the family room where it belongs.
> >
> > I splash some water into the pots and onto the
> > I throw the remote onto a soft cushion on
> > the sofa and I head back down the hall trying to
> > figure out what it was I was going to do?
> >
> > End of Day: The car isn't washed, the bills are
> > unpaid, the coke is sitting
> > on the kitchen counter,
> > the flowers are half watered, the checkbook still
> > only has one check in it
> > and I can't seem to find
> > my car keys! When I try to figure
> > out how comenothing got done today,
> > I'm baffled because I
> > I realize this is a serious condition
> > and I'll get help, BUT
> > FIRST I think I'll check my e-mail...
> >
> > Please send this to everyone you know because I
> > I'VE SENT THIS !!!
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SpyMoose said:
Listen to us! My god, its just what the gnomes want. We are all snapping at every suggestion OTHER than gnomes, and why? Because those corrupt gnomes in washington have us brainwashed!

"The greatest trick the gnomes ever pulled was convincing the world they didn't exist.... And like that, poof! They're gone."

Dreamwalker said:
You may be right... but then again, perhaps gnomes are an American phenomeon, employed by your government. So I might be save... but I better prepare, I will paint some protective sigils on my house and conjure some ghost that chase or kill the possible gnome menace.

I live in Canada and I am still effected by gnomes.

Avatar said:
however it is know that domovoj can take personal things
it's a being known mainly in slavic folk tales. is small, usually lives behind the stove and has put himself in charge of the house.. like he (never she) was the real owner and the human owner just a guest. he does some of the daily chores and sometimes plays different pranks and evil jokes on the human inhabitants.

Wow! Now that's really interesting... I'm going to research this Domovoj.

Oh, and by the way, that was hilarious, cosmictraveller! AAADD!
gnomes are bad, but worst are those dmaned gremlins. Especialy the onbes that live in your keyboard and cause typos.

gremlins are infamous for carrying away loads of toilet paper and for eating small children.
i dont tend to lose things, i just forget where im supposed to be looking to get them.. if that makes sense.
like i was in my car, i had just driven up to the house and i had just remembered.. oh shit, how am i going to get in the house? my house key is on the keychain with my car keys and oh dam.. where are my car KEYS?? i look down, under the seat, on top of the other seat.. and oh yea.. they are in the ignition
Hey cosmic, I understand that, it happens to me often enough. Alas, I do not think that it is connected with my age (me being 20), but when I want to do something, for an example clean up my room. (yeah, could not come up with a better example, but it is one thing I can never accomplish) Normally, when I start a task, I am not concentrating on it, I am thinking about god and the world (or something like that), but ok, I get started, I manage to clean up some things, until I find a picture, a book or a cd, then I am tempted to listen/read or look at it, and this brings me to another thing, perhaps making me think that I wanted to look some word up, or I might think that I wanted to buy the sequel to the book and so on... and at the end of the day, I might be smarter, but it still does not look clean. :D
you mean like:
i went on the computer to do homework
then i decided to check my email while im on the comp
then i decided to talk to you guys (*sigh* i have no life)
then... uh... yea, you get my drift, now where did i put my dinner?
ill turn on my other computer on the way to the kitchen,
but i have to update the AVG crack, so ill do that while im in front of the computer
see, what you need to do is plant a holly tree in front of your house. That keeps most 'gnomes' and other mischevious and sometimes dangerous entities away. Or, better yet, plant two holly trees. and carry a sprig around in your pocket. But you only need to do all that if you think it will actually help. There are several theories, of course....It's just the type of thing that always gets blamed on 'bad luck' 'evil lepruchans', 'gnomes', 'mischeivious pixies', and I even once heard 'the truck demon', in rather ominous tones. He was joking though....Still, I can't figure out how I dropped the pencil, and yet it ended up stuck in the ceiling....
... so it is true gnomes are try to plot and take over the world... *shift eyes* i bet there watching me right now so they can take my pencil i just dropped... but i got them fooled i planted a bomb in the pencil so when they get it there gana blow up and be dead as a donut!!!... maybe a tracker would have been better