Global Consciousness

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member

Click on the video link for "Global Consciousness". (it is a very a very dail up friendly video stream).

If there really is such thing as global consciusness, is it really hard to rule out something like Pychic Ablilitys? or better know as a 6th or 7th sense.

The mind is an amazing thing.
What do you think?
Check the video before replying please. :D
Global consciousness doesn't exist.We are all part of Earth's electromagentic field,that should explain the most of these "paranormal" things.
He says he can't watch it at work.... mabey he should be WORKING at work instead of surfing the web. :D

Warch it at home mabey?
That is what Maharishi Institute tried to prove too - by meditation you can influence events...

As soon as I get filthy rich, I will let you know if the Global Consciousness exists (since I am pluged in to the GC, let us see if there is power!) ...:D
I think Einstein suggested that with Relativity that all knowledge within the universe could be known at any universal position. (However I could be wrong to suggest Einstein mentioned that)

For instance Relativity suggests that all the universe can exist at any given point, therefore it is in essence everything.

As for a Global Consciousness, I think we once had a thread on the idea that the whole world could be seen as a giant brain. Where certain preportions of this brain spoke in slightly different dilects or languages to help distinguish it's overall position/function within the whole. (When I say function here I don't mean classism, I mean that different cultures hold different things sacred etc)

The Internet and Media as a whole allows for information to transfer across the whole, although there are always those that attempt to control their countries as apposed to joining in in any forms of unification, in certain respects that could be seen similar to how some people suffer multiple-personality disorders where they are fighting for a dominant personnality to emerge.
We make up the mass conciousness that is earth, all humans and all other biological entities are amassed into one. We are the workers of the light and spirit in this place, just as the microscopic species of bacteria and germs that live within like countries and on each and every living thing on this planet. Alot like the matrix.

And within ourselves human evolution has now reach and new stage of "being".
Where we are born into a very informative way of life, we consume more food energies and we store more of it too.
In turn, thousands of years down the track our brains will become super computers that will be able to conciously communicate with another. In a form of static kinesis, the same way we manage to communicate with each other by speach and touch.
Gambit Star said:
We make up the mass conciousness that is earth, all humans and all other biological entities are amassed into one. We are the workers of the light and spirit in this place, just as the microscopic species of bacteria and germs that live within like countries and on each and every living thing on this planet. Alot like the matrix.

And within ourselves human evolution has now reach and new stage of "being".
Where we are born into a very informative way of life, we consume more food energies and we store more of it too.
In turn, thousands of years down the track our brains will become super computers that will be able to conciously communicate with another. In a form of static kinesis, the same way we manage to communicate with each other by speach and touch.

Have you considered that even our human species will one day finally end,like everyone and everything else does?
You see,even our human species can't live forever.No humans=no global consciousness.
Global thought patterns, I wonder what its doing with the war in iraq.
What if the goverment could use this to deturmine the outcome of elections, or even controll outbreaks of riots via the media and what shows are played the day before.
I say they inplant one of these chip things a group of 50 and see what happens. Right inbetween the left and right hemispheres of the brain, I think would be best. ahh do it to a monkey, then test it. hehe first fead it something good, then beat it with a stick, repeat till the data fits, or till the monkey dies, then get a new one.

As for the whole global Consciousness thing, ever hear of gravity, well the samething works for thought patterns, the proof is in crossword puzzles. In a study 50 people (random of course) were given a crossword puzzle the first day it came out, and randomly few finnished it and some got a majority of it, and most barely even started it. A week went by and the crossword puzzle was put into a national newspaper and again a group of 50 random people who didnt read the paper was selected and the scores and the number of completed rose significatly. I think it was by something like 18 - 20%.

They brought up string theory in the video, have any of you looked up string theory yet? If not omg will it blow your mind if you can understand it, that is, it takes a little time for it to soak into mind.
We need to work on that global conciousness(world peace), but we need to stay individual as persons. Culture an media is mostly controlling our western conciousness and we need to adjust culture, media and politics to live in peace with others.

Ophiolite said:
Global consciousness. Cogito ergo es. I think, therefore you are.
im not sure if you have that right, if its latin then its been influenced by greek, oh well not important.
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you guys should look into the case file of a certain farmer turned ESP reader/doctor named Edgar Cayce. that is if your really interested in global consciousness, this guy's name should be by the defintion.
