Given that most politicans if not all are morally challenged, can they go to heaven?

So there is a separate heaven for Democrats and Republicans or are we to believe the secret Gosple of Paul that says everyone can go to heaven once in the sprit world if they repent.
I can't discuss my religious beliefs or I get threatened/warned. If you want to discuss this I will be glad to do it in PM.:)
Whoa, hold it right there. He sponsored the nun-raping Sandinistas with weapons sales to Iran.

You mean freedom fighter rapists. (had to make that joke) He also was friends with Sadaam Hussein, even knowing what the guy was doing to his people and the Kurds, he was friends with Noriega. He supported dicatators in South America who, as he and his people were well aware, were torturing large %ages of the population because of their beliefs or even potential beliefs.
Thanks Sandy, I am sorry you cannot express your beliefs. I will follow-up with you off line.
I think i will probably not see many politicians in eternity. Serving the powers of this world is serving satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Excuse me but, who said that God pays attention to morals? Oh yeah, the politicians! Morals are man-made. God pays attention to sincerity and intention. And we are all challenged. What does the Bible say? Your works don't get you to heaven. None of us are, not one. We are not fit to judge. We don't have the capacity. We don't have the knowledge. To think that our morals coincide with God's perspective is foolish.
I think i will probably not see many politicians in eternity. Serving the powers of this world is serving satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'd bet you'll see Ron Paul there. :)

And now that I think about it, it doesn't say anything against being a ruler or a representative of the people, or a public servant in the Bible. It says quite the opposite actually. Like anything else, it just depends on what your motives are.
I'd bet you'll see Ron Paul there. :)

And now that I think about it, it doesn't say anything against being a ruler or a representative of the people, or a public servant in the Bible. It says quite the opposite actually. Like anything else, it just depends on what your motives are.

If heaven existed, I think Paul Simon the politician would be there too.
I'd bet you'll see Ron Paul there. :)

And now that I think about it, it doesn't say anything against being a ruler or a representative of the people, or a public servant in the Bible. It says quite the opposite actually. Like anything else, it just depends on what your motives are.

Who is Ron Paul?

"Public servant" lol what lie of a title. Like when you see the title "peoples republic" you know only too well it is not the peoples at all but owned by a small violent and repressive elite.

The Bible says to love and serve others and we can do that without selling out to satan by joining his governments, police forces or armies.

Individuals and help other individuals.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days