Give a cat a pill


Registered Senior Member
Isaw this on an other forum so i thought i would share this with every one, give a cat a pill/(1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby,place right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth gently apply pressure to cheeks andpop pill into mouth,allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

(2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa and repeat process.

(3) Retrieve cat from bedroom and throw away soggy pill,take new pill out of foil wrap,cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand,force jaws open and push pill to back of throat with right forefinger,holdmouth shut for a count of ten,

(4) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and the cat fromtop of wardrobe and call spouse from garden.

(5) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees,hold front and rear paws,ignore low primeval growls emitted by cat,getspouse to hold had firmly with one hand whileforcing wooden ruler into mouth,drop pll down rulerinto mouth and rub cat's throat vigorusley.

(6)Retrieve cat from curtain,get another pillfrom foil wrap,make a note to get a new ruler and repair curtains,carefully sweepshattered figurines and vases from around the room and set aside for glueing later.

(7)Wrap cat in a large bath towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible fromthe towel, put the pill in the end of a drinking straw,force mouth open with a penciland blow down the drinking straw.

(8)Check label to make sure it is not harmful to humans,drink a bottle of beer to take taste away,apply plaster to spouses forearm and add carpet cleaner to shopping list to clean blood from carpet.

(9)Retreive cat from next doors shed,getanother pill and a couple of more beers,place cat in cupboard and close door on to cats neck so head is just showingforce mouth open with a large spoon,and flick pill down with an elastic band.

(10) Fetch screw driver from shed and fix cupdoard doors back onto hinges,have another beer,run out of beer so open a bottle of scotch,take a large swig,apply cold compress to cheek and check records for last tetanus jab,throw away torn and blooded t-shirt.

(11) Ring fire brigade to rescue cat from tree across road,and apologise to motorist who crashed into a tree while trying to avoid cat,get last pill from the foil wrap.

(12)Tie the little devils front paws to the rear pawswith garden twine,and bind it tightlyto the leg of the dining table,find heavy dutypruning gloves from shed,push pill into mouth followed by a large piece of steak,be rough you will not be beaten this time,hold head virtically and pour to pintsof waterdown throat to wash pill down.

(13)Consume remainder of scotch and get spouse to take you to the nearest casualty dept.

(14)Arrange for the R.S.P.C.A to collect the mutant cat from hell and ring the local pet shop to see if they have a hamster for sale.

HOW TO GIVE A DOG A PILL (1) Wrap it in bacon(the pill not the dog) who's a clever boy then.:p
That was cute...

Would it not have been easier to give the pill to the goldfish and the goldfish to the cat?
Wrong. All wrong. (But, of course.)

We have 26 cats (yes, 26). Pilling cats is a two-person job. 10% of cats (in our experience) can't be pilled, no matter what.

One person stands behind the cat, which is seated on an elevated, flat surface, and firmly holds the cat's front legs.

The second person uses their thumb and forefinger to place preasure on the cat's jaw joints so that the cat opens their mouth. That's when the pill is drop-pushed toward the back of the mouth and the cat's jaw then held shut. With the cat's head pointed up, massage the cat's throat from chin to neck to encourge it to swallow.

You don't use your finger to push a pill down the cat's throat because you risk forcing the pill into their bronchial tube or, worse, getting bit.

80% of cats don't take pilling kindly.

Mr. G,
Could I interest you in a few slightly used second hand cats? In realitivally good condition?
I think I misworded it...
I should have said slightly abused...
After all these folks finish with the instructions above I think there will be quite a few.
Erm ever tried grinding up the pill and putting it in the cats food/water?
At least you dont have to commit GBH against the cat :).
....i gave my cat a pill last week,

nothing happened for about an hour but then when i switched my stereo on it started dancing about like a mad one! it danced for twelve hours and told me it loved me!

dunno what pill it was.

(sorry, i couldnt resist it when i saw the title of the topic!)

:confused: :(

<<...ever tried grinding up the pill and putting it in the cats food/water?..>>

Many, many pills have a saliva-resistant coating to make sure they reach the stomach before they release the medicine within. That is typically because, upon contact with mouth fluids, uncontrollable, viscous salivation otherwise results.

So, no. You can't just grind up the pill and put it in the cat's food/water.

If cat pilling were so easy there wouldn't be threads devoted to process. ;)

I crushed one of my Ritalin tablets and placed the powder on a folded piece of paper and dumped it directly into my cats mouth. It foamed for a while, but it seemed all right. I am beginning to suspect that it hallucinates regularly though....
26 cats? Wow, I thought we were out of control with four :D

I´ve given up the pill job. I prefer to be the nice human :)
I'd be pissed off too if someone tried to shove something down my throat. Not to mention disturbing me from the <A HREF="">general laziness</A> that is the life of a cat.
General laziness.....

I find myself frequently putting a mirror to our cats nose to see if he's still breathing, that animal can SLEEP!!!!!!!! I realise that they are more active at night but all our cat manages to do is roll over or if he's really energetic he'll shift by a couple of feet. Of course when its time to eat he's full of energy, and if you don't feed when he wants to be fed he happy enough to eat one of your legs....I prefer my dogs :D their happiness is truley contagious (sp?).
The life of a cat is almost certainly the best life there is. However, I was essentially raised by cats, so perhaps I'm biased.
The life of a cat is almost certainly the best life there is.

Until someone puts you in a little box, with a radioactive atom, a vial of toxic gas, a hammer and a gieger counter, and starts using you in an experiment to understand a whole bunch of things about atomic decay and multiversal states.

Poor little kitty... poor little "Zombie" kitty (Half dead/half alive)

sounds likethese people have met my cats


funny stuff

but not so far from teh truth
