girls or women need more respect

different dimensions

Registered Member
does any one find it irritating at the fact that women are meant to be stay at home wifes and be all sweet and pleasant and they shouldnt get jobs? why is it that the men are the ones that are meant to be more daring, clever, when eve was the first one to take the apple because she wasnt afraid of god. are we meant to be being put in our place??
No, you can do whatever the hell you want with yourself...if someone opposes then they're invited to kiss your ass so to speak. Now, if you wish to talk about gender differences, wage differences, social differences, policital differences and other such issues then just drop the other shoe :D - All of god's grace are belong to us :cool:
different dimensions said:
does any one find it irritating at the fact that women are meant to be stay at home wifes and be all sweet and pleasant and they shouldnt get jobs? why is it that the men are the ones that are meant to be more daring, clever, when eve was the first one to take the apple because she wasnt afraid of god. are we meant to be being put in our place??

Are you living in the past?

Women nowadays focus on nothing but themselves (in general) and their career.
different dimensions said:
does any one find it irritating at the fact that women are meant to be stay at home wifes and be all sweet and pleasant and they shouldnt get jobs? why is it that the men are the ones that are meant to be more daring, clever, when eve was the first one to take the apple because she wasnt afraid of god. are we meant to be being put in our place??

No offense, but I have no idea what you are going on about.

Women are equal, and have all the opportunities of anyone else. In fact, sometimes we have more.

Where are you from? That may help us understand why and how you have ever come to feel that way.
spuriousmonkey said:
Women nowadays focus on nothing but themselves (in general) and their career.

Well, this I take offense to. My family and my children come first, and rarely do I ever have time for myself, or focus on myself. I have a career, but it's not as important as love and care of my family.
But honestly. My ex left me because she needed to be selfish (a modern thing to do) and the ex before that left me because her career was more important.

Or maybe it is just that I always end up with these "modern" women, because I am attracted to just those and never see that most of them are still being "oppressed".

That said, I have been on the wrong side of the stick of feminism too. That is when women in power discriminate against men.

Power corrupts both men and women.
spuriousmonkey said:
Are you living in the past?

Women nowadays focus on nothing but themselves (in general) and their career.

Not everywhere, and actually, only in a few places does that happen ( mainly highly developed capitlast countries...notice I said mainly ). The initial arugment though a bit limited does hold a valid reference to women of third countries for example, where customs have it that the woman be the submissive agent in the household, left to ensure the sustained support of the rest of the family members and especially that of the husband. Again, this talk has the potential of going off into many tangents should the topic stay broad.
By modern, do you mean stuck-up? Or stuck on themselves maybe? All the women I know are down-to-earth women who want love, and to be loved more than a career. Maybe it's because I'm middle management. I don't like anyone who uses power, or is overly ambitious about anything really. I tend to avoid such people.

Oh, and just because a statement you made offended me doesn't mean I won't still hug ya. Shit, my husband pisses me off all the time when we debate stuff, and we just end up telling each other to fuck off or giving each other the finger and go back to what ever else we were doing. Differening opinions do not enemies make.
Arditezza said:
By modern, do you mean stuck-up?

That is of course the big question: what is a modern woman? I was having this discussion about a week ago with my friend (male). We came to the conclusion that we men (well, just the 2 of us probably) finally found out what is important in life (a woman to love and a warm bed). But now that we discovered this the women surrounding us have discovered how it was for men before we (the 2 of us at least) saw the holy light. Now they want a career (well, please do if it pleases you. We don't value a career anymore) and whatever attitude that comes with it. An attitude that is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of career.

It could be of course that we happen to live in the wrong kind of social circle.

Arditezza said:
All the women I know are down-to-earth women who want love, and to be loved more than a career.

Unfortunately it has a long time since I met a woman like that.

Arditezza said:
Maybe it's because I'm middle management. I don't like anyone who uses power, or is overly ambitious about anything really. I tend to avoid such people.

I couldn't avoid it for 4 years. In fact I thought I could handle it. I was wrong, so now I am quitting science. I had enough of the networking and the powerplay.
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different dimensions said:
does any one find it irritating at the fact that women are meant to be stay at home wifes and be all sweet and pleasant and they shouldnt get jobs? why is it that the men are the ones that are meant to be more daring, clever, when eve was the first one to take the apple because she wasnt afraid of god. are we meant to be being put in our place??

Take a look at this woman and tell me she's a stay at home mom!
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does any one find it irritating at the fact that women are meant to be stay at home wifes and be all sweet and pleasant and they shouldnt get jobs?

As a number of people have already pointed out: I don't know where or what you've been exposed to but, personally speaking, I've seen(been exposed to) nothing but the opposite in women over the past few years.

Gone are the days when: a women would cry to her man she barely sees him due to late night meetings; complain he has more interest in work then in family duties; wonders where those special moments her and her man used to share together have gone, replaced by plastic phoney dinner parties with clients; perplexed that when he finally does have free time to spend with family, he prefers spending it with buddies on a weekend gettaway to Northern Quebec.

The woman of those days has been tranformed from that poor neglected typical family womans life to the more fulfilling life of that man.

Of course, this is a pretty stereotypical response to a pretty stereotypical question.
We came to the conclusion that we men (well, just the 2 of us probably) finally found out what is important in life (a woman to love and a warm bed). But now that we discovered this the women surrounding us have discovered how it was for men before we (the 2 of us at least) saw the holy light. Now they want a career (well, please do if it pleases you. We don't value a career anymore) and whatever attitude that comes with it.

Here's my 2 cents. Once upon a time I was ready for a relationship. It came to me that working my ass off to achieve a less than fulfilling goal (career) wasn't what I wanted or needed to make me happy. I, just like you, figured my happiness would be found in something more lasting like a simple relationship. This came to me while I dated a certain Melissa, she was everything I imagined I needed to make me happy. But alas, it wasn't to be. She, unlike me, hadn't figured her happiness would be found in a relationship but, rather, a career. Ultimately, I was ready for a relationship and she wasn't. That's it, that's all.

Women nowadays focus on nothing but themselves (in general) and their career.
Only those not ready for a relationship. That's it, that's all.
I find "modern women" very unattractive. Out and about in their suits with briefcases like little weak men :rolleyes:
Oh dear.

This is really quite silly.

At first I thought that the preponderence of threads on women was simply because most of our members are male nerds who find the practice of getting some to be quite in need of a theory.

But then I considered culture. Everyone - from Plato to Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Dickens, just has to weigh in on the subject of women. Of course the boundaries of the discussion change from century to century. In the Middle Ages it was feminine evil, in the Victorian period it was feminine good.

Considering that everything you nitwits are gibbering, has been said before, do you not find it silly to continue your discussion?

Of course not. The subject of "women" is apparently unsolvable and endlessly fascinating.

To quote Bertrand Russell:

"For my part I distrust all generalizations about women, favorable and unfavorable, masculine and feminine, ancient and modern; all alike, I should say, result from paucity of experience."

And that, I should think, is the solution.

But I'll ask you why this sort of thing engages attention. Enlighten me.

Unfortunately it has a long time since I met a woman like that.

Perhaps if you apprehended women as humans, rather than as faceless cunts who could all be lumped into the category "modern women are", you would not repel non-materialistic women.

Kinda like what the Buddhists call Karma.

Although it is quite amusing to read your long list of the women who dumped you.

Well, this I take offense to. My family and my children come first, and rarely do I ever have time for myself, or focus on myself.

Go back to Stepford.

Please - the refugees from Manowar concerts belong on UNICEF boards, not sciforums. :)
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Xev, you say..."cosmictraveler:
Please - the refugees from Manowar concerts belong on UNICEF boards, not sciforums."


Actually she's a WWF wrestler 6' 4'' and about 220 lbs. She has a good paying job and that is good to know that women today can work anywhere they damn well please!
I have five sister two were in the military one is a stay at home mom two are working moms and the one who left the military is about to be come a working mom. Women have all of the options but it has been my experience that women focus less on the size of their paycheck and more focused on working conditions. That is why they earn less on average than males in the same job field but I believe that they have almost the same job opportunities as guys. They are not allowed in combat jobs yet. What job opportunities do you feel that you are missing?