Girl kills Mother Christmas eve


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Did anyone here about this?

my GF just said it was on the news the other day but i cant find it anywhere.
You may not be able to find it... doesn't mean it could of or did happen...
it did happen (i dont think my GF would make up a news story) i just cant find any referance to it because it happened 3 days ago

either way how sad is it that a girl killed her mother
Welcome to Earth.... :(

I heard someone got thier truck stolen on x-mas eve in these parts....

Crime doesn't take vacations.
ummm it wasnt really about a theft it was more about how sad a place we live in where a young girl kills her mother

unfortunatly i dont know the rest of the story so i cant really comment on the why but i just find it sad

a theft is a little different.
Crime is crime.... what can I say.

Becuase it takes place on a holiday doesn't make it more substantial than any other crime.
in the words of police cheif wiggum: "crime doesnt take a holiday", to which he looks over the beach at the mafia playing beach volleyball

in fact, id say that crime would be much easier on christmas with people amassing presents and all
yes THEFT would

but would you shoot, stab, or otherwise KILL your own MOTHER on chrismas eve????????????????????????????????????

thats the point. we arnt talking about ORGAINISED crime but a crime of passion, at least i think it was a crime of passion
i agree sargentlard. it could very well be that she had it coming and the timing was not at all coincedental but one of the contributing factors

i dont know. i will have to ask my GF when i talk to her if she knows any more than she told me. One thing is true tho (and very sad) suicide rates are at there highest at chrismas and altho there is a difference between murder and suicide i think they COULD be symtoms of the same genral problem in sociaty. Lack of surport for people who need it.

i mean what could possably drive a young girl to killing her mother. Not money im sure
Asguard said:
i agree sargentlard. it could very well be that she had it coming and the timing was not at all coincedental but one of the contributing factors

The straw that broke the camel's back.

One thing is true tho (and very sad) suicide rates are at there highest at chrismas

Yup...Christmas time is the higest time of depression. Stress, hectic schedules, and the all encompassing need to be liked is especially at scrutiny during the holidays. Anyone can be alone during the humdrum months of non holidays but when the spirit of togetherness, love, and family is blistering all over...well, one's lonliness tends to be grow. It feels like everyone has a pair of lips to suck on under the missetoe except your socially inept ass.

and altho there is a difference between murder and suicide i think they COULD be symtoms of the same genral problem in sociaty. Lack of surport for people who need it.

Isn't this the cause of, basically, every problem in society?

i mean what could possably drive a young girl to killing her mother.

Abuse; physical or sexual, mental problems, accident (??), anger etc etc etc

Not money im sure

Or that...Greed is a need too, just an unneccessary one I guess. You'd be surprised. A man beats his grandmother with a frying pan to near death because she forgot put cheese in his omlette...if reasons as stupid as those exist then money seems like an all too possible reason in comparison doesnn't it?
Without any real information, why should the fact that the killing took place on Christmas have
any bearing on the discussion? There are plenty of people in the world to whom Christmas is
just another day. Or perhaps she was unhappy because did not get her Tickle-Me-Cthulhu doll.

:m: Peace.
I wanted a Tickle-Me-Cthulhu doll :(.

So we're busy ethicizing, moralizing & justicizing on an event that may or may not have happened?

What the hey...?
Roman said:
So we're busy ethicizing, moralizing & justicizing on an event that may or may not have happened?

What the hey...?

No, we're just expermienting with the possibilities and making scenarios...untill we are presented some real facts. Infact about half way the discussion became about holiday time stress and the emotional problems it brings with it.
One thing is true tho (and very sad) suicide rates are at there highest at chrismas

Here's a real fact: The American Association of Suicidology reports that December has the lowest rate of suicides for any month.
It seems that the Christmas cheer is enough to prevent people from offing themselves in the darkest of months.
Roman said:
Here's a real fact: The American Association of Suicidology reports that December has the lowest rate of suicides for any month.
It seems that the Christmas cheer is enough to prevent people from offing themselves in the darkest of months.

NO WAY...really? I have always heard and read the opposite....along with

Super Bowl time: Highest time of spouse abuse and drunk driving accidents.

Summer: Highest time of murders and ice cream sales (not correlated).

You got any links?
That was my reaction, too sarge. What a disappointment, huh?

It was in today's paper, in what looks like a national article. I'm going to assume journalistic integrity here, so can I use the paper as my source or do I have to google around?