girl almost beaten to death over texting


Valued Senior Member

guys like this little @^&% should get life i don't give 2 shits if hes only 15 he destroyed that little girls life. if i ever saw his face and saw him in real live i honestly don't think i could stop myself from beating him to withing an inch of his life

the most sad part of the whole thing is someone had to have seen it and no one helped her, my faith in humanity is dwindling away at a rapid pace
Whatever, she apparently said something rather offensive about his brother who committed suicide. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.
Verbal disrespect is never an excuse to beat the crap out of someone. Never.

See, with verbal disrespect, you have the option of shrugging your shoulders and saying to yourself 'What an immature dick. She's only showing off her own lack of dignity' and leaving the area.

Not quite the same with physical violence.
It's not an excuse, but certainly it was arrogant to assume you can insult someone with impunity, especially a teenage boy who is grieving for his brother and might have poor impulse control.
guys like this..

i see
your thoughts on this...

Late last year, five teenagers where charged with aggravated battery for dousing a 15-year-old with rubbing alcohol and setting him on fire because he stopped someone from stealing his father bike.


Whatever, she apparently said something rather offensive about his brother who committed suicide. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.

regardless of what happened.. first of who ever touches the other person first is at fault no matter what was said. so he assaulted her..

2nd he is a man she is a woman. you never hit a woman

3he beat er so bad im sure the first hit she would KOD he kept going to the extent that part of her left brain had to be removed
The guy only said it was because of what she said about his brothers death, we never actually saw what she stated in that text as yet and that will come out during the trial. He can get life in prison if he is found guilty. He's only 15 I believe. She might have instigated her problem but it was up to him to control his violent temper. From what I understand this guy has had troubles before with the law.
Who the hell cares if she was a woman? I know it was wrong and brutal, but it was not entirely unprovoked.
i see
your thoughts on this...

Late last year, five teenagers where charged with aggravated battery for dousing a 15-year-old with rubbing alcohol and setting him on fire because he stopped someone from stealing his father bike.



heard of worse too

back a few years "when i was in high school" in Omaha Nebraska about 15 girls told everyone on my space they were going to beat up a girl outside of mc donalds.. point?
well they didn't just beat her up.. they killed her. and before they bragged on my space that they were going to do it all of the girls involevd should be given life in my book
Who the hell cares if she was a woman? I know it was wrong and brutal, but it was not entirely unprovoked.

umm go punch a woman in the face and see what happens.. its not right to hit a woman and you will go to jail and to beat up a woman so bad she has to have part of her brain removed comeone spider

doesnt mater if it was provoked or not the second u lay your hands on antoher person its assault if you have something in your hand it can be filed as assault with a deadly weapon

i see
your thoughts on this...

Late last year, five teenagers where charged with aggravated battery for dousing a 15-year-old with rubbing alcohol and setting him on fire because he stopped someone from stealing his father bike.



:O :O :O
and you call US terrorists!


umm go punch a woman in the face and see what happens.. its not right to hit a woman and you will go to jail and to beat up a woman so bad she has to have part of her brain removed comeone spider

doesnt mater if it was provoked or not the second u lay your hands on antoher person its assault if you have something in your hand it can be filed as assault with a deadly weapon

i think he meant,it's horribal if it was don to a woman or a man..
"Provoking to anger" is a legitimate and actual legal defense.

"...Provocation may be alleged as a defense to certain crimes in order to lessen the severity of the penalty normally imposed..."
courtesy: West's Encyclopedia of American Law

It is also a legitimate course for the girl, mother, and their legal council to go to the media to assure the proper attention by the public, the schools, and those who may be concerned about the issue, to ensure prevention of further instances.

However, early notoriety of the details of the case to a possible future jury member of such, could backfire, and may taint the possibility of a fair trial.

In such instances, the violent accused may get...

1)reduced criminal charges
2)case dismissed

...depending on the severity of evidence (in this case texting evidence brought into court) and the amount of media emotional manipulation of the case.

Let's all be nice to those who have our address--that's just common sense.

It's not right to hit anyone except in self-defense. Please stop being sexist.

yes, but, truly, some people, never understand, only by hitting them in the face, i knew some people, who keep, just, stuck, mocking, and saying bad things, if you talk to him, want understand, i tryed to talk a few times, but, hey, a punsh on the face, fixed everything :p
as you said, yeah self defence, but, what would you do if someone tryed to steel your sister or your friend, or your friend, or your little brother or sister, bag, what would do ? wan't you punsh him? but i'm totally agree, on you can't hitt someone inless self defence, and i think the cases i mentioned, are self defence :p