Ginger Beef, Anyone?


Valued Senior Member
Alright. Here's the thing. I just recently heard that local anthropology revealed that this good 'ol "Chinese" food was invented in my city. You ask anyone here, and they'll know what Ginger beef is.

Now I've heard, that although popular, it doesn't really extent far beyond western Canada. They;ve said that some American of Eastern Canadian places have never even heard of it. My question to you people is: Have you ever heard of Ginger beef, and how popular is it in your region?

I don't really care where it was invented, I'm just confused that something so extremely popular in my region isn't even North America Wide. Any chinese Restuarant in Alberta will give you Ginger beef if you want it. Very odd:bugeye:
I am not an expert in Chinese food, but I have never heard of ginger beef. I doubt it is authentic Chinese food.
"Ginger beef"?

I'm part Chinese myself and never heard of "Ginger Beef." I eat at Chinese restaurants all the time. Dim Sum, Simae, and so on, good shit :D

Greasy though...
Oh my God!!!:eek: the rumors are true!

well, that's OK, I've never eaten it myself either. Just that it's not Kosher. And it also answers another question: When I travelled to Israel a few years ago, and ate at a Kosher chinese restuarant, they had no Ginger Beef. I asked a couple people but nobody knew what I was talking about. -supposedly a language barrier at the time. I know better now.


How about a recipe so that we can find out.

Although I've never eaten it myself, I can tell you it's supposed to be very good.
Thank you, Elbaz, When I can I promise to give it a try. I have printed the recipe...