Ghoulish Gibbon Electrocuted At Weather Ballon Crash Site, Roswell 1947?


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Wait, wait, wait, don't bin this idea just yet. A professor of anthropology has concluded that there's more to this idea than initially meets the eye. Have a look at his research of the beliefs of the native inhabitants of Papua New Guinea:

Forth, Gregory: Images of theWildman in Southeast
Asia. An Anthropological Perspective
. London: Routledge,
2008. 343 pp. ISBN 978-0-7103-1354-6. Price:
£ 95.00
This book is the fruit of long-term fieldwork, library
research, and regional comparison-making in a special
ethnological arena. Prof. Forth’s remit is wide, and his
scholarly scope is correspondingly deep. He has covered
a huge terrain of materials across Southeast Asia and
including parts of the Pacific region, all in pursuit of
the elusive topic expressed in his title, “Images of the
Wildman.” Forth is not averse to many different forms of
speculation, interpretation, and deduction in relation to
the array of materials he has marshaled, and the result
is an impressive testimony both to his persistence in
following leads into byways and corners of ethnography
and to the acuity of his thoughts about the topic as a
There are two main aspects of his enquiry. One is to
establish the distribution of a particular set of images of
“wildmen” or “hominoids,” partly human creature, who
appear to be neither simply fictional/symbolic nor entirely
a product of empirical observation. The other is to
Anthropos 105.2010
Rezensionen 637
relate these traditions both to the spread of Austronesian
speakers throughout Southeast Asia and Oceania (including
Taiwan, a putative origin place of the Austronesians),
and to the recent discovery of homo floresiensis remains
in Flores, where Prof. Forth has carried out his own longterm
The distribution of stories about categories of wildmen
is extremely wide. Forth’s erudite exposition takes
us progressively from his field areas among the Nage of
Flores with their ideas of the ebu gogo category, through
other examples from Flores, and then progressively outwards
to Sumba, Timor, the Moluccas, Sulawesi, Sumatra,
Borneo, Java, and Bali, all within Southeast Asia
(chapters 1–6). In chapters 7–10 he embarks on another
comparative journey through Sri Lanka, China, and the
Himalayan region with its traditions of the yeti. Throughout,
he finds evidence that these wildman images may be
partly derived from observations of primates, but he cautions
that a simple empiricist explanation is not entirely
adequate, because “the representations include a residue,
apparently (though not always certainly) fantastic, which
cannot simply be derived from experience of known animals”
(202). He finds this same pattern in examples from
further afield outside of Asia, in Europe, North America,
Australia, and Africa, bringing the discussion form
Southern Africa over to Madagascar, a link with Southeast
Asia (chapter 8).
In chapter nine Prof. Forth comes to the Pacific region,
including the areas conventionally labeled Melanesia,
Polynesia, and Micronesia. Appropriately enough,
Taiwan and the Philippines, as homes of Austronesian
speakers, are included here. Forth discusses the Solomons
category of the kakamora and the mumu, the vui of
Vanuatu, and notions of aggressive creatures with long
hair and teeth, said to steal pigs and eat humans (246).
This last image of aggressive cannibalism leads to a discussion
of materials from Mount Hagen in the interior
highlands of Papua New Guinea. There are two prongs
to the analysis here. One has to do with reports of “pygmies,”
since short stature is a recurrent motif in wildman
images. These, however, should not too readily be assimilated
to wildman traditions. Forth quotes information
from Hein Dosedla about “cannibals,” light-skinned people
portrayed in Hagen folktales as cannibals who prey
on ordinary humans. Forth reports that these cannibals,
according to Dosedla, are seen as having also reddish
hair, sometimes all over their bodies (247). From our own
fieldwork knowledge dating from the 1960s, and from
the earlier work by Vicedom and Tischner, and Strauss
and Tischner, we would comment that there are actually
two categories of light-skinned beings in folktales from
Hagen: one is the light-skinned cannibals known as kewa
wamb nui wamb (“the strangers who eat people”),
other is the Tei Wamb, the creative origin people who
are seen as giving the underlying power to humans to
procreate and prosper in their lives and whose abode is
the sky and mountain tops. Neither category corresponds
at all closely to the “short hairy hominoid” image of the
Wildman. As for pygmies, Hageners traditionally viewed
the people of the Jimi Valley area north of Hagen as being
very short and also as possessors of kum koimb powers of
sorcery/witchcraft (see P. J. Stewart and A. J. Strathern,
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors, and Gossip. Cambridge
2004). But they did not regard them as less than human
or wildmen in that sense.
A recurrent feature in wildman stories is the idea
that humans exterminated these creatures at some time
in the past. This feature appears in the Nage stories
from which Forth begins his quest. It turns up also in
Taiwan, for example among the Saisiat, who have a
story of earlier symbiosis with cave-dwelling dwarfs,
whom they then killed because these dwarfs “seduced
their women” (253). A male and female dwarf pair,
however, escaped and before leaving taught the Saisiat
an agricultural ritual which they now perform every two
years (253). This interesting point sets the Saisiat case
apart from the more common stories of how humans
simply killed the wildmen off. Forth carefully notes this
and other differences from his Nage materials.
In a final chapter (chap. 10), Forth meticulously reviews
all of his materials. He muses on the symbolic
status of wildmen as inverted opposites of the proper
forms of human sociality (262), but notes that specific
features of these images still need to be explained. Wildmen
are not simply spirit figures (263). They do seem
to be universally figures that mediate between humans
and animals (271), and thus can be derived both from
observations of human-like animals and “other” humans,
seen as not fully cultural beings (marked by their habits
of stealing from humans, although humans steal from
one another also). Finally Forth considers the intriguing
possibilities of overlap between the Nage ebu gogo and
the Homo floresiensis findings, concluding that “at best”
there is only “an approximate concordance” (282). More
broadly, however, he thinks that prosaic descriptions of
wildmen categories, among the Nage and elsewhere, reveal
a development of naturalistic observation that is
also akin to “the emergence of scientific thought” (286).
Ethno-taxonomies in general, of course, reveal the same
capacity for empirical observations of “nature.”
Taken all in all, this book is a scholarly and intellectual
tour de force in the grand traditions of comparative
enquiry in mainstream anthropology. It is also an eloquent
testimony to the stimulus of field materials, indicating
how an interest in ebu gogo tales among the Nage
led Forth into such a sweeping, original, and thoughtful
comparative odyssey.
Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart

Now, compare with this recent eyewitness event from a log cabin in Canada:

Creepy Creature Seen in Canadian Rockies------BY JONNY C.

I've never really been a believer in the paranormal and I always try to find a rational explanation for things that I have trouble working out, at least until last summer. Originally from New Jersey, I decided to take my wife and kids for a vacation. We went to visit my in-laws who have a cabin in the Canadian Rockies.

For the first few days, we enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the country and went on a bunch of hikes and bike rides in the forest around the cabin, during which I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in what must have been a 20 mile radius around the home.

The cabin is pretty old and runs on a separate generator near the tool shed in the back of the yard which my father-in-law says has always been temperamental and can create an eerie atmosphere when the lights flicker on and off, so I know better than to be spooked by shadows and bumps in the night.

However, one night (around 10pm) we were sitting around about to go to bed when the lights completely gave out and the pitch blackness of the countryside meant that we could see literally nothing. Before I could grab the flashlight, I heard rustling outside the cabin and something brushed the side of the wall by the living room. I tried to put on a brave face for my kids and told them that it was probably a coyote and they should just go to their room although from the noises it made, it sounded bipedal and quite a bit bigger.

Pretty creeped out, I grabbed my flashlight and headed out to the generator, shining the light on the ground to find my way. But out the corner of my eye I saw something which terrified me so much I don't know if I can even find the right words to describe it. I couldn't make it out exactly--all I could see was a creature in my peripheral vision. It looked human and about six feet tall with ghost white skin. I knew it was staring at me.

At this point, I was mustering up the courage to look at it and when I shined the torch at it, I got a good look at the monster. It's so difficult to portray with words but it looked like a man whose skin was too tight for his body; you could see all of his organs bulging through his skin and the bones made it look almost like an insect, with the lower arm extending further up the arm and the shin bones doing the same.
But what jolted me the most was the fact that it had no face whatsoever but still had indentations where the eyes should be
. The bright light startled the creature and it hunched over as if about to run. This was all I could see in the brief glimpse I got before I dropped the flashlight in fright and by the time I picked it up it had darted into the forest.

I ran to the back of the cabin and stayed there for what seemed like forever making sure it had gone before I went back to the generator. I didn't tell anyone when I went back inside what I had seen and I don't really know why; I suppose to protect the children and in case my wife didn't believe me.

About a week afterwards I started having a recurring nightmare. Every night I would dream about that night and wake up in cold sweats until I finally confessed to my wife about it all and started seeing a therapist to help me with my sleeping.

I came across this website looking for other people with similar experiences and I have trouble finding accounts which match what I saw. I'd love to hear any stories about any people who think they have seen what I saw or who have had any experience getting over and encounter with the paranormal

Now compare this with the eyewitness sightings of the Dover Demon:


All I'm saying is that if a strange 'alien' body was recovered along with the balloon wreckage, then it's much more likely to be an earthly crypto creature, rather than the popular myth of a "space alien". Anyone see what I mean?
Yes, thank you for a positive opening comment Pinwheel. The Arabs first identified this cryptid creature with the name of ghoul, which lured people away to get lost and die of exhaution and starvation..

A ghoul is a folkloric monster associated with graveyards and consuming human flesh, often classified as undead. The oldest surviving literature that mention ghouls is likely One Thousand and One Nights. The term is first attested in English in 1786, in William Beckford's Orientalist novel Vathek,[1] which describes the ghūl of Arabian folklore.

Ghoul is from the Arabic ghul, from ghala 'to seize'[2].Marc Cramer and others believe the term to be etymologically related to Gallu, a Mesopotamian demon[3][4].

It lures unwary travellers into the desert wastes to slay and devour them.
I'm just going to point this out in case you miss this, I know the psychology establishment complain at my attempt to convey to you that you perhaps have a small conspiracy/delusion problem. (I guess in their institutes when someone is greeted with a contradiction to their reasoning, they can become violent and disturbed, I really hope that's not the case with you, otherwise you would be a stereotype.)

Now lets first ascertain from the number of conspiracies you are putting forwards, actual merit.

Roswell Crash having "Aliens", Currently not particularly credible.

Wildmen, Stories of wildmen have existed for a number of years, especially back when there were in fact wilds for people to survive in. The number of "wild men, women or children" has however dropped since the world has become more populated and travelling through it quicker. (It's not like it takes months to arrange a rescue party etc)
Therefore credibility is "Past Tense".

Candian Scary Creature. If actually really seen (remember Witness statements are often confused and involve their own psyche attempting to rationalise a situation and therefore invent more back story to a glimpse of a shadow etc.) then it was possibly a sick polar bear suffering from starvation and mange. (Especially where he states "The bright light startled the creature and it hunched over as if about to run.") Again I wouldn't suggest credible.

As for the "Dover Demon", again it's easy to be Skeptical since the people that saw it during that period were Teenagers. What they might of actually seen however was someone's escaped pet or it in turn was a complete fabrication. Again not Credible.

You see currently in your mind you see each of these being a "Scientifically Proven Fact" and that's the problem, you aren't looking at these "Facts" sceptically which means you are open to generating delusional reasoning. You need to try and get more of a grip with understanding what a "Fact" entails, it isn't "Just a statement", it's "a statement that can be tested to be proven true", in all of the "facts" you've automatically assumed to be true, they have neither been tested nor is it possible to test to be true, so you should in essence be sceptical.
Interestingly this report from the Chinese mountain of Taibai supports the 'gibbon wildman hypothesis', Wildman sighted on Taibai Mountain

Reporters interviewed many residents of Mei County, and their accounts varied. According to one story, when several travelers from Xi'an made camp in the deep forest, they suddenly heard a howl and when they looked up, they saw a hairy monster moving back and forth in the woods. After one of them cried, "It is a monster," they ran away in panic and nearly fell into a groove. It was said that these travelers were too frightened and were completely speechless for a few days after they got off the mountain, and they were admitted to the hospital right after returning to Xi'an.

.... according to another story, a few backpackers from Shanghai went to visit Taibai Mountain, the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, and started climbing the mountain in Houzhenzi Village, Zhouzhi County. They walked for two days in the misty mountain where there are a large number of old rattan plants and trees.

When they made camp at the foot of a cliff in the undeveloped Donghe scenic zone at dusk on the third day, they heard an unearthly cry and dimly saw a humanlike creature flying overhead, but the creature was quickly out of sight before they could take a good look. Afterwards, one of them said that the creature was entirely covered with hair but closely resembles a human being, and can swing from branch to branch. This unexpected incident really scared them all.
This has just been posted in another forum:

Ok what I'm about to explain will probably be met with skepticism, understandably as it seems made up but its all very real. I haven't talked to people about it because they'd think Im crazy but maybe there's a chance someone here would have answers. Bear with me its a long story and it went on for a long time. In fact after going away for a while, I think it may be coming back which is why Im posting this.

It all started a few years ago when I moved to a new house. I do mean new; it had just been built so it couldn't be "haunted" by an old owner. My aunt and cousins moved next door: also a brand new house. My cousin was 16 or 17 and I was a year older. Things were ok for a while, but then my cousin began seeing a black movement out the corners of his eyes occasionally. He didn't bother telling me this until much later because he assumed it was nothing. Then he began hearing scratching noises against the walls when he was home alone. The black movement also changed to black glistening fingers that would move out of sight quickly, such as under his table once. At this point he started telling me about it but I still experienced nothing. Then things got worse for him. He was alone in the living room when pots and pans were "thrown" out of some cupboards and several times he would hear banging on the walls, in addition to the scratching.

This is when he began actually seeing it. He was in his bathroom and when he opened the door he saw a black humanoid figure standing a few feet down his hallway. It was all black and glistening, had red eyes and a ring of small horns around his head. My cousin shut the door and stayed in the bathroom until his mom got home from work. After that he became extremely religious and put crosses all around his room. The kid was terrified but unfortunately things still got worse. He would see it outside of his door or window occasionally, and it would fly or jump away. He described it as if it was suddenly sucked away. He had a single mother who worked all the time and two older brothers who weren't around much. He was left alone a lot which is why I think it preyed on him. It kept up and he began going into a depression. He said he heard things in his head but he wouldn't explain it. He saw it again outside one night with a white humanoid creature, who had no eyes or mouth and was crawling ahead of the black thing.

I still had seen nothing at this point but I felt terrible for him. It sounds crazy but I knew he wasn't making it up by the way he was acting and how bad he looked. By this point it had been months of incessant "haunting". I looked out my window one night and saw it finally on his roof by his window, and then fly backwards into the darkness. I started looking out at his house more often and I him leaving his house and walking into these woods we have behind our houses. I noticed him going out there more and more. Then whats interesting is he was at school in art class I believe, sitting at a table with some friends. They noticed something in a dark closet next to them; it was standing, leaning against the wall. They could barely make it out but it looked like a pale human. He knew what it was but didn't tell them. They filmed it from a phone and then it went back into the darkness. they went in the closet and no one was in there. I watched the video its pretty amazing to me.

Then inexplicably he turned things around. He got religious again, stopped going into the woods at night and things got much better. Some time went by when I began seeing things out of the corners of my eyes. I ignored it and refused to believe it was anything. I didn't want what happened to him to happen to me. Then one night at my computer the strangest feeling came over me. I started thinking of things but with almost no control of what I thought. Mostly it was about God; that is to say denying him. And whenever I referred to myself it was plural as in "We" not "I". Its hard to explain but it was basically "we can have anything we want. God will give us everything we want but we can also have whatever we want without him" And in my mind i felt as if i had to choose between god and no god. The thing was no god was unbelievably appealing, but I didn't want to deny god because deep down it was still me. I know it sounds really stupid but i sat there unable to think of anything else or to make a choice for 45 minutes to maybe even an hour. It was excruciating in a weird way. I thought I was going to lose my mind and almost hoped for it; anything to escape my own thoughts. Eventually it suddenly stopped and I sat there exhausted and honestly on the verge of tears. I went outside with my cousin one night soon after and we walked around my neighborhood. I told him about it and he said he would always refer to himself as we when he went through it too. Then out of nowhere I honestly believed he had tricked me to come out there and was going to kill me with a knife and I was terrified. I told him and then immediately felt ok again. Why I would believe my cousin I had known my whole life and one of my closest friends would want to kill is beyond me.

Nothing happened again. After that things went back to the way they had been before and we tried to forget what happened. He told me when he would go out into the woods he would sit there in the darkness and felt powerful. He said whatever it was talked to him and wanted him to do bad things. It sounds like schizophrenia which I had considered early on but I don't think it is at all; too many people experienced it. Through out the ordeal several times he would be on the phone with someone and then mid conversation they would start asking if it was really him and act scared or paranoid. Recently we were hanging out and he was on the phone with this girl. All the sudden she said she heard someone on the phone whisper something about going to hell. I was right beside him and he didn't hear anything. I should mention before and during every time something was happening we would feel this horrible dread. I know it sounds made up but I swear its all real, in fact there was more but I wanted to tell the things I remembered most clearly to not add or forget details. If anyone has experienced anything similar Id like to hear and if anyone has answers it would be much appreciated, no matter how small. Im worried its coming back because of that last phone call. Im in college now but he's still at home and I don't want him to go through that again, especially not alone.
You see currently in your mind you see each of these being a "Scientifically Proven Fact" and that's the problem, you aren't looking at these "Facts" sceptically which means you are open to generating delusional reasoning. You need to try and get more of a grip with understanding what a "Fact" entails, it isn't "Just a statement", it's "a statement that can be tested to be proven true", in all of the "facts" you've automatically assumed to be true, they have neither been tested nor is it possible to test to be true, so you should in essence be sceptical.

Dont worry, apparently he has a business idea to develop a camera to capture the Giant European Hyrax and Black British Panther mating, using recognition software. I expect it to be uploaded to Red Tube.
Here's another one:

i need some help identifying a "demon" or spirit ive encountered now three or more times, i often hear strange things but ignore them hoping they are unrelated. i believe im being haunted or something like that, i dont really know what is going on to be honest so ill just tell you my story, please give me your thoughts or any suggestions or theories as to what i should do..

#1 2006 i was 16 mid summer not sure of the exact date i had my first encounter, i was working at subway at the time and had got off work around midnight or so hung out for a while then got home around 2am ish parked my car and i heard a scratch or scrape sound from my house i looked at my roof and i saw the silhouette almost human figure crouched maybe 4 to 5 ft tall if it where standing quite skinny, it had very large, thin ears sticking straight up(maybe horns?) a short thin tail an elongated face, rather long thin first i thought i was imaging it..looked away and began to approach my house(about 20yards from my home) i looked back up and immediately froze with fear, the figure slowly began to crouch lower i began to sweat and became very cold i stared at the thing and i couldnt stop from watching it i then ran in to my house and nearly cried because i was so scared.
common_sense_seeker.... you perhaps have a small conspiracy/delusion problem.

...and the "Understatement of the Year Award" goes to.....(opens envelope)......Stryder! :)

It's ok're posts are at least a "Holy shit...that dudes bat-shit crazy"...kinda way :)
Dont worry, apparently he has a business idea to develop a camera to capture the Giant European Hyrax..
Funnily enough, I've now changed my opinion of which cryptid was found from a white ghoulish gibbon to the female dogman. This is because the female dogman is now recognised as a short coated grey with large eyes on the side of her head with a non-prominent snout unlike the male warewolf. The hyrax ingeneral is also known to not have visible genitalia

In the book it states that you can sex the hyrax by rubbing the genital region. The males give off a smell similar to pear drops. It's not easy to sex the rock hyrax as the testes are internal.

A reported feature of the recovered 'alien bodies'..
Never mind the ghoulish Gibbon, what about the shadow of a giant squirrel top world scientists found in Nepal using google earth?

Open Google Earth
If you are not on the Fly to menu click on Search. (top left)
Enter placename Chukhung.
Pick the Samarang option.
Zoom out a bit.
Then go due east. A good way east.
You will see a big pale blue lake, the same shape as Canada.
Just below it is a small round dark blue lake.
Here you will see the giant squirrel.
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Those scientists.
How did they have the brilliance to find such a squirrel?
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Wow, I just found that these things are known as 'faceless ghosts' in Japan Noppera-bo

While the world is concerned about the nuclear problem unfolding in Japan, and make no mistake it is a serious issue, there is another problem brewing in the small island nation. Another problem with global consequences. Faceless, quite literally, faceless creatures have returned from the pages of history and even now are setting their unknown plans in motion. What are these creatures you ask? The Noppera-bō.

What are Noppera-bō?
A Noppera-bō is a formerly thought mythical Japanese creature. Appearing as humans from the head down, Noppera-bō do not have faces. On a Noppera-bō, where the face would be on a human, is a featureless expanse of highly elastic skin covering a sophisticated group of muscles the Noppera-bō can manipulate. This skin, like human skin has many layers, and below the outer transparent layer is a layer of chromatophores like those found in chameleons, skin cells that can manipulate the colour of light reflected. These unique characteristics allow Noppera-bō to copy human faces, though they prefer to wear their faceless "faces" when possible.