

Valued Senior Member
My wife has had several paranormal experiences during her lifetime.
What makes this more than interesting, is that she has never been 'a searcher or seeker' of the supernatural. She was and is, a very natural and unassuming person, with both feet planted firmly on the ground (as opposed to me-in the sense that I've always questioned the meaning of God and existence and have conciously gone after knowledge and supernatural experiences), so it's ironic that she should be the one to have these things happen to her!

Her earliest recollection of such an experience, when she was about 10, involved her hearing the apparently familiar footsteps (with walking stick) of a person who had recently died a few months previously.
The footsteps could be clearly heard as they approached from a distance on crunchy gravel, until they came to just outside the front door which was open and stopped!
She screamed with fright and ran out of the house in terror.
This happened just the once.

At 18, she once sat in a circle with her flatmates and friends and they invoked the spirits with a glass tumbler and lettered and numbered cards {similar to Ouija?).
It was the first time she had actually done anything like this and it was actually somebody elses idea, one of the flatmates.
Anyway, to cut a short story shorter, they asked this spirit various things and the spirit actually told them (spelt out) that it wouldn't answer their questions unless one of the group was removed, because they happened to be 'an unbeliever'.
So the unbeliever removed herself from the group and the others carried on.
They were given a name and an adress by the spirit, over and over. Presently some of the girls commented that one of them must be manipulating the glass, as doubt began to creep in and they all removed their fingers from it.
As soon as they did this, the glass jumped up and down on the table and skidded around in all directions in a crazy fashion, until it came to rest.
The girls were naturally frightened by this and so they stopped and their friends went home.
That night they did not get a minute of rest,because something was pounding their walls, their doors and their windows all night.
Within 24 hours they all moved to different accommodations from fright!
Some time later one of the girls,(the one who had instigated the 'game'), made inquiries at the adress they were given by the spirit and it turned out that a person of that name had indeed once lived at that adress, but had been dead for a number of years!!

At 25 she experienced astral projection, quite naturally, without conciously inducing it and while quite sober I may add.
She saw herself and me, laying side by side sleeping (as we were).
She didn't mention this to me until 15 years later when she 'heard about' astral projection for the first time and realised that it had happened to her.

Around 12 years ago she went to bed and as she waited to drift off to sleep she felt somebody come and sit on the edge of the bed beyond her feet and she could hear it panting heavily. Suddenly it left and she pulled the sheets over her face in terror, wondering if she had imagined it and peering
out cautiously.
Next thing she knows, something's sat on the edge of the bed again, only on the other side now and is panting as before. She runs out of the room and finds me in my studio, "Come quickly there's a ghost in our bedroom!" she says.
"Yeah right, Yiani," I say.
We go to the bedroom and...well, there's no ghost.
Some time later we were talking with our next door neighbour who was renting the whole house very cheaply but never used the upstairs floor.
On inquiring of the reason why, she never used the upstairs accommodation. She told us that 'strange' things happened up there.
Such as? " oh noises and's full of ghosts up there!"
"Well you know about the suicides don't you?"
"What suicides?"
"Oh I thought you knew, well in the main bedroom upstairs - the one next to yours, a family of 5 all commited suicide by hanging themselves!"
Need I say more?

[This message has been edited by tablariddim (edited January 08, 2000).]
If we were swapping ghost stories, I'd need to set up a server all my own for my listings. We've been tracking down ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night for years now. One of the current ones is in my father's house. Something in the kitchen keeps crumpling paper bags and throwing them in the garbage can. After several attempts to identify Mr. Spook, we all just learned to live with it. Unfortunately, the paper bags are just as phantasmal as the ghost is. No luck on securing an undead housekeeper!
I could use one to start the morning coffee.

It's all very large.
Most people just use an automatic coffee pot. You could also plug it into a timer, which works just as well and looks a lot less weird than trying to summon the undead at 5AM. :D
But will that hi-tech coffee maker throw out the trash? No, I think that requires the talents of a spook.
I wonder, do they have a temp service?

It's all very large.
A hi-tech coffee pot won't throw out the trash, but then again, neither will a low-tech significant other.

I had an incident happen as I was moving in to my apartment. I had just moved the kitchen table when I saw a beautiful Himalayan cat sitting on my counter. Since the door had been wide open, I assumed it had come in on it's own. I love cats, so I said "Hi, kitty!" (Not expecting it to say 'hi' back, of course... ;)) As I watched, it casually hopped off the counter. The table was between us, so I didn't see him as he hit the floor, but neither did I hear him. I looked around the table to see if he was friendly and waiting for food, but there was no sign of the cat. I had been standing at the door, so I would have seen him if he darted out. He appeared to have simply vanished into thin air.

What I want to know is, how does a family of "FIVE" come to hang "themselves?" Successfully, no less???
I believe there are ghosts roaming around on this earth. What ghosts are is souls are earthbound and they don't know they have died and haven't gone to the other side. :)

everything is not what it
appears to be
It's very possible that apparitions are nothing more than some sort of replay of an event that happened some time in the past. Of course, there is a problem with this answer. Just how do some ghostly phenomena appear to interact with solid objects or even people as sometimes happens. Are we talking about two completely different types of phenomena here?

I myself have experienced the second variety in my own house now for many years. All the members of my family and a number of my friends have all witnessed seemingly inexplicable things happen.

I will suggest that anybody on this board who chooses to disbelieve this stuff should think again. So many things have happened in my house down the years that it's now getting difficult to remember them all. However, nobody has actually ever seen anything. It all seems to be a very mild form of poltergeist activity.

Ouiga boards are possibly a different thing again. I have to admit that it was only recently that I actually saw a seance for myself at first hand. Although I did not take part, I stood and watched with interest from close range. I really don't know what I expected but I was totally astonished when the glass first started to tremble and then spell out words which seemed to convey impossible information. I cannot offer any explanation for what I saw. As far as I was concerned no trickery was involved. I went right close up to the glass to look at it at one stage and the way it was vibrating was hard to believe.

Does anybody have any other thoughts on what might be going on here?