

Registered Senior Member
Being a science forum, I know that most people on here will refute the notion of "ghosts".

If I were to vouche for the exsistence of ghosts based on personal experience, I would get answers like "it was purely psychological" or "my consciousness fabricated an illusion" and whatever else the non-believer could come up with to try and find an explanation.

Well, start laughing, because I can talk from person experience. I have a few ghost stories. So tell me, what's your interpretation on ghosts, and the literally millions of stories about sightings?
Any evidence collected under scientific and objective conditions? If so then present it and let people consider it.

ggazoo said:
Well, start laughing, because I can talk from person experience. I have a few ghost stories.
so can I, but I'm not stupid enough to believe they where ghosts, there's always a more logical explaination.

as katazia said, produce evidence to prove there existence,
James randi will give you a million dollars.
I have seen 'ghosts' on two occasions. And you are correct. The answer you will get from me is "it was purely psychological".
Ghost sightings likely fall into one of these categories.
1) Hallucination, related to
a) Drugs
b) Sleep states
c) Brain damage
2) Misinterpretation of normal 'object' because of
a) Poor lighting conditions
b) Poor eyesight
c) Poor common sense
3) Misinterpretation of abnormal 'object'
a) As above
b) Unfamiliarity
4) Hoax
5) As yet unknown phenomenom
The amusing thing with ghost stories is they're always so vague:

"I heard a thump".

Further to which, what makes you think it's a dead person walking around? Surely it could be anything you can dream of: An alternate dimension that is intertwined with this one. Every now and then faded images of this other dimension appear in this one.

That is just one such example from off the top of my head, but it is as plausible as the notion that the thump in the attic has to be a dead guy. Of course it would help to hear your particular ghost stories. Upon doing so we can then either just accept that it was indeed a dead guy or can offer possible alternatives that are worth considering.

What generally strikes me as particularly odd about ghost stories is any characters portrayed in them are always wearing Victorian clothing. Why are there no ghosts wearing 'bling' or a pair of Levis and some Rebook trainers?
kat said:
Any evidence collected under scientific and objective conditions? If so then present it and let people consider it.
and if not?
Ophiolite said:
I have seen 'ghosts' on two occasions. And you are correct. The answer you will get from me is "it was purely psychological".
Ghost sightings likely fall into one of these categories.
1) Hallucination, related to
a) Drugs
b) Sleep states
c) Brain damage
2) Misinterpretation of normal 'object' because of
a) Poor lighting conditions
b) Poor eyesight
c) Poor common sense
3) Misinterpretation of abnormal 'object'
a) As above
b) Unfamiliarity
4) Hoax
5) As yet unknown phenomenom

I would also add: 6) Illusions




Watch the X in the middle very closely. You should start to see a green dot that rotates around the circle - this dot is an illusion; then you should see see the purple dots disappear.... but they haven't really gone. It is an after image effect, sometimes called a 'negative retinal afterimage' - move your head slightly, and the dots will reappear... amazing or what?

This illusion was designed by Jeremy L Hinton of Bristol, UK, and this illusion - with a lot more explanation and many other illusions as well - can be found at the web site of Michael Bach.

If you liked this illusion, have a look at the Hollow Face Illusion...
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kat said:
Then why give it any further thought?
maybe to understand what was happening in the expereinces that Qqazoo had. he say that he has some stories, something has affected him, something that made a strong enough impression on him for him to want to explore further and seek opinions of a scientific community.

you are not willing to see what happened to Qqazoo unless it happened under certain conditions. how come personal experience has no value unless it happens in such a way that it can be objectively analized? is it more beneficial to say " i dont want to hear about you expereinces"? how objective is that?
light said:
I should think it's pretty clear that Kat was implying that if it's not, then it's not worth considering. And I agree.
kat can speak for herself can she? or do you feel that you need to support each other now?
ellion said:
maybe to understand what was happening in the expereinces that Qqazoo had.
how can you understand, someones experiences, without him providing prove they actually happened, especially when they far fetched imagining, to understand without prove means you except the lunacy.
ellion said:
he say's that he had some stories, something has affected him, something that made a strong enough impression on him for him to want to explore further and seek opinions of a scientific community.
so what do you expect, a scientific community to do, accept without evidence, on just hearsay. that would be a very strange scientific community indeed.
ellion said:
you are not willing to see what happened to Qqazoo unless it happened under certain conditions. how come personal experience has no value unless it happens in such a way that it can be objectively analized?
and you are asking a scientific community that.
you should know better.

incidently I'm answering your statement, because I wished to address it, it has nothing to do with what Kat thinks, she's quite capable, of writing her own replies.
ellion said:
kat can speak for herself can she? or do you feel that you need to support each other now?

I was not speaking for Kat. I simply observed what Kat said, your reply, and then stated what I thought should have already been obvious to you. Like it or not, this is an open forum where anyone can reply to anyone.

I can't help but notice that you seem to feel like we're ganging up on you (in re: " each other...". That's generally the feeling that people get when they take the side of foolish unsubstantiated claims. Starting to feel a bit persecuted, are you? ;)
Ellion –

maybe to understand what was happening in the expereinces that Qqazoo had.
Which cannot be done meaningfully without objective and independent evidence.

you are not willing to see what happened to Qqazoo unless it happened under certain conditions.
Correct since the past many thousands of similar claims have not resulted in any useful conclusions. Why waste time examining yet another subjective opinion?

how come personal experience has no value unless it happens in such a way that it can be objectively analized?
Because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

is it more beneficial to say " i dont want to hear about you expereinces"? how objective is that?
Because there is no reason to believe that ghosts exist based on mere personal experiences. Past investigations show it is highly probable that the claimant has been fooled by any number of illusions or similar. Something far more powerful needs to be presented before it will pique my interest.

geese said:
how can you understand, someones experiences, without him providing prove they actually happened, especially when they far fetched imagining, to understand without prove means you except the lunacy.
something happend to qqazoo. the only record he has is a memory. we can begin to eplore the memory, to understnd the what this expereince meant to him. through which we may discover whatthe expereince was.

incidently I'm answering your statement, because I wished to address it, it has nothing to do with what Kat thinks, she's quite capable, of writing her own replies.
why do you feel you need to tell me this?
I can't help but notice that you seem to feel like we're ganging up on you
really then your poor analysis tells me you have terrible observation skills.
when you judge, you only judge yourself.

That's generally the feeling that people get when they take the side of foolish unsubstantiated claims.
what unsubstantiated claims have i taken the side of? in fact what side have i taken?

Starting to feel a bit persecuted, are you?
not really, no. i am starting to feel like i am not going to get an intelligent discussion on topic.
Well, start laughing, because I can talk from person experience. I have a few ghost stories. So tell me, what's your interpretation on ghosts, and the literally millions of stories about sightings?
HA HA HA HA HA!!!! LOL!!!! ROFLMAO!!! (jk)
I don't think you've told us.. so just out of pure curiosity, can you tell us about those ghost encounters?
There are millions of stories and sightings about just about everything. I've known people who have seen UFOs, fairies (I ain't lying), auras, etc. and there are people who claim dragons exist, (click here- ), Both my mom and my dad have said they have felt um... well... in mexico they call it the dead sitting on you or something, in other places they say a witch is sitting on you, demons, alien abductions, metal bars holding you down (japan), etc. It's just simply dream paralysis...
HECK! this girl in school says this other girl in church was possesed and she levitated off the floor, then the priest came over and expelled two demons... I forgot what the first one was, but the second one was "the devil of homosexuality".
but anyway my point is that frankly I couldn't care less how many people claim stuff, as it's irrelevant. Until I see hard evidence I won't believe it.
but anyway, what about those ghost encounters?