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Are ghosts real? To me they are. A book called "How to Find a Ghost" tells all about them. I have never seen one or come in contact with one, but I am convinced they are real. I think they are soooo cool. If you see or come in contact with one, tell me.
"I have never seen one or come in contact with one, but I am convinced they are real."

Okay..What convinces you so conclusively? I am sure there is a lot of evidence out there, but I am not very familiar with it.

Also, what do you think that ghosts are? Some paranormal creature, angels, or dead people that walk around?
There has been evidence. I have a lot of ghost stories to tell and most of them are true. But I don't like ghost stories that aren't true. There are a lot of haunted places in England and Ireland. In Ireland mostly old castles. But in this one old mansion in England they showed a picture that was taken there on tv. It was a picture of a Christmas tree but when it was developed, it showed a white outline of a man standing in front of it. That must have been scary.
My own personal experiences lead me to believe that ghosts are very real. I believe that for the most part they are the remaining energy of something that has to be done or resolved. We have had success with limited communication, but nothing spectacular. Poltergeists I have encountered in abundance. I don't consider them 'ghosts'. They are psychokinetic energy.

I am always skeptical about people who claim to encounter ghosts in graveyards. Most likely, the person didn't die in a graveyard, so the energy doesn't leave it's imprint. It seems to me that a hospital is more likely to be haunted than a graveyard.

I have found the best way to find a ghost is not to look for one. If you go into a situation looking for a ghost, you're going to see one. Investigate strange noises or lights by looking for earthly or corporeal reasons. Exhaust the normal before turning to the paranormal. Then you'll find your ghosts.
Hello Oxygen......i recall waking to find our furniture neatly placed upside down, a 50 lb bag of dogfood and 2 trays full of tupperware moved from kitchen to front door and our chow was never awakened, all doors and windows were locked. In germany we also had an apparition of a victorian woman who wuold walk down our hall reading a book only to disappear into the closet, 2 excellent sites for ghosts are and Yall have a great night.
Love and Light

Eric Cooper
I remember a time in Germany, i think it was sometime around 1946. A group of us went up to a castle,it may have been in the town of Bamberg. It was a large castle, the army had a radio station there. There were noises as if a bunch of knight's were walking through the hall with their armor plated suits on. The radio operator's got tired of listening to the wierd sounds. They cut some holes in the walls at different points around the castle. They found a space between the inner and outer walls. In the space was chains with metal plates attached, the plates would catch the wind and hit and scrape against the stone walls, making the weird sounds.

this is 6thsenser speaking here
ok i do have proof i have seen a ghost or atleast I know i have proof!!proof for me anyways...
ok here it goes!
ok when i go to sleep or atleast try to anyways 2 figures come and stand right on front of my door then come closer and then vanish

one of my friends was with me one night and "they" came and i was in my bed and it came closer and she said she could feel a stonger force of some kind and i said "yeah its because it was them"
i mean i've noticed this since i was just old anough to crawl same thing every time

[This message has been edited by 6thsenser (edited November 27, 2000).]
hello, i have not had too many experiences, but i know people who have.
a ol babysiter of mine, used to live out in a small town called old shasta, and has witnessed many things, such as seing her 'sister' run across teh hallway and sh was standing right next too her, and many mre. she has heard footsteps wile no one was home,a nd other things like doors slamming.............

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages!

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GemBLT said:
"But I don't like ghost stories that aren't true."

Hell, I do. Why do you think I'm interested in the paranormal even though I'm not entirely credulous?

“Are ghosts real? To me they are. “

To me they aren’t real. Well, one of us must be wrong. Perhaps personal belief has little bearing on the truth.

Oxygen said:
“I am always skeptical about people who claim to encounter ghosts in graveyards. Most likely, the person didn't die in a graveyard, so the energy doesn't leave it's imprint. It seems to me that a hospital is more likely to be haunted than a graveyard.”

"Superstition is simply a derogative term for a belief about the supernatural that you don't share." -Wendy Kaminer

My, oxygen, quite an impressive display of skepticism. You’re subjective experiences are MORE valid then other’s subjective experiences. “My own personal experiences lead me to believe that ghosts are very real.” That is what I tend to call a double standard.

No, couldn’t be. When YOU see a ghost, not only do you know that you saw something paranormal, but you know what it is! Gosh, you should be the pope.


That is a very illustrative anecdote. I’m going to save that.
My cousin said she saw the ghost of our Grandpa Bob. She said the ghost of Grandpa told her "Don't be scared,BethAnn." BethAnn is my cousin's name.She was only in 2nd grade. Another cousin also said she saw the ghost of Grandpa Bob. Her name is Aryn. Both of them say that I am next in seeing the ghost of Grandpa Bob.
Syn- How is it a double-standard if I base my beliefs on my own experiences? I have taken several photographs in several graveyards (looking for unique statuary, not ghosts). I have never seen a ghost nor experienced "ghostly" phenomena in any graveyard. I have, however, had such experiences in places that subsequent research has shown to have had some emotionally charged or traumatic history. Is it a double-standard because you are simply playing Devil's Advocate, or because it doesn't coincide with your own beliefs or experiences?