Ghosts, Existence, and How They Come To Be


Registered Member
Hey fellow 'on the fringe' -ers! I am new to this website which would obviously make me new to this board. I have had a simple theory about "ghosts," how they come to be, and what they are. I have absolutely no scientific evidence to support my theory so please, if you are going to flame me, do not make it about not having evidence. Basically I just wanted to see how others felt about this idea. I don't even have it totally worked out in my head yet so who knows how it's going to come out in words...

Now I have a feeling anybody who is posting on this website is a fairly intelligent person. We all know that the human brain is an overwhelmingly complex and powerful computer that we have yet to come to fully understand. Now in some cases, while I do not believe they are true, people have been able to use their minds for tasks previously thought impossible. I.E. Telekinesis. Anyways, on to the ghost subject now. Does anybody else here think it is possible that when these groups enter these so-called "haunted locations," they are bringing the ghosts with them? Let me explain. I know some of you are going to say, "well what about the ten people who have seen the same ghost at the same location?" Well what I am thinking is that these people do a walk-through of the locations and learn all about where they are investigating. The owner will tell them all of the different "spirits" in the location.

Maybe these spirits (EVPs that are captured and so on) are simply the ghost hunters brains going into overdrive. Maybe the brain is creating the wild electromagnetic field which could potentially sound like a voice. I don't know I'm basically grasping at air right now. I just thought it might be an intriguing idea to think about. Don't get me wrong thought, I believe 100% in ghosts. I just like thinking outside the box sometimes!
people have been able to use their minds for tasks previously thought impossible. I.E. Telekinesis.

That has never been proved in any scientific research that's ever been done. Can you provide us a link where you found that this is a fact or are you just speculating?

Anything that deals with "ghosts" have never been found to be scientifically valid and if you say they have been then provide us a link as to where you found that out, thanks.
Hey fellow 'on the fringe' -ers! I am new to this website which would obviously make me new to this board. I have had a simple theory about "ghosts," how they come to be, and what they are. I have absolutely no scientific evidence to support my theory so please, if you are going to flame me, do not make it about not having evidence. Basically I just wanted to see how others felt about this idea. I don't even have it totally worked out in my head yet so who knows how it's going to come out in words...

Now I have a feeling anybody who is posting on this website is a fairly intelligent person. We all know that the human brain is an overwhelmingly complex and powerful computer that we have yet to come to fully understand. Now in some cases, while I do not believe they are true, people have been able to use their minds for tasks previously thought impossible. I.E. Telekinesis. Anyways, on to the ghost subject now. Does anybody else here think it is possible that when these groups enter these so-called "haunted locations," they are bringing the ghosts with them? Let me explain. I know some of you are going to say, "well what about the ten people who have seen the same ghost at the same location?" Well what I am thinking is that these people do a walk-through of the locations and learn all about where they are investigating. The owner will tell them all of the different "spirits" in the location.

Maybe these spirits (EVPs that are captured and so on) are simply the ghost hunters brains going into overdrive. Maybe the brain is creating the wild electromagnetic field which could potentially sound like a voice. I don't know I'm basically grasping at air right now. I just thought it might be an intriguing idea to think about. Don't get me wrong thought, I believe 100% in ghosts. I just like thinking outside the box sometimes!

Like say, taking a shower after watching "Psycho"? Yes.
But producing voices, intelligible words, phrases, on a recording device that others clearly hear too. As well as cause differentiations in temperature that others feel too- Nope, Nope, and Nope.

PS These voices and temp changes are what ghost hunters claim as real not me. (I have my own internal ghost, I don't need anyone else's. lol :D)