Ghosts? Aliens?


Registered Senior Member
I know plenty of people who say that they've had experiences with ghosts or UFO's in some form. For examples:

One friend totally believes that the house she used to live at in had a ghost who lived there that would do your usual make racket, move stuff around, etc...

Another person told me they've been in bed and would see a ghost come and sit in the corner of their room.

An older fella I used to work with told me about when he was a kid in Kentucky he and a friend witnessed a UFO land on their road and sit for a bit then fly off.

I've known these people for years, and are trust worthy (as far as I'm aware). I feel they have no reason to lie, or even make shit up. They're all normal, well adjusted adults who don't partake in things that would give them visions or other stuff like that.

I have NEVER observed or felt anything beyond what is normal. Never have I seen anything to make me believe in UFO's or aliens, nor have I ever experienced anything to make me believe in the existence of ghosts.

I would be absolutely THRILLED to witness either of these things but, since it hasn't happened yet I have an incredibly difficult time believing in it, in spite of close family and friends having personal experiences.

Regardless, I'm interested if any of you have something to devulge about the topic. Being an eye-witness, having a weird experience, or just personal thoughts about it. I'm very interested though.
I have a few weird things happen of late.

Two buff envelopes i had kept for in a draw i use most days went missing,
i know i did not use them, and they have not sliped in the back of the draw
they are nowhere to be found.
The same with the glass i all ways use, it has just gone, i searched the house from top to bottom including the rubbish bin.
And now a credit card i only ever use to buy stuff over the internet has gone missing, it is all ways kept in the same draw and never leaves the house or even that one room.
I am the only living in the house and no one else has accsess, it is driving me nuts as i imagine myself in some dream state taking these things and hidding them, well if i do i make a good job of it.
As a young newlywed I often saw a ghost in the corner of the living room. It looked like a girl in a blue dress. Then my wife changed the rocks in the aqurium from blue to red and suddenly the ghost seemed to wear a redish dress :eek: Later our big angelfish died and I never saw the 'ghost' again.
There is always a rational explaintion ;)
As a young newlywed I often saw a ghost in the corner of the living room. It looked like a girl in a blue dress. Then my wife changed the rocks in the aqurium from blue to red and suddenly the ghost seemed to wear a redish dress :eek: Later our big angelfish died and I never saw the 'ghost' again.
There is always a rational explaintion ;)

So basically what you're telling me is that a ghost inhabited the body of your Angelfish in order to warn you about putting too much chlorine in the tank? Boy, seems like an awful lot of work for that. :D