Chemical warfare; if that don't work, burn 'em!
Chemical warfare works. My brother's girlfriend hates spiders. I would suggest it's to the point of being a phobia.
And I loathe the things. It has taken a bit of conscious effort to progress to the point that I don't go out of my way to kill them if I see them, but spiders just trip my species alarm somehow, so that it's sort of an us/them idea.
At any rate, I was over to mow my brother's lawn a couple weeks ago, and there's this grout bag that has long been permanently affixed to the garage floor; it's a useless garage in the sense of being a carpark, but it makes for good storage space. The previous owners installed a garage door in order to move stuff in and out, or maybe stow a motorcycle, but it's at the bottom of a sloped driveway, and someone apparently included this Quikrete® bag when trying to sandbag a midwinter leak.
Yeah, it's kid of funny.
But a house spider—genus Tegenaria—crawled up onto the top of the Quikrete® bag, and I decided that wasn't going to set well with me. So I checked with the girlfriend, who keeps a cat and a turtle in the house. Yes, they had spider spray, and no, the animals didn't generally use that part of the house.
Green light for genocide. And a genocide it was. I couldn't get to the Tegenaria directly, so I laid on all sides of it, flushing it up into open space. It was not happy when I hit it directly with the spray. I could very nearly hear it shouting, "Bastaaaaaaarrrrrd!" as it tumbled, writhing, back into the dark pit from whence it came.
So I hit the dark pit between a couple of boards. And that's when they all started coming out.
No, it wasn't an onslaught of spiders, but a couple Parasteatodae (common house spider), what looked like a Steatoda grossa (cobweb house spider), some Pholcidae (daddy long legs), and a couple of species I didn't recognize came up from the scrap woodwork. All of 'em dead. And their egg sacs. And my brother's girlfriend had to stop me from rubbing it in by setting the spray on fire.
It was a strangely cathartic battle, being so lopsided, futile, and aesthetic.
But she was delighted, and I ended up rather quite enjoying myself.
Chemical warfare is fun. I have no idea what all toxic hell I just unleashed, but it was fun.