Getting God out of Govornment.


Registered Member
In America the founding fathers gave us the right to have a govornment seperate from the church. They have taken out "god" from the pledge they say in schools, isn't it time they also took it out of the court room? It serves us nothing to have people swear an owth to a god they don't believe in and there is no point either for someone to swear an owth to the god they do believe in when it imparts no real metaphysical pact (gesa) for them to tell the truth. Jesus forgives sinners even if you lie to him, and jesus doesn't have the power to force someone who has free will to tell the truth. Sense it serves no purpose it is only doing harm an nothing else having the bible in the court room. It is our right for govornment to be free from religion and it is time we stop imposing ancient methods of dealing with things we don't like when we know they don't work. As Benjamin Frankling said, govornment never has and never will be a christian institution. Instead of having a bible in the court room let us replace it with the love and compasion and understanding of science so we can help these 'criminals' for what they really are; people who have come down with a disease.
I thought they already did remove the part about God from the oath in court. Years ago.

you DO realise that swearing on a bible has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with "well maybe if he has to swear on HIS belifs then he will hold to the truth a little more"

swear on your MOTHER if that will hold you
Haha, you're from California, aren't you? As far as I know the rest of the nation still has "One nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance.

Personally I think the pledge is just wrong even without mention of God, kids don't fucking understand what they are saying, and it's kinda' wrong to make them mindlessly spout the party line as it were, and take that as actual loyalty.
the founding fathers didn't want god out of government, they wanted to avoid the church having power within the pokitical structure of our country like in england and france did at one time.
A country invariably ends up reflecting the morals and beliefs of those who either are the majority, or scream the loudest. Sure you can say many of the founding fathers were seccularists, but many were Christians too. I'll also hand you that a church with too much power corrupts.

Putting the US Government aside, you will see this holding true world-wide. On a local level, there are small towns throughout the midwest which still have direct references to God or to christianity on their books. Salt Lake City is probably the best example of such a religious colony city.

In the case of our own Government, if you elect a religious leader of a certain moral system (including religion) into the Government, invariably the actions of that government reflect the beliefs of those in power. That is where the God reference comes in. In the case of Christianity, there have been Christian leaders since the founding fathers, and I am not referring to Thomas Jefferson, but some like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams were. It is interesting to note that when Patrick Henry first saw the Constitution his blatant anti-federalist reaction was "I smell a Rat" and then he demanded the creation of the Bill of Rights. Sure Jefferson wasn't Christian, but the guy who pushed the right to free religion WAS. Was this because he feared seccularists like Jefferson would eventually try to force any kind of religion out of the country?