Get Out Your Telescopes!!

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
UFOs, do you look for them? or do they find you?

Most storys you hear sound like they are fake, but the more cedible ones are the ones inwhich they just suddenly happened. The one that seem fake usally are by the poeple that where looking for the UFO or have seem "them" before.

I constantly watch the midnight skys in search for some glowing object buzzing around the skys.... but a watched pot never boils.

Have you ever witness something you cannot explain in the skys??

No Bull Shit Please!!! tho there nothing i can do from stoping you from lying :( :( :( :( :( :(

As Always I like to leave this Link - Nasa Mission Fotage
I once saw Venus and though it was a UFO because it was blinking colors rapidly. Was exciting while it lasted.
I have seen UFO's before, on at least 3 occasions through my life. For the most part, you don't expect to see it. It just happens, and that is the wierd part. Unless you live in a "hot-zone" where the phenomenon are more common for a given length of time, or a specific site where they have repeatedly appeared for years and years, the chances aren't all that high you might see one. To be fair, I am an amature Astronomer, I look up at the sky a lot more than other people and so it is more likely I would see one.

The most vividly detailed one I saw was on a remote stretch of road in West Texas, not far from the Pecos River, in the vincenity of Langtry, Texas. Our family van was heading in to Langley from San Antonio, up and it was just past sunset. The object appeared to be cigar shaped and it had a faint blue metalic glow to it, as it came from the East, or roughly behind us, and passed us fairly closely to the right of the van. The object did not behave erratically, but it did seem to be in a gentle climb. It was no more than a few hundred feet above the ground, and travely roughly twice the speed of our van, which was doing the 65MPH speed limit. It came within rougly a few dozen feet of us, and then sped along it's way. We were able to see it for around 20-30 seconds.
I too saw an UFO while driving from Kemmerer, WY on highway 189 going to Salt Lake City (posted in sciforums before).
last year, one evening I parked my car and stepped out of it. When I turned around to walk away from it I saw a bright white light in the night sky which appeared to be moving. As it moved the light dimmed to nothing. It lasted not longer then 5 to 10 seconds.
I don't think it was a UFO however. I have read about Iridium flares and I think I was just lucky to witness one.
Four years ago i was walking back fro the local shop at about seven pm and saw a light in the clouds most of the sky that night was clear except for a few clouds, the stars where bright and the clear, the light seemed to follow the outline of the cloud just comming to the edge, at first i thought it might have been someone with a lazer but to move and stop the way it did, my family came out to see it and we followed it as far as we could, it did the same thing over and over again, it went fast in the thickest part of the cloud, and stop dead right on the edge of the cloud it was no lazer as i dont think that anyone is that good with one the speed and then the sudden stop so as not to show its self in the clear parts of the sky, i live on a farm and we could see for some way and it never left the cloud, never seen it since but i keep looking.
I think it was 1997 when me and my friend thought we seen a UFO , we were walking on a trail coming from a hut in the woods where we were smoking blunts. It was real late maybe around 1 am and we were just talking and walking etc and I told my boy AY whats that look up there , cuz I saw a light flash real quick and it was gone but it appeared again a little distance from where I saw it. I was like what the fuck is that man, and I was yelling holy shit its a UF muh fuckin O man damn , and we started cracking up and we got all excited. At that moment the forest got hella scary all of a sudden so we started walking real fast. So we're out the forest right, walking to the store and we went to the bowling alley and .... heh we saw two small slim green aliens I think they were girls LOL standing infront of the door with antennaes that where glowing and me and my friend started laughing so hard cuz we just seen a UFO, and now we see two girls in alien costumes heh. I forgot to mention it was Holloween.
I believe I have seen a UFO when I was a kid. My parents and myself watched a white ball go from west to east. Then it came back just about directly over us and went south. Never saw it again. And maybe in Europe when I was there one night. Some friends and I were looking at the night sky and saw like a white ball again. But this time it was explained to be a satellite. I did not dispute it.

But like you I do look at the sky quite often. Matter of fact especially at night. When driving sometimes I find myself doing more looking at the sky than driving. But about 2 years ago while driving to work, I got a very bad feeling. Couldn’t describe it. I knew for some reason that something bad was coming. And I know it’s coming from above. I’ve kind of blown it off thinking I might be somewhat crazy or something. But every chance I get I look. Like I’m waiting for something to happen. Watching for some movement in the sky. Am I crazy? Maybe and didn’t even know it.
my 2cents:

I've seen UFO's several times before (3 times that i can recal).. i'm not gonna say they were aliens or whatever, but they were freaky and strange.
The first time was at the beach on a really hot night.
It was about 12am and i was just sitting there looking at the water.
Someone who i was with was laying down and noticed 2 orange lights moving in the sky and noted a few people who were around him.
The lights were Orange, not too bright, but glowing, they were sooo high up in the sky that they looked like stars... it wasn't very convicing, and i just assumed they were satalites. END STORY 1.

2nd time:
I was at home watching TV when the phone rings, it's my cousin urging me to run to his house, that 2 UFO's have just flown over their house... i leave the house and quickly run to his home (his house is about 1 min walk from mine).
When i get there, i see a glowing light in the distance, i laugh and say it's probably just a plane.... they say 'no, it wasn't a plane, we know what a plane looks like'.... bleh.. i wasn't convinced.
5 mins later, the exact same object flies over their house again... OMG!! i was stunned, shocked, speechless and a tad scared, WHAT WAS IT?! it looked like a fire in the sky, not to big, maye about the size of a compact car, and it wasn't very high in the sky.
the object flies off into the distance till we can no longer see it...
My cousin urges me to get the video camera.... i say to him, no, forget it... we wont see it again.... 5-10mins later, the exact same object flew over my cousins house, and the objects were always approaching from the back of the house. END STORY 2

3rd story:
it was about 2am , christmas eve eve, 24 hour shopping... we left the house and headed shopping, the strees were empty and as we drove, i notice a glowing orange light hovering in the distance... maybe 1km away, maybe closer, anyway we were didn't wanna stop in the middle of the road just to look at this object, so we drove slowly.. the thing didn't move, we drove till we could no longer see it... END STORY 3.

ALL objects were identical.... scary.
Saw ball lightning once as a kid, I thought it was an alien and froze in panic. It's just a memory of a memory now so I sometimes wonder if I was just imagining it.

where do you happen to live angrymanDR?

how old where you on each instant?
i live in Melbourne, Australia about 30-50mins drive from the CBD and close to moutains.
the First time i saw these objects was when i was about 16.
2nd time - 17
3rd time - 18 or 19

and i also remembered one more instant, which happened about 1 year ago.

I got home one night about 9pm and my mum noticed 2 orange objects in the distance.... one of the objects was a few meters behind the other and they were in sync.
Didn't really care much the 4th time and it wasn't really that big of a deal, because they were too far away to care.
The 2nd time was amazing though, right over our heads, no sound... funny thing though, is that i thought UFO's were supposed to fly really fast, the one's i've encountered have flown quite slowly... unexplained indeed.