George W. Bush is the antichrist. He performed not one but TWO great miracles. But...


George W. Bush is the antichrist. He performed not only one but TWO great miracles.

1. He has let everyone see two planes crashing into the WTC towers

2. He has let everyone see how he was able to multiply his votes by four in the 2004 elections

Amerika deserves its antichrist. An antichrist that will not be able to perform the ultimate miracle...
3. To postpone the rise on the exponetial curve once more. Because time to celebrate the satanic trilogy ..."buying+oil+prices"

... in the post-tribulation period

... is NOW behind us
oil futures for June delivery close at $75.17: $5 rise a week, $1 daily rythm is on
How to tell when someone is a paid shill

1.) they will not respond to logic or reason
2.) they tend to post with mostly icons and not mush substance
3.) they attack the messenger rather than the content
4.) they will express strong disagreements but with no reasons why
5.) they will post information known to be false
6) they will post no matter what links to get readers out of the page
MattMarr said:
How to tell when someone is a paid shill

1.) they will not respond to logic or reason
2.) they tend to post with mostly icons and not mush substance
3.) they attack the messenger rather than the content
4.) they will express strong disagreements but with no reasons why
5.) they will post information known to be false
6) they will post no matter what links to get readers out of the page
Those rather describe you, MattMarr.
MattMarr said:
Logic that a child can understand -----

99 pct of the material about the illuminati google will return is disinformation produced by the illuminati.

Result #1 from...

... is THE must read, to let you immediately discard such disinformation in the future

Seriously Matt that is too funny you post in this forum saying you have evidence of illuminati disinformation and where does the link you provide go??... It goes to a post by you on another forum :D :D
Hey try this, on that forum post a link claiming evidence that leads back here that oughta keep em chasing thier own tails for weeks :p
MattMarr said:
Logic that a child can understand -----

99 pct of the material about the illuminati google will return is disinformation produced by the illuminati.

me))))i couod easily imagine YOU being an Illuminatiist, for SHO. will tell you why in a mo

Result #1 from...

... is THE must read, to let you immediately discard such disinformation in the future

ypou dont enage with people. are elitist and aloof. you give dead links, and offer ABSURD ideas about holograp planes that are sure to pu reasonable people off, as you continue to inslult their intelligence.
where've you been? why haven't you inroduced yerself at other threads/mine about Illuminati.
no dude. you smell WELL fishy to me.

The Illuminati or Globalists are not some kind of spupermen. yes the elite are very VERy rich and powerful, but NOT infallible. us common people will prevail and see tru the lies they AND the patriarchy--for they are a branch of THE MAIN PROBLEM for Nature and Community--the patriarchy is the ROOT.
so once you bewgin exploring the root, that makes it easier for you to begin understanding motives of the Globalists and their secret codes etc

(watch him not reply to this!))))
Sock puppet path said:
MattMarr is the antichrist. Matt I have a friend for you go to to meet him

LOL , LOL, LOL ...................

Did you make this page yourself sock puppet ???
Well, after all Happeh was a pain in the a... here on SciFo .

Sock puppet path said:
Seriously Matt that is too funny you post in this forum saying you have evidence of illuminati disinformation and where does the link you provide go??... It goes to a post by you on another forum :D :D
Hey try this, on that forum post a link claiming evidence that leads back here that oughta keep em chasing thier own tails for weeks :p

you sure put a lot of effort into discussing ghost as you suggest the iluminati are. If they were real would they have agents in chatgroups trying to make sure everyone thought they were not real. You failed to mention what he wrote maybe he just wanted a link to his article so that he did not type it again. And it is illegal to copy and paste even if it his article. What information did he provide rather than he linked to his own article would be the question of logic. Is the article worth reading, well you better let the many readers decide. Remember folks party at the rothschilds place bring plenty of ammo.
Nutter said:
Blah blah blah.

It ought to be illegal to post unsubstantiated bullshit too, then you and Matt would have to go to your bullshit illuminati conspiracy websites and quit spamming sciforums with your paranoid delusions.

Remember folks party at the rothschilds place bring plenty of ammo.

Publicly calling for the murder of people are you?