Geocentric Earth


Valued Senior Member
Now this is the kinda vid you get aboit 30 seconds into and you turn it off.
Well thats what I always have done.
This is not the first vid I have seen and say that the first one was so subtle I did not notice until a good way in...and I was going to watch it because a guy on my astronomy forum said to look at it and let him know my thoughts...I was being a little playful appearing to be anti mainstream but this guy thought I was so posted thst first vid.
Now please this is nonsence and ones reaction is to turn it off but the speaker here and I presume the are others like him are distorting facts and doing in a way where people are conned to think science really is hiding the truth.
Now the alarming thing is up 80% of your population will probably think this guy is right.
In my view more needs to be done than saying they are nuts because these folk influnce policy and like a noxious pest they may well take over.

Watch it to the end record the false claims and feel the disgust swell and we can all meet back here to plan what could be done to get on this guys case and expose him and annoy him until he gives up.

I know I should give an account but honestly this you need to see for yourself.
Sorry mate

Looked at the video time line when it came up and thought
"2min27secs I can spare that time"

Made it to 15min

Tempted to hold phone over toilet bowl to see if any crap literally dropped out

I wish people would seperate religion from sicence and vice versa.

This is a religion, posing as science and religion at the same time.

im fine being a Christian, have no need for the bible to answer
for the discorveries of science, neither do i need my science to understand my faith.
I wish people would seperate religion from sicence and vice versa.
Make that

"I wish religion would leave science alone"

If religion would stop trying to prove science wrong I doubt if scientists would bother commenting on religion

Crap about the Sun orbiting the Earth really can't go unchallenged


I doubt anyone in the audience would be able to ask him to explain RETROGRADE MOTION OF PLANETS

I am sure he knows about it so his answer would be interesting

Anyone with a link to believers in Sun around Earth explanation of retrograde???

Rational thinking is a threat to religion.
True enough but
I wish people would seperate religion from sicence and vice versa.
is requesting something to be seperated which is seperated

I guess it does happen where scientists attack religion without provocation

Sun goes around Earth would be a slap in the face provocation to scientists

And a poor example of education failures

Not only a failure to teach information but a failure to inspire

Here endith the rant

Sun goes around Earth would be a slap in the face provocation to scientists
The whole universe goes around the Sun.
The Earth is stationary which is confirmed by the Micholson Morley experiment...thats why it os important to hear what this liar is presenting.
Also Einstein acknowledges the Earth is the center of the revolving universe I seem to recall.

This bloke should be targeted....he does speaking tours and book signings tell your friends attend his talks and book signings and call him out.
Why if my health wss better I would fly over and do it myself.
As I said lots of folk will buy his swill and votes guide is his talks going to give hope to taking action on climate change.

This guy is doing very real damage and he needs to be exposed...

Look watch a little at a time but as I said we see this sort of thing and turn it off so never get to appreciate all they say...if nothing more do a skip thru...

Anyone with a link to believers in Sun around Earth explanation of retrograde???
I think in the vid he explains why that is false...I should have taken notes...but its the way he employs science, the words of famous scientists etc that is such s dangerous lie.

And of course he does it like the intelligent design mob...certainly suggests a clever clock maker to me Bob...the whole universe tevolves around a stationary Earth and he proves it "scientifically" and those he appeals to would grab it and run...
We have to draw the line and start pushing the enemy back.
I wish people would seperate religion from sicence and vice versa.

This is a religion, posing as science and religion at the same time.

im fine being a Christian, have no need for the bible to answer
for the discorveries of science, neither do i need my science to understand my faith.
This kinda thing will hurt people.
I can see the science book burnings.

This is the type of presentation that gives mobs their authority...the believers feel threatended by science and this guy is empowering them to reject science.

If you are a reasonable person you mudt see the danger of this chap.
Look watch a little at a time but as I said

Sorry no can do

I think in the vid he explains why that is false...I should have taken notes...but its the way he employs science, the words of famous scientists etc that is such s dangerous lie.

Find a video editing app, snip out that part (no longer than 5 min) I will watch

Otherwise I am fairly certain that anything past the 15 minute mark I managed to reach would be more indigestible crap

Life to sort

This kinda thing will hurt people.
I can see the science book burnings.

This is the type of presentation that gives mobs their authority...the believers feel threatended by science and this guy is empowering them to reject science.

If you are a reasonable person you mudt see the danger of this chap.

I cant imagine more than a Fringe population would be braindead enough to belive this dude... he is like "Out there" i watched 30 minutes, at that point i
felt the waste of time to deep to continue.
I cant imagine more than a Fringe population would be braindead enough to belive this dude... he is like "Out there" i watched 30 minutes, at that point i
felt the waste of time to deep to continue.
A single "fringe" person can cause havoc, so it's not something to be unconcerned about.
The video appears to be 2 1/2 hours long.

I'm inclined to think that Robert Sungenis is a crank. So I'm not motivated to invest the effort to sit through his talk.

What, if anything, are the rest of us supposed to conclude from watching it?

Are we all supposed to assume that Sungenis is representative of religious people in general? If so, then I'm not going there.

Now the alarming thing is up 80% of your population will probably think this guy is right.

That looks like the punchline of your post. You're expressing your disdain for the average person. Of course you're an average person, so that sentiment is kind of self-defeating, isn't it?
Now this is the kinda vid you get aboit 30 seconds into and you turn it off.
Well thats what I always have done.
This is not the first vid I have seen and say that the first one was so subtle I did not notice until a good way in...and I was going to watch it because a guy on my astronomy forum said to look at it and let him know my thoughts...I was being a little playful appearing to be anti mainstream but this guy thought I was so posted thst first vid.
Now please this is nonsence and ones reaction is to turn it off but the speaker here and I presume the are others like him are distorting facts and doing in a way where people are conned to think science really is hiding the truth.
Now the alarming thing is up 80% of your population will probably think this guy is right.
In my view more needs to be done than saying they are nuts because these folk influnce policy and like a noxious pest they may well take over.

Watch it to the end record the false claims and feel the disgust swell and we can all meet back here to plan what could be done to get on this guys case and expose him and annoy him until he gives up.

This ridiculous video has been around for a while. I've certainly come across it at least twice before, in forum discussions in which someone (like you) tries to stir up indignation over it. But there is no reason to suppose many people will encounter it, or that they will take it seriously if they do.

If, as others report, the thing is 2 1/2 hrs long, that should put the tin hat on it pretty effectively. A lot of people nowadays have the attention span of a goldfish.

What, if anything, are the rest of us supposed to conclude f
Well everone seems to wring their hands and worry that science is being disregarded ( anti vac and climate change ... that sort of thing) and this chap I see is the Carl Sagan for religious mob.

I find taking the Micholson Morley experiment to prove the Earth is stationary hugely concerning for example.

Are we all supposed to assume that Sungenis is representative of religious people in general?

Well I dont know what to think but all those that I see certainly worry me.

I dont know but could you be an atheist in your country and become president?
You're expressing your disdain for the average person.

How did you arrive there?
You think funny.

Of course you're an average person, so that sentiment is kind of self-defeating, isn't it?

I am human they are human so what.

Think how many folk in history were ignored because they were crazy etc and casually written off only to go on to nearly destroy the world.

Can you think of any...perhaps just one?

Next time you encounter an anti vaxer or climate science opponent ask them if they know the guy.

Just because you write him off means little as to how he is received by others.

And his thinking is inches off flat Earth.
Make that

"I wish religion would leave science alone"

If religion would stop trying to prove science wrong I doubt if scientists would bother commenting on religion

Crap about the Sun orbiting the Earth really can't go unchallenged


I doubt anyone in the audience would be able to ask him to explain RETROGRADE MOTION OF PLANETS

I am sure he knows about it so his answer would be interesting

Anyone with a link to believers in Sun around Earth explanation of retrograde???


Bah, I've been studying and combating all the hair-brained notions and I can assure you, they are no where near trying to explain any movement of stars, planets, anything. What would be the mechanics of a Sun that circles above the flat earth... Not even close. Consider the predictability of the stars visible and the movement of the planets, GPS, locating and tracking the ISS. How about moon phases. Their odd models would have the whole Earth seeing exactly the same Moon orientation every night. From Northern Hemisphere to the South the view of the Moon flips... I could go on.

Maybe there is no flat-earth content here, but even if it just geocentric model with the Sun orbiting the Earth, it is just as stupid. At about 24 minutes they show the mapping of the Universe and the fact that it is oriented around the poles and such, which it is by our mapping. It's just because that is what we have chosen to map. Anyhow,, There are strange issues at the cosmological level that make it appear we are at a center of the cosmos, but there are just limits and issues with our observing. It's obviously not true.

I am a person of faith and I have reasons I can accept some things in the Bible and treat others differently for reasons that I think are logical but I won't get into that. At any rate; I'll watch more and see where this goes.
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I like the quotes from all of the physicists agree that a rigid geocentric model would have the exact same observations, but as he finally states with Ellis's final quote, it is philosophically we know that is not the case. In all of these examples, each physicist is discussing this in terms of philosophy and using this do explain the absurd. It is always good to question and step outside of the box to reconsider things as they are, or the nature of reality, but yes.. We know what the truth is. I was going respond with nearly the same idea as Ellis, so I'm glad it was included.

Well philosophy and some logic peppered in like proper motion tracking the Sun's orbit around the galaxy etc... philosophically, it might be possible and agree with our observations, but our math shows directly otherwise right?
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I suppose the reality really is no more than Sungenis is just another author writing crap to satisfy those crazy people who will do anything to hold that their belief in a creator is not the absolute rubbish as claimed by anyone capable of thinking the god story through and not be swayed by calls that faith is a substitute for evidence.

Yes just another smart human taking advantage of the bone headed stupid intent on believing in a creator can exist even though the universe is eternal and needs no creator.
Perhaps the author is not the really problem.
Perhaps the real problem is the many humans who will always suffer the damage from hideous and cruel brain washing in their early years.
It just seems so wrong to have this class of ignorant believers who solve purpose appears to be prey for those who would take advantage of the helpless.