Genus Homo and Religion


Registered Senior Member
Since there is nothing in the bible that even remotely touches on the Homo Genus, how does religion handle the homo neanderthalensis, for example, as to never being addressed as to whether they possessed souls or not? Did only the homo sapiens possess souls and therefor they are the only ones that go to heaven?
Durrr! Homos aren't allowed in heaven :bugeye:

but seriously, I think from a christian perspective only Homo sapiens gets classed as truly human - therefore only they get to go to heaven.

Bear in mind that from the perspective of some christians, there are no transitional fossils, so any remains of human-like ancestors are a figment of our evil hitler lovin evolitionist imagination
Since there is nothing in the bible that even remotely touches on the Homo Genus, how does religion handle the homo neanderthalensis, for example, as to never being addressed as to whether they possessed souls or not? Did only the homo sapiens possess souls and therefor they are the only ones that go to heaven?

if one insists on understanding the soul in terms of bodily designation, one will encounter limitless problems