

Valued Senior Member
<img src ="">I've been scouting around online and ran across an interesting site which I thought would make a good thread for <font color = "blue">"Conspiracies & Paranoia."</font>

This contains information and links concerning genetic engineering and it's dangers. I had read the various articles which occasionally found their way in my local paper, articles regarding the attempts by private interests to patent various genomes, but I wasn't fully aware of the issue until I surfed into the above site.

If there was ever a reason to be paranoid, this is it. Give the above link a click and read some of the information it has to offer.

NOTE: I placed a similar thread about this topic on the <font color = "blue">"Science & Technology"</font> message board. So, if it feels like you have seen this topic before, this is probably the reason.

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 23, 2000).]
I must be a mad scientist at heart. Damn the ethics! Full speed ahead for science and glory!

Actually, I didn't have time to read a whole lot of that site. A little bundle of canine DNA called "my dog" wants attention.

(Here, Igor! Here, Igor!)

When I can read more and give a more informed opinion (can you believe I originally typed "a more informed onion"?) I'll post something a little more intelligent.
My gut instinct is that the Supreme Court and the various European parliments that could have ruled against patenting biological stuff didn't do so because "it's good for business."

The old adage "What's good for GM is good for America" probably applies on the global scale to biogenetic engineering. The ethical and moral qualms probably don't enter into the equation too much.

The flip side, from a conspiracy angle is the possibility that super top secret levels of military intelligence and the national security aparatus have already cloned human beings. (I heard this from a friend who has good connections.)

The moral implications of that are astounding. Who owns these humans? Do they have souls? If you kill one have you committed murder?

Reminds me of the movie "Blade Runner"

PS are you the Bowser living in the desert?

"Nobody has seen it all." - Marco Polo
<img src = "">Interesting. I can't find anyone who shares my doubts about this technology.


<font color = "blue">Oxygen,</font>

Hey, I know how it is. The wife and I mixed some DNA a little more than two years back. Since then, my time has been in high demand. We didn't make a mutant, but I fear for the world's future.<img src = "">

<font color = "blue">Brainflash,</font>

No, I'm in the valley. Portland, Oregon to be specific.
It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 26, 2000).]