Genetics determine entrepreneurial propensity

this doesn't show that genetics matter far more than environment, it only means that the two are interdependant. only a person with a tendancy to become an entrepreneur will become one. but he will only become one if he is in the right environment to become one.
firecross said:
This is yet another case showing that genetics matter far more than environment, i.e. you can only be what you are born with the potential and tendency to become.
Rubbish. It is no such case at all. :bugeye:

From the article:

A study of identical twins by researchers in Britain and the United States suggests family environment has little influence because nearly half of a person's propensity to be self-employed, or entrepreneurial, is due to genes.
“Nearly half”? So, in other words, the majority of the influences governing propensity to be self-employed are environmental. Hardly conclusive as the basis for your absurd claim that genetics matter "far more" than environment.

This should also be noted:

The researchers, who presented their findings at a meeting at the London Business School, believe genes could have an impact on personality traits and abilities that can influence factors involved in people becoming entrepreneurs.
Oh, the London Business School – renowned for its genetic research. :rolleyes:

This happens often. Scientists present research at some sort of forum, such as a conference or meeting, and it gets picked up by science reporters who give it the air the scientific legitimacy. Conferences and meetings are not peer-reviewed. You can say and present whatever you want to. The test of scientific legitimacy is to publish your work in a journal and have it examined by expert reviewers and editors. So, this could all be a load of cobblers, we don’t know yet and I doubt the analysis of the London Business School and C|Net News.

Anyway, why don’t you have the guts to say what you really want to say regarding genetics and race?
Hercules Rockefeller said:
why don’t you have the guts to say what you really want to say regarding genetics and race?
I believe I say what I want to say quite clearly. What part are you missing?
Well, Firecross, too bad that you cannot find scientific papers to support your claims, does it?
This is really a ridiculous article that even contradicts their own hypothesis:

"The rate of entrepreneurs among twins is the same as in the general population. Spector and his team found that identical twins increased the odds of their twins following the same path more than nonidentical twins, which suggests genes are important."

Dah! What a waste of funded money spent on useless research.