genetically modified produce.

Yeah, I've heard of these cases before. Monsanto is killing natural crops off by letting the winds and birds do the work, and getting rid of competing farms and farmers through expensive legal actions that those farmers can't compete against.
the long answer starts with four questions:





everything we eat has been genetically modified - well for the last few thousand years or so - and guess what?

Not only are we still alive but the genetically modified foods that we have developed over those last few thousand years have been so productive that it has given us time to talk about irrelevant shit on the internet instead of having to spend all our time seeding, weeding, ploughing, and hunting.

Around 25000 - thats twenty five thousand people - PER DAY - die of hunger - the number of humans who go to bed hungry on top of that is several orders of magnitude higher (that means adding more zeroes to the end in case your a creationist and dont understand basic maths)
Through genetic modification we can - and have - made our crops more prodictive and tolerant to things like arid conditions, and our livestock better adapted to assimilating protein and other nutrients (basically grow faster with less food) - and we are only just beginning to scratch the surface.

it's pretty easy to protest about this when YOUR not the one who's hungry.

we are facing a crisis on this planet because we are approaching the point where - even with conventional (lets forget for the moment that everything you east has been in some way geneticlly modified) crops and livestock - we will very quickly arrive at a point where we simply cant meet the demands of our growing population. And yet genetic engineering holds the solutions

The short answer:

go fuck yourselves you borgeouis fuckpigs!

Mod note: Please refrain from blatant obscene outbursts like that. Future instances will earn a suspension.
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the long answer starts with four questions:





everything we eat has been genetically modified - well for the last few thousand years or so - and guess what?

Not only are we still alive but the genetically modified foods that we have developed over those last few thousand years have been so productive that it has given us time to talk about irrelevant shit on the internet instead of having to spend all our time seeding, weeding, ploughing, and hunting.

Around 25000 - thats twenty five thousand people - PER DAY - die of hunger - the number of humans who go to bed hungry on top of that is several orders of magnitude higher (that means adding more zeroes to the end in case your a creationist and dont understand basic maths)
Through genetic modification we can - and have - made our crops more prodictive and tolerant to things like arid conditions, our livestock better adapted to assimilating protein and other nutrients (basically grow faster with less food) - and we are only just scratching the surface.

it's pretty easy to protest about this when YOUR not the one who's hungry.

The short answer:

go fuck yourselves you borgeouis fuckpigs!

X = Selective breeding of food sources fit for human consumption.

Y = Altering food sources through crisgenesis or transgenesis, which may or may not produce disastrous effects.

X = Y, so "go fuck yourselves you borgeouis fuckpigs"?

By the way, "lots of people are starving" is a pretty piss poor excuse for introducing things which may or may not provide a solution and which may or may not fuck us all over catastrophically. It's like being in a 4-man lifeboat floating beside a sinking Titanic and some idiot shouting "We can fit 30 more people in here if we knock down the sides of the lifeboat and make it wider!" Sure, it might make the boat a bit wider, and it might also make the boat unseaworthy and kill everyone.
wow, we have a large Monsanto plant and Pioneer feed plant not far from here. They are both large employers of teens in the summer. My son has done detassling for them

The endangered food plant I have heard the most about is the banana.
I blame your son for the coming apocalypse.

LOL, yeah, I kind of do too. The little heathen. He was such a good dedicated employee he got raises one after the other. (basically he just showed up while other teens quit)

Does it really matter since what he worked on was cattle grain?
X = Selective breeding of food sources fit for human consumption.

Y = Altering food sources through crisgenesis or transgenesis, which may or may not produce disastrous effects.

X = Y, so "go fuck yourselves you borgeouis fuckpigs"?


cleverer that you - you dont dare to present a solution after all ........ you borgeouis fuckpig :D

seriously though.... do you want to debate this? we have a forum for that
LOL, yeah, I kind of do too. The little heathen. He was such a good dedicated employee he got raises one after the other. (basically he just showed up while other teens quit)

Does it really matter since what he worked on was cattle grain?

cleverer that you - you dont dare to present a solution after all ........ you borgeouis fuckpig :D

seriously though.... do you want to debate this? we have a forum for that
I don't need to present an alternative. I'm happy to just point out that the stuff you posted was nonsensical crap.

However, regarding alternatives: No. It's not my duty to feed the world. We have finite space and resources, and a growing population (indeed the population is too large already). I am in competition with them. If they die through their own failures and I survive, that's good for me and my descendants.
I see more and more heritage fruit and vegetables showing up in the market. I think that's good. They aren't pretty, but they sure do taste good, especially the apples and tomatoes
the long answer starts with four questions:





everything we eat has been genetically modified - well for the last few thousand years or so - and guess what?

Not only are we still alive but the genetically modified foods that we have developed over those last few thousand years have been so productive that it has given us time to talk about irrelevant shit on the internet instead of having to spend all our time seeding, weeding, ploughing, and hunting.

Around 25000 - thats twenty five thousand people - PER DAY - die of hunger - the number of humans who go to bed hungry on top of that is several orders of magnitude higher (that means adding more zeroes to the end in case your a creationist and dont understand basic maths)
Through genetic modification we can - and have - made our crops more prodictive and tolerant to things like arid conditions, and our livestock better adapted to assimilating protein and other nutrients (basically grow faster with less food) - and we are only just beginning to scratch the surface.

it's pretty easy to protest about this when YOUR not the one who's hungry.

we are facing a crisis on this planet because we are approaching the point where - even with conventional (lets forget for the moment that everything you east has been in some way geneticlly modified) crops and livestock - we will very quickly arrive at a point where we simply cant meet the demands of our growing population. And yet genetic engineering holds the solutions

The short answer:

go fuck yourselves you borgeouis fuckpigs!

Oh really?? You try to poke fun at people who might not understand orders of magnitude, yet you don't even have a clue as to what you're talking about yourself - that's really intelligent - NOT!!

The "genetic modifications" you're talking about is nothing more than selective breeding - interbreeding and crossbreeding. That's a FAR cry from today's gene splicing, which is the topic here. Like inserting genes from a poisonous plant into something used for food, like soybeans, to kill insects that normally feed on soybean plants.

Oh really?? You try to poke fun at people who might not understand orders of magnitude, yet you don't even have a clue as to what you're talking about yourself - that's really intelligent - NOT!!

The "genetic modifications" you're talking about is nothing more than selective breeding - interbreeding and crossbreeding. That's a FAR cry from today's gene splicing, which is the topic here. Like inserting genes from a poisonous plant into something used for food, like soybeans, to kill insects that normally feed on soybean plants.


dude - I have a Phd in behavioural ecology and I genuinely cant see any discernable ecological difference (based on the published evidence) between selectively bred crops and GE crops - except for the massively increased yield that we get from GE.

seriously - gimme some good evidence AND a valid non GE solution to feeding the world and I'll back you to the hilt.

ps -whats wrong with taking the piss out of creationsists for not understanding maths? Understanding evolution is far less difficult than understanding highly complex mathematical concepts like addition and subtraction
dude - I have a Phd in behavioural ecology and I genuinely cant see any discernable ecological difference (based on the published evidence) between selectively bred crops and GE crops - except for the massively increased yield that we get from GE.

seriously - gimme some good evidence AND a valid non GE solution to feeding the world and I'll back you to the hilt.

ps -whats wrong with taking the piss out of creationsists for not understanding maths? Understanding evolution is far less difficult than understanding highly complex mathematical concepts like addition and subtraction

I really don't care how many degrees you have. If you cannot see the HUGE difference between selective breeding and actual gene-spicing, then your degree is doing you NO good in this matter.
I really don't care how many degrees you have. If you cannot see the HUGE difference between selective breeding and actual gene-spicing, then your degree is doing you NO good in this matter.

My education and my experience shows me that ecosystems can adapt to change astonishingly quickly - but that's nothing new - evolutionary theory predicts that - blame the D-man for getting that one right not me.

I'm not suggesting for one moment that we shouldnt take care and make careful study of ecosystems that might be affected by the introduction of new strains of crops or wildstock (why would I? that's my living...kinda) - what I'm saying is that there are higher priorities- the people complaining about GE foods arent the people who have to worry about where their next meal is coming from - it smacks of hypocracy of the highest order
A woman here got a PHD by writing a thesis about Star Trek. Big deal. Ain't that impressive, sunshine. Especially when you can't tell the difference between selective breeding which has proven viable over thousands of years, and gene splicing and deploying untested grains which are infecting those viable grains.

As for "feeding the world"... not my problem. Africa has a huge amount of arable land, and the people sitting on it are not using it. They aren't building farms and hydro-electric dams and highways and such. They've been neglecting progress for a very long time, by their own choice. Much of Asia is the same. If they want to fuck around instead of developing, and then come begging to me for food, that's their bad luck. I'll throw them some scraps when and if I feel like it, but I have no obligation to do so.