Genetically Modified Crops Killing Bees?


Registered Member
Lately, I have been reading reports that genetically modified crops are to blame for the declining bees population. This is funny. Before these myth seekers started blaming genetically modified crops, their eyes were trained on mobile phones, as the major cause of the mysterious "colony collapse" of bees.

What I am finding common with the folks who are propagating these rumours is that they can't back their claims with any scientific evidence. I came a cross an article on this subject. The article first appeared on the GMO Pundit Blog website, and has been republished by GMO Africa Blog. I would encourage everybody to read it and then make independent judgment about this issue.
Lately, I have been reading reports that genetically modified crops are to blame for the declining bees population. This is funny. Before these myth seekers started blaming genetically modified crops, their eyes were trained on mobile phones, as the major cause of the mysterious "colony collapse" of bees.

What I am finding common with the folks who are propagating these rumours is that they can't back their claims with any scientific evidence. I came a cross an article on this subject. The article first appeared on the GMO Pundit Blog website, and has been republished by GMO Africa Blog. I would encourage everybody to read it and then make independent judgment about this issue.

I find that HIGHLY doubtful. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn't been any genetic engineering done to the things that bees visit - it's mostly been corn (maize) and soybeans and bees have no use for either of those.

Would you be kind enough to tell us exactly what plants they are talking about? I've no idea what the URL is for either of those sites and besides, blogs sure aren't the most trusted sites for ANY information.
In nature, many insects have a specific fungus that evolved to feed on them. It helps keep large populations of insects in check. Perhaps our bees became too numerous for their own good, in an environment with no natural predators.
In nature, many insects have a specific fungus that evolved to feed on them. It helps keep large populations of insects in check. Perhaps our bees became too numerous for their own good, in an environment with no natural predators.

Reasonable thinking except for one thing - they have MANY predators: ants, hornets, many kinds of birds and especially dragonfiles, along with a host of others.
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's bee farmers are feeling the sting of lost business and possible crop danger after millions of the honey-making, plant-pollinating insects vanished during volatile weather, media and experts said on Thursday.

Over the past two months, farmers in three parts of Taiwan have reported most of their bees gone, the Chinese-language United Daily News reported. Taiwan's TVBS television station said about 10 million bees had vanished in Taiwan.

A beekeeper on Taiwan's northeastern coast reported 6 million insects missing "for no reason", and one in the south said 80 of his 200 bee boxes had been emptied, the paper said.

Beekeepers usually let their bees out of boxes to pollinate plants and the insects normally make their way back to their owners. However, many of the bees have not returned over the past couple of months.

Possible reasons include disease, pesticide poisoning and unusual weather, varying from less than 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) to more than 30 degrees Celsius over a few days, experts say.

"You can see climate change really clearly these days in Taiwan," said Yang Ping-shih, entomology professor at the National Taiwan University. He added that two kinds of pesticide can make bees turn "stupid" and lose their sense of direction.

As affected beekeepers lose business, fruit growers may lack a key pollination source and neighbors might get stung, he said.

Billions of bees have fled hives in the United States since late 2006, instead of helping pollinate $15 billion worth of fruits, nuts and other crops annually. Disappearing bees also have been reported in Europe and Brazil.

The mass buzz-offs are isolated cases so far, a Taiwan government Council of Agriculture official said.

But the council may collect data to study the causes of the vanishing bees and gauge possible impacts, said Kao Ching-wen, a pesticides section chief at the council.

"We want to see what the reason is, and we definitely need some evidence," Kao said. "It's hard to say whether there will be an impact."
Looks like the problem may be a mite/virus combo:

Honeybee virus: Varroa mite spreads lethal disease

A parasitic mite has helped a virus wipe out billions of honeybees throughout the globe, say scientists.

A team studying honeybees in Hawaii found that the Varroa mite helped spread a particularly nasty strain of a disease called deformed wing virus.

The mites act as tiny incubators of one deadly form of the disease, and inject it directly into the bees' blood.

This has led to "one of the most widely-distributed and contagious insect viruses on the planet".

The findings are reported in the journal Science.
Blaming mobiles just shows how ego centric the US is, colony collaps is only happerning in the US so whatever the cause its only present there and not in other countries.

The honey industry in Australia (especially on kangaroo island) is compleatly uneffected by whatever is causing this
Blaming mobiles just shows how ego centric the US is, colony collaps is only happerning in the US so whatever the cause its only present there and not in other countries.

The honey industry in Australia (especially on kangaroo island) is compleatly uneffected by whatever is causing this

<heavy sigh> Once again, Asguard, you've quickly jumped in with both feet in an area where you have practically NO knowledge! Instead of just sputtering out nonsense, I suggest you FIRST check the available information. When you finally do, you'll easily learn that the problem exists worldwide - NOT just in the U.S. as you so wrongly claim here! :bugeye: