Genetic engineering ?


Hi I am a lamen I seek to understand the current stage of human genome mapping currently in 2012. How much has bin mapped and deciphered? How many identicle genes have been identified and thier funtionality decoded, that are found in different species? If these identical genes have bin identified hypothetically speaking is it possible to turn them on in humans or other species? An example as to what am trying say is so pose the electricity of an eel was caused because gene xyz was active in an eel as well as all the other necessary genes that facilitated this main functionality them compare to a human genome hypothetically has also identified gene xyz but it and all the necessary interrelated genes or inactive causing no functionality, is it possible for these genes mainly xyz to be turned on in the human version creating some kind of humanoid species with electric powers influencing thier biochemistry with great will? This is of course an assumed conclusion .
have fun but remember that air is a poor electric conductor. In your line of tough would it be possible to clone a pterodactyl but enginear it so that it can spit acid like a bombadeerbeetles (that's 100°C napalm). Yet be docile enough to ride as a dragon. The answer is NO!!!! for so many reasons but it's still fun to think of.