Genetic engineered vs. Genetic modified foods


Valued Senior Member
I'm doing a presentation about genetic engineered foods and the teacher for the class said there's a difference between genetic modified and engineered foods. That confused me. He wouldn't explain more because he says it's part of the presentation. I've searched all of yesterday for an answer and most sites just modification and engineering as the same. If I don't get this part right, the entire presentation will be messed and I'll be grilled during it.

Anyone know what the difference is?

Thank you!
there is no diffrence engineering though can mean breeding, crossbreading and artifical selection as well though.
The above statement me.

Anyway, i'd say that the two words are interchangable. Although engineered definately means someone went in and played with separate genes specifically, whereas a genetically modified plant could have just been crossed for certain traits.
ok whatever one more specilized then the other! which well thats up to the prefrence of your evil teacher!