Genesis to Numbers


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I decided to read the bible from beginning to end. As I start writing this I am about halfway through numbers (which can be excruciating at times)… and I’ve decided to write my own summary of what I am reading. For anyone who cares, here it is:

God creates the universe; including the Earth, Life, and Light. He sees that it is good. (compared to what?.. is this his second attempt?)

He also creates man in his own image (or in their image?).

He makes the man a companion from the man’s rib, and has them live in a Beautiful garden. Apparently they will live forever in innocence in this garden… unless they eat the fruit of a tree that God placed in the middle of the garden called ‘The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ in which case they will surely die! They live like this for a little while, but Damn! That tree is tempting. One day they give in to the temptation and eat the fruit. They blame a serpent. (but how much more temptation could a serpent offer that wasn’t already placed there by God himself?)

So, now they are doomed to live only a paltry 900+ years. They have a couple of sons, who obtain wives from (god knows where)? They multiply. Many generations later, a man named Noah is born. By this time, there are many people on Earth, but they are doing a lot of things that God doesn’t like, so God tells Noah to build an Ark for him , his family, and a lot of animals. Noah does this.

God kills every other living thing on the face of the planet. (nice)

So then Noah and his family make lots of babies and repopulate the Earth.
Later, God finds favor with Abraham, and then his son Isaac, and also Isaac’s son, Jacob. He names Jacob ‘Israel’, Jacob’s people are then called the Israelites. God tells Jacob to go to Egypt, where he will become a great, prosperous nation. So the Israelites go to Egypt and they do prosper for a while. Then a new King (Pharaoh) comes to Egypt and makes all the Israelites slaves. Enter Moses.

God tells Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God promises to take them to a land of lots of milk and honey. But the Pharaoh doesn’t want to let them go, he doesn’t want to lose his slaves. So God performs some miracles to convince the Pharaoh to let his people go. But then God decides to make Pharaoh stubborn so that Pharaoh will not let the Israelites go so that God can perform a whole series of other miracles (plagues, actually) leading to:

God kills all the first-born sons of Egypt. (now we can celebrate Passover, yay!)

So, finally, the Pharaoh lets the Israelites go, and then changes his mind again and chases after them with his army. Moses (via God) parts the Red Sea to create an escape route for the Israelites, and the Egyptians follow after them.

God kills the Egyptians by letting the Red Sea come crashing down on them.

And so they arrive at Mt Sinai, where Moses receives the ten commandments (along with dozens of sub-commandments). They build the tabernacle for God, and travel on. Along their travels, they encounter many hardships and the people periodically question the wisdom of following Moses… so…

God condemns them to die in the desert.

(There goes his promise to bring them to the land of milk and honey)

Of course they are not happy about this and they group up and confront Moses, saying that they were better off in Egypt, etc. etc. So:

God unleashes a plague on his people.

Some 14,000+ people are killed before Moses and Aaron manage to calm God down.

Again the people get upset, so:

God kills a bunch of them with snakes.

As the years roll on, the people of Israel continue on their journey, overtaking towns as they go. Periodically, God gets angry with something they do and unleashes a plague that kills many of them. Finally they reach their destination. By this time, none of the original people are still alive… it is their children who finally make it to the ‘milk and honey’ land.

And that’s where I am, finished numbers… about to start Deuteronomy.

So far I find God to be:

And just plain murderous.

The only really good things that I’ve read about him doing so far are:

-Creating Life, the Universe, and Everything.

-Giving us some moral standards to live by that seem mostly ethical (there are definitely some questionable exceptions)

Comments anyone?
Keep on reading. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I would have advised you to read the New Testament first but as long as you keep on reading you will get to it sooner or later.
-Giving us some moral standards to live by that seem mostly ethical (there are definitely some questionable exceptions)

It needs to be stated that from a biblical perspective god did not give man these standards, indeed while god was in control man didn't even know he was naked. That's not a good sign. Along came a snake and gave man the knowledge of good and evil.

Yes, it is because of the snake that we have morals. Without the snakes interference we wouldn't even understand the concept. We'd still be walking around with our bits hanging out, blissfully unaware of it.
It needs to be stated that from a biblical perspective god did not give man these standards, indeed while god was in control man didn't even know he was naked. That's not a good sign. Along came a snake and gave man the knowledge of good and evil.

As I mentioned, I do not see how the snake could truly be blamed/credited for this... God put plenty of temptation there himself. Eventually, they would have eaten the fruit regardless of any snake. Obviously God knew they would eat the fruit eventually, or he wouldn't have put it there in the first place. The snake is a scapegoat for both God and the people.

Yes, it is because of the snake that we have morals. Without the snakes interference we wouldn't even understand the concept. We'd still be walking around with our bits hanging out, blissfully unaware of it.

The moral standards I was referring to are the 'ten commandments' and all the stipulations that follow them.

Adstar said:

Keep on reading.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I would have advised you to read the New Testament first but as long as you keep on reading you will get to it sooner or later.

YAY! my thoughts exactly....keep reading ..... you will find out what Ruth is all about too!
not even a fool could understand what john is talking about in the revelation, it's like he has eaten drugs.
And just plain murderous.

The only really good things that I’ve read about him doing so far are:

-Creating Life, the Universe, and Everything.

-Giving us some moral standards to live by that seem mostly ethical (there are definitely some questionable exceptions)

Comments anyone?

How about selfish & psychopathic(those two go hand in hand).

Do you see God as omniscient?

I notice you've left out loving, is there a reason?
Don't get me wrong. We can interpret Revelation quite well... but most of it is shrouded in MYSTERY. I could qoute several passages that are within deep controversy, whilst other passages are universally-understood.
I can suggest a way to save you lots of time. Just read all Adstar's posts. He has the truth.
The old testament, based upon my reading, is largely a nationalistic propaganda written with the intent of unifying the returning jews after their exile in Babylon.

Note the past tense to present tense shift at the Book of Ezra.
How about selfish & psychopathic(those two go hand in hand).

Do you see God as omniscient?

I notice you've left out loving, is there a reason?

The idea of an omniscient God does not make any sense with what I have read so far.

The 'loving' part must be in the New testament.