Genesis translation


Spokesman for the obvious
Registered Senior Member
Driving alone on the highway at 3:00 in the morning. The destination...not important. I find myself alone, contemplating life and such. Looking up at the night sky and all of it's splendor, I see a place untouched by man. Untouched yet explained in very extreme detail the sky is. Then I start to wonder...Is god really anything more than that which serves to guide me through life. Is god a person at all. The Bible says that god made us in their likeness. Who are they? I'm starting to believe that everything I do is guided to serve the way others see the world. I as a person am important to god. Yet in the grand scheme of things, I am nothing. Finally I come to one hard question. They say that life goes on after you die. But I find a flaw in this assumption. I find it wrong because of the fact that the world did not have a name nor a face until I was born to see and feel it. This sounds completely ego-centrical. But is it really? Think about it...did the world exist before you had eyes to view it or ears to hear it or a tongue to label it. So this lead me to another conclusion. What if in the beginning, their were two for each sex. And these minds, through the course of their life on Earth, found it hard to characterize themselves. So each split into two more minds based on their perception of right and wrong. Right and wrong are very much relative you see! And after giving birth to two more children they died. These two id's were reincarnated into two separate individuals, creating four moral points of view.
Now don't take this literally. I am trying to draw a diagram here.
But after a thousand more (he begot she and etc.), we find a population forming. Then millions were born. All leading back to the first thought. I'm starting to really believe that reincarnation was removed from the Bible. Just think it over. That's all I ask.