Gender Discussions are fun


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
This thread is about transexuals.

ill start out by clarifying that i dont mean cross dressers, or drag queens, who i guess we could call people who get a kick out of masquerading as the oppocite sex, but people who believe that they were born as the wrong gender and need to correct themselves.

Its my understanding that in modern psychology transexuality is recognized and valid, there is the chance that a transexual will not be treated as somone with a disorder by thier doctor, but instead as somone who really aught to be the oppocite gender. This can lead to the transexual person altering thier apearance and lifestyle , and surgicly altering thier body.

Ive got a few questions relating to this topic to get the thread started:

1. Arnt gender identitys artificial constructs anyway? How could somone really KNOW they are a woman traped in a mans body as they say.

2. If question 1 is positive and gender identity is artificial, then wouldnt that mean the decision to change ones gender is actualy either a dissorder or an aesthetic choice, and are either of those sufficient ethical reasons for a doctor to go ahaid and preform a gender changing opperation?

3. Should people who change thier gender be treated legaly as the gender they have chosen? IE be aloud to marry somone of thier birth sex, use the ladies room if they were born a man and so on.

4. Is the quality of the gender changing opperation something that should be concidered in wether or not socioty at large and laws specificly should recognize a transexual as the gender they have chosen? I know that the modern gender changing opperation is essentialy cosmetic, if there were more perfect procedures to make a transexual truly physicaly function more like their chosen gender would they be more acceptable as a person of that gender?

anyway, if you actualy went through that whole long post good for you, and remember gender discussions are fun! wheee. so post something.