gee..what is religion??


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
as surprising at it is...the religion forum has no definition whatsoever of religion..not in the stickies, nor in the FAQs, nor rules threads..

so i ask you..define religion..

now for whatever definition you will either say:

A-religion does NOT contain myths and superstition:

so stuff like god and the quran and bible and jesus and mohammad are not myths and superstitions..and hence are proved, so should also be discussed openly with respect..

B-religion consists of myths and superstition:

in that case myths and superstitions should be discussed openly because they are part of religion....

you can not deny the part things like holy books and messangers and gods play in they ARE the religion..and if i'm not mistaken the subform is called "religion"...

so accept religion AND respect it as it is(with or without myths)..or remove the whole subform because it contains unacceptable myths and superstitions..

a definition we ask for we know what to discuss..

Preaching – a “sermon” or address of a religious nature. Using religious dogma to support a point.
if dogma is the core of many do you remove it from discussion??
Dogmata are found in many religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, where they are considered core principles that must be upheld by all followers of that religion. As a fundamental element of religion, the term "dogma" is assigned to those theological tenets which are considered to be well demonstrated, such that their proposed disputation or revision effectively means that a person no longer accepts the given religion as his or her own, or has entered into a period of personal doubt. Dogma is distinguished from theological opinion regarding those things considered less well-known. Dogmata may be clarified and elaborated but not contradicted in novel teachings (e.g., Galatians 1:8-9). Rejection of dogma is considered heresy in certain religions, and may lead to expulsion from the religious group.

so i ask you..define religion

"It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition."

Kile Jones

Dictionaries have made many attempts to define the word religion:

Barns & Noble (Cambridge) Encyclopedia (1990):
" single definition will suffice to encompass the varied sets of traditions, practices, and ideas which constitute different religions."

The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1990):
"Human recognition of superhuman controlling power and especially of a personal God entitled to obedience"

This definition would not consider some Buddhist sects as religions. Many Unitarian Universalists are excluded by this description. Strictly interpreted, it would also reject polytheistic religions, since it refers to "a" personal God."

Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
"a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith."

This is a curious definition because it does not require elements often associated with religion, such as deity, morality, worldview, etc. Also it requires that a person pursue their religion with enthusiasm. Many people identify themselves with a specific religion, but are not intensely engaged with their faith.

Webster's New World Dictionary (Third College Edition):
"any specific system of belief and worship, often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy."

This definition would exclude religions that do not engage in worship. It implies that there are two important components to religion:

one's belief and worship in a deity or deities
one's ethical behavior towards other persons

This dual nature of religion is expressed clearly in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) in Matthew 22:36-39:

"Teacher, what is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Qumran Bet, "A Community Striving to Come to the Pure Essence of the Worship of YHWH," cites definitions from an unknown dictionary: "religion (ri-lij'[uh]n) n. The beliefs, attitudes, emotions, behavior, etc., constituting man's relationship with the powers and principles of the universe, especially with a deity or deities; also, any particular system of such beliefs, attitudes, etc.
An essential part or a practical test of the spiritual life.
An object of conscientious devotion or scrupulous care: e.g. His work is a religion to him.
Obs. Religious practice or belief." 15

The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM):
"An organized system of belief that generally seeks to understand purpose, meaning, goals, and methods of spiritual things. These spiritual things can be God, people in relation to God, salvation, after life, purpose of life, order of the cosmos, etc."
ok so willya choose one of 'em??

edit: or more like whoever sets the rules here..
ok so willya choose one of 'em??

edit: or more like whoever sets the rules here..

"It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition."

Kile Jones
as surprising at it is...the religion forum has no definition whatsoever of religion..not in the stickies, nor in the FAQs, nor rules threads..

so i ask you..define religion..

now for whatever definition you will either say:

A-religion does NOT contain myths and superstition:

so stuff like god and the quran and bible and jesus and mohammad are not myths and superstitions..and hence are proved, so should also be discussed openly with respect..

B-religion consists of myths and superstition:

in that case myths and superstitions should be discussed openly because they are part of religion....

you can not deny the part things like holy books and messangers and gods play in they ARE the religion..and if i'm not mistaken the subform is called "religion"...

so accept religion AND respect it as it is(with or without myths)..or remove the whole subform because it contains unacceptable myths and superstitions..

a definition we ask for we know what to discuss..


if dogma is the core of many do you remove it from discussion??


Religion is a collection of methods for human psychological satiation. The definition doesn't have to state anything about myths or truths involved.
Do the methods ever occur without attached mythologies?

Xianity/Islam/Hinduism/Scientology/etc... are "religions" and they all have myths and superstitions.

Psychoanalysis is (hopefully) not a religion but it is a method for human psychological satiation. It also has a collection of myths (so it seems to me).

The GP prescribing anti-depressants to a distressed person is not practicing a religion (well maybe a little :D) and this is a method for human psychological satiation without myths (supposedly).

What sets Scientology/Islam/Pastafarians apart as TRUE religions? :confused:
Do the methods ever occur without attached mythologies?

Xianity/Islam/Hinduism/Scientology/etc... are "religions" and they all have myths and superstitions.

Psychoanalysis is (hopefully) not a religion but it is a method for human psychological satiation. It also has a collection of myths (so it seems to me).

The GP prescribing anti-depressants to a distressed person is not practicing a religion (well maybe a little :D) and this is a method for human psychological satiation without myths (supposedly).

What sets Scientology/Islam/Pastafarians apart as TRUE religions? :confused:

I *think* that universal unitarians and the church of agnosticism might be without the mythologies. I don't know if psychiatry itself would be a branch of satiation... I suspect it is more a branch of recovery from distress of some kind.
There are some generally accepted definitions of religion, but there are always fuzzy lines.

Basically religion is what you define as your religion.

They all contain allot of mumbo - jumbo that induce people to join with them.

mumbo jumbo = religion
religion = religion subform
religion subform = mumbo jumbo
member not like mumbo jumbo = member not like religion subform
member leave

member not leave mumbo jumbo alone = member not leave subforum alone
member ban..

any questions??