gad exits ind yew nough et idit athess yew

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Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
im tierd of yew idit ivvil athess pritend yew dough'nt beeleave gad exits.

yew no gad exits but denigh et becuss yew wunt two angur gud gad feering thess liek me ind ekmikalw ind futriust.

yew our cundemed two he'll four yore cins yew ivvil idit athess.

yew meigh'k ilagicul argewmints abbowt evilushin, ind nan exitsance of gad.

sew naugh its tighem two till ess the trewth ind ripent four yore evvil cins.

Kids: Just say "No" to atheism

im tierd of yew idit ivvil athess pritend yew dough'nt beeleave gad exits.

yew no gad exits but denigh et becuss yew wunt two angur gud gad feering thess liek me ind ekmikalw ind futriust.

yew our cundemed two he'll four yore cins yew ivvil idit athess.

yew meigh'k ilagicul argewmints abbowt evilushin, ind nan exitsance of gad.

sew naugh its tighem two till ess the trewth ind ripent four yore evvil cins.
And there you have it, kids. The best reason to stay away from atheism. Why give up intellect in order to pay homage to words like "can't" and "impossible"? Look at what it earns you.

Negativism and apathy only breed ignorance.

Strive for something better.

Life is not to be wasted; nature is not extraneous.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by tiassa

Negativism and apathy only breed ignorance.
Piffle. Apathy breeds... ah, fuggit, I'll finish this later...
Life sucks.
I can't be bothered to get out of my chair.
Energy and matter are equivalent.
Now see hyar. ah believe in Jesus. ah reckon ah even sar him time at mah IRA meetin' (Incess Rights Ackivist) He was all purdy an' stuff. Jest like mah sister. Jest thunk Id let yo' knows Im not a redneck o' ennythin' like thet. Im not a jesus freak jest a christian, as enny fool kin plainly see. Now whars mah sister? ah plan t'rape her! Fry mah hide!
Awww, Xev ...

Oh, is that what happened to you, Tiassa?
Awww ... negative is an arguable assertion, but who can dare to call me apathetic? Tsk-tsk. ;)

Tiassa :cool:
You're apathetic about your laziness in posting. You type too much. Put more work into being lazy.
I wrote a short story once, a comedy ripping off Shakespeare, just for a laugh. It had such characters as:
- Queen Chlamydia.
- Fellatio.
- The Roaming (Roman) philosopher Syphilus (Coz the disease spreads, ya see).
- Cunning Lingus.

I'm sure you get the idea. I no longer have the story. It was just something to waste time with.
Life sucks.
I can't be bothered to get out of my chair.
Energy and matter are equivalent.

Xev did you just call yourself fat!:confused: