"G_d": Why even bother?


Valued Senior Member
No, I'm not talking about God itself. I'm referring to why so many religious people feel the need to omit the "o" in "God".

Time and time again I see the following two spellings everywhere:

G0d (with a zero)

What is the point? Can someone let me in on the secret?
No, I'm not talking about God itself. I'm referring to why so many religious people feel the need to omit the "o" in "God".

Time and time again I see the following two spellings everywhere:

G0d (with a zero)

What is the point? Can someone let me in on the secret?

GxD G8D, the 53 G53D
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In Jewish tradition it was considered bad form to say the name of God. So now some people don't even want to print it.
In Jewish tradition it was considered bad form to say the name of God. So now some people don't even want to print it.

Right, but in my mind substituting curse words with other things doesn't change anything, the intent was there, and this is no different. If someone considers referring to a god's name as blasphemy, then it shouldn't be referred to in any form.

Make up all the rules you want, but don't then try and fudge them. That's called hypocrisy. I don't mind believers thinking these things, but I can't stand them pretending they don't have to live up to them.
Hey, don't blame me, Jewish tradition is full of shortcuts to the rules. I think that's what you get when you start making such absurd rules in the first place.
In Jewish tradition it was considered bad form to say the name of God. So now some people don't even want to print it.

It's true.

Another thing is that in the ancient Hebrew language (and in Aramaic as well, I guess) they didn't write out vowels.

Sounds retarded to me. "God" is a title, not a name.

True. The Hebrew reluctance to write out God's name makes more sense for the word 'Yahweh' (it was more like YHWH' in ancient Hebrew) than it does for the English word 'God'.

Hey, don't blame me

It's all your fault, Spidergoat!


Jewish tradition is full of shortcuts to the rules. I think that's what you get when you start making such absurd rules in the first place.

One of the things I like least about the ancient Jews was that they invented all those ridiculous rules. And one of the things I like most about the subsequent Jews was all the creative ways that they found to evade them.

I guess that in a way, Paul's original Christianity with its willingness to play fast and loose with the Jewish law was one of those attempts to wiggle free.
Paul's Christianity was by no means the original. I do respect the diversity of thought of early Christians, too bad that willingness to reinterpret things did not last very long.
Paul's Christianity was by no means the original. I do respect the diversity of thought of early Christians, too bad that willingness to reinterpret things did not last very long.

You know what happen don't you ? It was a woman's religion for a while . I suspect the men ran out of endurance and the women folk still believed prospered and grow thought based on the original concept . I also think it was a poor person religion that gave hope to there plight of being poor . That is why Constantine Mother was a Christian. A Grimalkin so to speak . A young one when Constantine dad meet her . That is when Christianity got its bump and became the Man Fraternity from then on. It is all documented in History if any lamb brains want to check me facts
Paul's Christianity was by no means the original. I do respect the diversity of thought of early Christians, too bad that willingness to reinterpret things did not last very long.

He learned from an Arab . Sales is what he learned from a Merchant . Yeah he sought the merchant out cause the Arab Merchant was the greatest Salesman that had ever lived . The Merchant gave him his best sales technique. So he could spread his propaganda. He got fucked in the end you know , but hells bells he believed in it and sold the fuck out of it . I think I Might of too if I was him . I bet life was very dissatisfying back in the day . Think about it . You depressed people with no thrill in your life , Mundane go to work come home go to bed get back up go to work . It is depressing , but think about back then , Get up get crucified by Romans. Or if you live get your ass kicked for not working hard enough , get rapped at the will of a soldier, Work 23 hr, sleep for one ( O yeah I forgot some you party hardys still got that punishment hanging on ) Net Working Baby . Get your arm cut off by some whack job physician that thinks you need a bleeding of extraordinary measures. The point I guess is it was depressing then too for the poor working slob
No, I'm not talking about God itself. I'm referring to why so many religious people feel the need to omit the "o" in "God".
Because there really is n_ limit to how g_rmless pe_ple can be.
They can invent, and justify, anything given time.
Because there really is n_ limit to how g_rmless pe_ple can be.
They can invent, and justify, anything given time.

Ok Pat. I'd like to buy a vowel.

No, I'm not talking about God itself. I'm referring to why so many religious people feel the need to omit the "o" in "God".

Time and time again I see the following two spellings everywhere:

G0d (with a zero)

What is the point? Can someone let me in on the secret?

Its an old tradition of the Jews not to speak the name of God out loud as their thinking lead them to believe not saying Gods name was a sign of respect to God. As in, Gods name is so holy that us unholy humans are not worthy to even utter His name. Its one of the very old traditions of men and it has nothing to do with Torah. God never told them not to utter His name.

So today we have other religious organizations falling into the same tradition and they are apeing the Jewish custom. But the silly thing about it is that God is Not the Name of God. God's Name is YAVEH.

So it is a tradition of man generated from the faulty thinking of men. It has nothing to do with the expressed will of God, all it does in the long run is make the knowledge of the name of God fade away until most are left with a descriptor such as God or a title such as The God of Abraham. It is good example of misguided reverence gone mad.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days