fur trade, skinning alive


Registered Member
I'm am seriously sick to the stomach right now.
Someone asked before, if you could kill anyone and get away with it, who could it be.
I said I wasn't capable of killing - I changed my mind. There people in the below link, I would kill them just as they killed these animals, in front of a mirror, so they could see everything.

I'm warning everyone... this video is beyond graphic. I have a strong stomach, but I'm ready to vomit.

You don't have to watch the whole thing to get the idea
i agree with you SheWolf (i have no need to watch the video)
Im a surporter of the humane use of domestic livestoke and even hunting for food but this is just sick.

I dont mind using lamb skin and leather which are from animals killed for food anyway
Asguard, I have heard of this before too, but I have never SEEN it. Now, I can eat food during the most gruesome images on TV, I'm not boasting, but I have a strong stomach and can handle alot.

This? This isn't just blood and gore. These animals are skinned completely alive, and left to die completely skinless... those 'people' didn't even bother to kill them afterward. At one point, a skinned animal looked straight at the camera with these huge eyes and I just snapped. I had to go upstairs and cry, and my chest was heaving and was feeling like vomiting. I have never even my life had such a reaction.

EDIT: what is being done about this??
That's sick. There's no excuse for that. I don't care if you need fur or meat or whatever, you can at least kill the animal quickly before you take its fucking skin off.

I agree. They should die in the exact same way.
Pretty nasty stuff. I can imagine that video making a lot of people cry!

It's a shame many countries do not have (or enforce?) the regulations that exist in the UK and other western nations.

I have no problem with the farming of animals for fur - I don't suppose an animal cares whether it dies for fur or meat - but to cause them severe anguish is an assault of the senses of anyone who discovers this cruelty and thus it should be regulated to the level at which no reasonably nice person would complain.
Whether your the most active member of PETA, or the member of a hunting club...NO ONE could support that. Makes me want to crack open a can of whoop ass. Jesus Christ I didn't make it 15 seconds into the video, before I had to close it.
They are just lazy, they should at least smash them in the head first. The Chinese have no conception of compassion for animals, they eat cats and dogs, even stunning them with a club for ease of transport, keeping them alive for freshness. They say animals that are abused have more flavor.