Funny Feelings

Sir Louscious

Registered Member
Ok phew let me clear my mind im new to this type of stuff as in talking about stuff on the computer. So far its taken me 6 mins just to say this.... hehe. So im just gonna say what comes to me. First off Hi, how you doing? But anyway Ive been reading a lot about Astral projection, chakras, spirituallity etc. And its pretty interesting. I've been doing meditation and chakra exercises lately for maybe a week or two and I have to admit I feel different. It's hard to explain and if i try it will sound stupid and maybe take to long. But anyway ever since i been meditating and stimulating chakras, I've been getting these weird feelings like a pulsing through my body, I know thats normal when i meditate, but sometimes-more times than sometimes- i feel the pulsing when im not even trying to-like i be at work or just doing something and its like i have several hearts beating at once and it feels veeerryy.... good i guess , like heaven all over. But sometimes it is a mild pain at certain places, usually around shoulder blades. Matter a fact i feel myself pulsing at moment with a knot feeling on left shoulder. Is this normal ? I mean feeling your chakras i guess thats what it is , when your not even trying to feel them?
plz help
something reeeaaaaallly wierd happend to me first week of chakra meditation AP practicing. after i was done working out i decided to meditate since i thought it would be good cuz i was tired, but anyway when i was meditating , real late at night , as i was meditating it felt like i was spreading out really wide like i was smoke then all of a sudden i was sucked into my body again and thats last i remember of my awarness or conscious cuz i blacked out but then i woke up again, but after the momentary black out i was back to normal doing meditation I guess i was doing AP or somthing cuz everything was hmmm more vibrant more vivid than normal but a little fuzzy too... hard to say, but during this my friend comes to door. Keep in Mind this is a dream of some sort , but like a continuation of what im doing in the real world.... hard to explain. But we went to party and all things seeeming so real as time goes on etc etc. nothing strange happens just how i see things. But I black out again and come to, only thats its daytime and Im at home-STILL SITTING CROSSLEG with no pains or cramps-wierd-. So when i wake im all happy and excited that i did an AP well i think at time it was. But as the day goes on i come to realize that i was really at a party...... wtf is up with that?!!? I dont know but its like like i was in the physical world with a differ mind now that i think about it i was still me but it was like i wasnt me .... i dont know and how did i get home if it was real? This isnt only wierd thing that happend , no psycic powers or anything of that stuff , but things dealing with my body and other bodies i suppose
NEED HELP getting real wierd
thnx bye
Hiya Sir Louscious!

"Matter a fact i feel myself pulsing at moment with a knot feeling on left shoulder."

Sounds like you've been sitting in the same position for too long. Try varying your routine a little.

"something reeeaaaaallly wierd happend to me first week of chakra meditation AP practicing. after i was done working out i decided to meditate since i thought it would be good cuz i was tired, but anyway when i was meditating , real late at night , as i was meditating it felt like i was spreading out really wide like i was smoke then all of a sudden i was sucked into my body again and thats last i remember of my awarness or conscious cuz i blacked out but then i woke up again, but after the momentary black out i was back to normal doing meditation I guess i was doing AP or somthing cuz everything was hmmm more vibrant more vivid than normal but a little fuzzy too..."

Well congratulations! This is a very interesting phenomena, it has to do with the type of 'brain waves' you are experiencing.

Basically, you experienced a quick shift from the theta waves that are predominant during deep meditation, then back to beta waves, which are predominant when you are concentrating.

Or so the theory goes. It's rather experimental and unproven at the moment, though.

The happiness is the consequence of the increased reuptake - use - of the pleasure chemical serotonin. You seem to have happened on a way to release it through meditation.

Hope this helps, and welcome to Sciforums! :)
Sir Louscious, welcome to sciforum. Curious, how did you find this site?

Just a word of caution - while doing your Chakra exercises, dont get into any wild shrooms :D. If you have trips. separate the session intervals. Soon everything will settledown. Too much internal stimulation can cause confusion....(only in the beginning...until the brain adapts).