Funerals for Aborted Fetuses'


Registered Senior Member
In an odd twist, and a new way to look at the abortion debate, a church buried the ashes of over 1,000 aborted fetuses.

A Catholic church plans to bury the ashes of as many as 1,000 aborted fetuses Sunday, raising a storm of protest from those who accuse it of exploiting the pain and grief of women for political purposes.

The Sacred Heart of Mary Church obtained the ashes from a mortuary that had a contract to cremate remains from the Boulder Abortion Clinic. But the clinic said it didn't know the ashes were being given to the church.

"They have taken it upon themselves to make a macabre ritual out of this, inflicting pain on everyone," said clinic director Dr. Warren Hern. "I have women calling me who are very upset over this. These fanatics simply cannot leave other people alone with their most intimate sorrow."
Yahoo News - Church Plans to Bury the Ashes of Aborted Fetuses'

Now, from the way the clinic director is talking, it sounds like the church pulled up behind the clinic and ransacked the dumpster that stored the fetuses’ and drove off in a frenzy to bury them-- this is not the case.

"First of all, Crist Mortuary obviously cremated these fetal remains at the request of the clinic, and the church had a site and was willing to take them," said Terry Hemeyer, managing director of Service Corporation International in Houston, which operates Crist. "There was no intent of the mortuary to make any political or religious statement at all. They were trying to do the right thing, which I think they are doing."

I would have to assume that the church also takes the remains of dead homeless people and buries them as well?

A crowd of 250 parishioners prayed as the ashes were buried in the Sacred Heart of Mary Church cemetery, while a handful of protesters gathered nearby holding signs that read, ``This church is a grave robber.''
Guardian Unlimited

In order for it to be grave robbing, wouldn't it have to be in a grave?

What startles me the most is that the women were willing to get abortions, but not bury the remains. Burying something in a ritualistic manner makes it valid: when you bury something, it must have once been alive.

The Church, in essence, is saying to the people "You shitted this out of your vagina and said it wasn't life, so we're going to bury it because it is life."

Very interesting.
Xev, that struck me as rude and cold. I realize ye'r only joking, but there are people that could be hurt by that.

But back to the topic . . .

This particular case is a bit confusing, and it's hard to say if anyone was wrong, and if so, who. But I think the church is right to bury these cremated fetuses, and I think the mortuary was right to give the remains to the church. They breached a contract, and that's why it's confusing, but I think it was ethical.
CounslerCoffee said:
Now, from the way the clinic director is talking, it sounds like the church pulled up behind the clinic and ransacked the dumpster that stored the fetuses’ and drove off in a frenzy to bury them-- this is not the case.
No, they usually steal the remains, lay the most juicy ones on baby blankets and take photos so that the image can be placed on giant posters for their right to life campaigns.

I would have to assume that the church also takes the remains of dead homeless people and buries them as well?
No. The State usually buries dead homeless people. Dead homeless people don't serve the Church as well as aborted fetuses in their right to life campaigns.

What startles me the most is that the women were willing to get abortions, but not bury the remains. Burying something in a ritualistic manner makes it valid: when you bury something, it must have once been alive.
Not necessarily. Many women who miscarry their children also do not bury them. My mother was one of them. She miscarried at 6 months and she refused to have a funeral service. She asked the hospital to take care of his remains. I guess after having lost and buried her first child 4 days after her birth, burying a second child lost through miscarriage was too much for her.

As for women who have abortions not burying the remains, well do you know how much a funeral costs now days? For one thing they wanted to get rid of the child for reasons only known to them. I'd imagine it's not an easy decision for the majority of the women who actually go through with it. A funeral would only prolong the pain I guess.

The Church, in essence, is saying to the people "You shitted this out of your vagina and said it wasn't life, so we're going to bury it because it is life."
Hmmm.. more like the Church is saying to these women 'You killed it against our wishes and now we're going to bury it to prove a point'. If the Church cared so much about life, they'd actually pay for the burials of homeless people who actually did live.
There are over seven billion extra humans on this planet - funerals are unnecessary, but killing many of them is. And what are funerals for? To make us feel better about dying, and to think that our graves will last for another hundred years? I can't...stop....laughing. Death is real.
For now on, whenever I have sex or whack off, I'm gonna save my "samples" in a cup and send it to the Church for them to bury for me. Millions killed in one load.

- N
I knew someone that had a baby prematurely in to a toilet, then they took a shit and flushed.
The baby got stuck and they kind of felt sorry for it as it squirmed in vain to escape, so they bent down to pick it up but then noticed it had shit on it, so they dry heaved and flushed again but this just jumbled the baby around so only it's legs were sticking out, then they decided to get a plunger and plunge the baby but right as they went to plunge the red rubber thing fell off and they accidently inserted the stick into the babies ass.
True story.

Ofcourse, the baby was then pulled out and given a proper funeral.
Anything less would be disgusting in my view.

As a matter of interest, a few weeks later they dug up the grave of that baby to use it's corpse in a silly commercial but found that the baby had actually gotten out of the coffin and begun trying to dig for freedom. Unfortunately it must have been disoriented, because it had actually dug down another 6 feet before dieing.
It was found attached to the decomposed teat of a lady who died of AIDs 2 weeks before (little known fact- aids victims are buried 12 feet deep rather than 6).
An autopsy revealed the baby died of sadness.

Xev, that struck me as rude and cold. I realize ye'r only joking, but there are people that could be hurt by that.
I have to agree with athelwulf on that one.
As I said, I know someone who lost a premature baby, so it's not very funny for me.
(Insert Title Here)

I think making a political statement out of a mass grave full of babies is a bit crass, especially when we consider that,

The Sacred Heart of Mary Church obtained the ashes from a mortuary that had a contract to cremate remains from the Boulder Abortion Clinic. But the clinic said it didn't know the ashes were being given to the church ....

.... Hern said Crist Mortuary, which does the cremations, had violated a contract that said remains would not be used in religious ceremonies. He called their actions "unconscionable" but declined to say if he planned to sue ....

.... The church began getting ashes from the mortuary in 1996 and had been doing burial services since 2001. Parishioners went public this year to commemorate the 32nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

"We never meant this as a political statement; we wanted to give dignity to the unborn child and dignity to the pain and sorrow a woman who has had an abortion feels," Susan LaVelle, a parish volunteer organizing the service, said.


I mean, let's at least be honest about this: everything was fine until parishoners decided to make it a political statement. But they never meant it as a political statement .... Right. Making a public spectacle out of a mass grave full of babies in order to commemorate Roe isn't a political statement.

What? What have I overlooked?
What? What have I overlooked?

That really, why do the women care? I don't see why they would hate the church for doing that... they went out of their way to get a coat hanger shoved up their vaginas; why not let some priest bury your babies mangled remains?
Counsler Coffee said:

why not let some priest bury your babies mangled remains?

Like I said, "everything was fine until parishoners decided to make it a political statement".

I find the indignity of a mass grave curiously ironic, but nothing to complain about. Beyond that, it's a more primal issue, about naming things. The church wishes to redefine these women's choices in front of the whole world, and that's a bit more than simply burying mangled remains. As long as everybody keeps it to themselves, everybody gets to keep it to themselves.
Lou, I don't think that's a true story. Are you just being sick on purpose?

Shrubby pegasus:

it isnt a baby

By "it", do ya mean the fetus? If so, then ya might be surprised by this:


      a. A very young child; an infant.
      b. An unborn child; a fetus.
      c. The youngest member of a family or group.
      d. A very young animal.
   2. An adult or young person who behaves in an infantile way.
   3. Slang. A girl or young woman.
   4. Informal. Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.
   5. Slang. An object of personal concern or interest: Keeping the boat in good repair is your baby.
Hern said Crist Mortuary, which does the cremations, had violated a contract that said remains would not be used in religious ceremonies. He called their actions "unconscionable" but declined to say if he planned to sue
Burial isn't really a religious ceremony.

I mean, let's at least be honest about this: everything was fine until parishoners decided to make it a political statement. But they never meant it as a political statement .... Right. Making a public spectacle out of a mass grave full of babies in order to commemorate Roe isn't a political statement.
A political statement is a statement designed to give a particular group political clout. The actions of this group were to inform the public, of the mass graves and mass killings of the unborn children. If this burial was political, then the Catholic Church would have no right to receive tax breaks. They do, after all, occasionally have sermons against abortion and have prayers for these children. There's no political affiliation with this. No more than any sermon against murder. Any political representative can choose to be pro-life.
A political statement is a statement designed to give a particular group political clout. The actions of this group were to inform the public, of the mass graves and mass killings of the unborn children. If this burial was political, then the Catholic Church would have no right to receive tax breaks. They do, after all, occasionally have sermons against abortion and have prayers for these children. There's no political affiliation with this. No more than any sermon against murder. Any political representative can choose to be pro-life.

The actions of this group was to inform the public of, what they already knew? That's political. If this weren't political, it wouldn't be a one-time thing. What happened to all the other previous funerals for aborted fetuses? I mean this one event isn't trying to make some sort of religious or political point so they had to have had other funerals for them, but where are they? Any time something like this is made public, it's a political/religious statement. To think otherwise just shows ignorance or trying to protect the hides of the Church.

- N
The actions of this group was to inform the public of, what they already knew? That's political. If this weren't political, it wouldn't be a one-time thing.
I'm not sure what you mean by "one-time thing." Presumably, there will be more funerals.

What happened to all the other previous funerals for aborted fetuses? I mean this one event isn't trying to make some sort of religious or political point so they had to have had other funerals for them, but where are they? Any time something like this is made public, it's a political/religious statement. To think otherwise just shows ignorance or trying to protect the hides of the Church.
Would you believe the funeral of a president is political? It's public but, at least to me, isn't political. Those fetus remains have to be buried or stored somewhere. You only hear about the burial because it was newsworthy. Merely telling someone about the burial is not a political statement. It's like a city mayor finding the remains of a thousand people, and then telling the public--those who want to be public at the ceremony--that he's going to burry them.
I'm not sure what you mean by "one-time thing." Presumably, there will be more funerals.

We'll see how much the Church cares if more funerals happen in the future for every aborted fetus.

Would you believe the funeral of a president is political? It's public but, at least to me, isn't political.

No, the funeral of a president isn't political. If it were a one time thing for just one president, then it'd be political, but funerals for them happen for almost every single one.

Those fetus remains have to be buried or stored somewhere.

Do they?

- N
This whole issue would have been avoided if they'd donated the remains to Cannibal Corpse fans.

Xev, that struck me as rude and cold. I realize ye'r only joking, but there are people that could be hurt by that.

I am not joking, I speak from the utmost concern for aborted fetuses.
You see, I was an aborted fetus myself.

If so, then ya might be surprised by this:

I wasn't aware that was an accurate source of medical information. I should get my latest STD cured there.
We'll see how much the Church cares if more funerals happen in the future for every aborted fetus.
I don't think it's going to be a one time thing, but a lot of times they take the aborted remains out of the abortion clinic's trash, and, because they trespass, they can't really go public.