fundy atheists


That is one bitter f--king Christian. Better get their cheese straight before the Lawd comes a-ringin'!

That's two "You might be" topics recently, and I ain't writing the counterpoint for this one. Why is it that conservatives like to start off with Jeff Foxworthy knockoffs? ;)

Tiassa :cool:
You believe that extra drippy ice-cream is a logical proof against the existence of God, because an omniscient God would know how to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, an omnipotent God would have the ability to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, and by golly, an omnibenevolent God wouldn't want your ice-cream to be extra drippy.

Well fuck, would it kill him?
some one had waaaayy too much time on their hands

When a Christian offers you his own "experience" as evidence for God, you consider it stupid and subjective. But when he offers you historical, philosophical and scientifical evidence, you consider it too inconclusive and claim that you need to see God to believe in Him.

is scientifical even a word?:p
I'll pick on a few. I found most of them too twisted and would require long essays as responses.

You spend hours arguing that a-theism actually means "without a belief in God " and not just " belief that there is no god" as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.
The difference between rationality and irrationality seems important to me. This indicates that the Christian view does not see the distinction since it claims something that can't be proved and at the same time claims this to be rational.

You consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen him but you reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives.
Perhaps if the claims could be proved, then….

You can make the existence of pink unicorns the centre-piece of a philosophical critique.
I prefer invisible flying green elephants. But then Christians spend vastly more time insisting on something equally fantastic.

You call a view held by less than ten percent of the American public "common sense".
I think it is now 15%, but whatever. This is argumentum ad numerum. The Christian reasoning would conclude that at one time the Earth was indeed flat since at one time not long ago nearly everyone on the planet believed the world was flat. Truth cannot be determined by a majority vote.

You believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution." It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.
But computers etc. were not designed. They evolved just like everything else. If this were otherwise then why didn't cavemen design the modern computer, or why haven't we yet designed warp-drive technology?

All these things evolved from smaller simpler mechanisms and processes, and they in turn were the result of something simpler. Human involvement is nothing more than a catalyst similar to the way biological enzymes allow many biological processes to take place.

We have zero evidence of anything complex ever resulting from intelligent design.

When you're discussing the origin of the world, the phrase "uncaused cause(God)" is a stupid, meaningless thing to say. You will, however, settle for "uncaused effect(the world without God)".
I see no need to settle for either. I question the need to even consider an origin.

You descended from apes.(Think about it.)
Basic misunderstanding of evolution.

When the Pope says that God may have used evolution, he is an enlightened religious leader whom Christians should listen to. When the Pope preaches on the sanctity of human life from conception, and thus denounces abortion, he's just a senile religious bigot who should keep his opinions to himself.
Or more likely he is finally giving in to the obvious but he has still a long way to go.

Concerning the origins of life, you feel that though the chances of life forming without an intelligent creator are small it DID indeed happen that way.
Perhaps this had been mis-quoted but from my perspective most atheists seem to think that the chances of life forming without an intelligent creator are LARGE. Simply join the dots from evolution and the obvious result is abiogenesis.

When you say "I don't know" you are being brave and honest. When a theist says "I don't know" they are being dishonest and are trying to dodge the question.
But Christians never say that they don't know, that is the point. They think they KNOW but they can't prove how they know.
I think a lot of atheists do behave that way so I think many of those are legitimate criticisms...

But Christians never say that they don't know
Hi Cris
what makes you draw this conclusion? I am genuinely curious and not trying to antagonize you whatsoever...
I think a lot of atheists do behave that way so I think many of those are legitimate criticisms...

How nice of you to support this assertion. :rolleyes:

Basically, it shows Christian hypocrisy at its best. They attack athiesm using faulty logic, yet when asked to support their beliefs, they fall back on the emotional muck of "faith".
Whats your problem? thats my opinion. I think they are legitimate criticisms, I would say the same thing about some christians when they take their views to ridiculous extremes.

oh and nice sig :rolleyes:
Hi Amie,

I am genuinely curious and not trying to antagonize you whatsoever...
No problem and I rarely breathe fire these days.

But Christians never say that they don't know

Hi Cris
what makes you draw this conclusion?
There is no proof for the existence of God.

Most atheists will state that while they have no reason to believe in the existence of God they would agree that they don't know whether he exists or not.

A Christian, by definition, maintains a positive belief in the existence of God despite the lack of proof. Such a belief is equal to a claim that one knows that God exists. This must be true otherwise if the belief were absent then the person would not be a Christian but an atheist.

I.e. if you state you don't know then you can't maintain a belief that something is true.
Originally posted by Cris
Such a belief is equal to a claim that one knows that God exists.
Hi Cris you seem really nice :)
I understand what you are saying but believing in God and knowing God exists are very different. I don't see them as equal.
Hey Xev, both she and I maybe new in comparision to members like you, but I've been around long enough to atest to the truth of many of those statements. An the sad thing is it's not even really exagerated. Although it would seem generally that the atheist on this board are what some may consider logical, I have found that they can't even hold their own agianst their equally ignorant fundie theist brethern.
Yikes! Chill out!

Whats your problem? thats my opinion. I think they are legitimate criticisms, I would say the same thing about some christians when they take their views to ridiculous extremes.

Umm, just wanted some clarification. I mean, if you have a criticism of athiesm, it'd be interesting to hear it. Like, dude chill out?

oh and nice sig

Thanks! It was inspired by this great Coven song called "Boneless Christian":

"Down at the mission, the natives are restless
Fed up with a diet of, force fed religion
I know what they want and it's, no imposition
Boneless Christian! Boneless Christian!"
I understand what you are saying but believing in God and knowing God exists are very different. I don't see them as equal.

There are atheist, and then there are agnostics. Agnostic I believe is what you might say of some one who professes as Cris.
Umm, just wanted some clarification.
If you wanted some clarification all you had to do was ask.
I mean, if you have a criticism of athiesm, it'd be interesting to hear it.
I do not have criticism of atheism itself, people draw their own conclusions and have beliefs or lack of based on what they learn and what they feel is right for them. My belief is no superior to a nonbelief. Its just different and I respect the need for people to be true to themselves. My criticism is some atheists, unfortunately *many* who I have come in contact with behaving like the things listed in the fundie atheist link, like anything else there will always be people who take views to extremes. I have not had many positive experiences with atheists, I wish I could say otherwise.
Like, dude chill out?
yes you said that. twice.
Hi Binary

Originally posted by Binary
There are atheist, and then there are agnostics. Agnostic I believe is what you might say of some one who professes as Cris.
Hi Binary
I dont think anyone can actually "know" either way, it all comes down to believing/not believing. Although maybe this is simply a matter of semantics, I personally just see them as very differently. I believe in God, I have faith, I can't prove God to anyone but I would never say "I *know* God exists" maybe thats just me though...
If you wanted some clarification all you had to do was ask.

Well I did. You got all hostile.

I do not have criticism of atheism itself, people draw their own conclusions and have beliefs or lack of based on what they learn and what they feel is right for them. My belief is no superior to a nonbelief. Its just different and I respect the need for people to be true to themselves. My criticism is some atheists, unfortunately *many* who I have come in contact with behaving like the things listed in the fundie atheist link, like anything else there will always be people who take views to extremes.

So since you can't criticize athiesm, you snipe at athiests? Can we say "ad hominem"?

yes you said that. twice.

Yeah, and it's good advice. Man, 2000 years of sexual repression makes you guys really cranky!
Originally posted by Xev
Well I did. You got all hostile.
You never asked for clarification, not once. Here is your post.
How nice of you to support this assertion.

Basically, it shows Christian hypocrisy at its best. They attack athiesm using faulty logic, yet when asked to support their beliefs, they fall back on the emotional muck of "faith".
you claimed you asked for clarification, now where?

So since you can't criticize athiesm, you snipe at athiests? Can we say "ad hominem"?
I am basing this on my experiences and I said so. Please show me any ad hominem you see.

Yeah, and it's good advice. Man, 2000 years of sexual repression makes you guys really cranky!
I have no idea where you get these misguided views of yours regarding sexual repression.
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I like these:

You think that the Spanish Inquisition killed millions (or at least hundreds of thousands), even though the population of all of Spain at the time of the Inquisition was only about five million, and the actual total killed numbers about 2000. When informed of this, you accuse the informer of belittling or being insensitive to the deaths of 2000 individuals.


You continually argue that Hitler was a "real Christian" even when he and his fellow Nazis were slaughtering millions of people (and you "conveniently" ignore the very obvious distinction between someone claiming to be a Christian and someone actually living as a Christian, and the fact that the Nuremberg prosecutors denounced Nazism as fanatically ANTI-Christian!), but you deny that the scientists who rejected Galileo's work were real scientists.

Hello, Nehusta? I know you're a pagan but are you reading this by chance? :D