Fundies Declare War on Wal-Mart


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
WINTER PARK, Fla. — One of the nation’s leading family-friendly investment groups, which offers mutual funds based on moral responsibility, has initiated a national campaign to expose what it says is Wal-Mart’s “anti-family promotion of pornography.”

Arthur Ally, president of the investment group Timothy Plan, said that Wal-Mart has refused to remove displays of objectionable magazines like Cosmopolitan from high-traffic areas in its stores, or even to “hood” smutty covers at checkouts where they can be seen by children. Ally described Cosmopolitan as one of the “most blatantly aggressive soft-core pornographic magazines in America.”
So I guess it is to be nothing but rifles and Chinese-made T-shirts at Wal-Mart?

Perhaps these 'pro-family' groups would be mollified if the publishers of Cosmopolitan fired their employees and replaced them with slave laborers from Jakarta. No matter how often I am reminded of the fact, I am still surprised to learn that I share the same planet with people who take no offense at products manufactured by 14-year-old girls chained to their looms, but become apoplectic with rage at the thought that their children might discover what some woman in Seattle thinks about orgasms.
He said Wal-Mart joins a list of companies—like Time Warner, Abercrombie and Fitch, and other publicly held entertainment companies—that the Timothy Plan screens out because of their involvement “in the moral decline of our culture, through their involvement in abortion, pornography or active promotion of the homosexual agenda.”

Out of a total of more than 8,000 publicly traded stocks, the company has placed some 450 companies on its prohibited list. (Full text here).
Wal-Mart deserves to go down for any number of reasons but Cosmo isn’t one of them. Clearly, these so-called Christians are upset by the thought of women getting pleasure from their bodies. These same shocked defenders of children and family morality think nothing of supplying every American man, women and child with more guns than we can hold.

Be back soon - I’m off to buy my issue of Cosmopolitan.


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
Suppose they're gonna ban beaches next because *gasp* women wear bikinis there, oh the humanity.

I think they just got bored and wanted to have a rant at something, anything. Or they are attention seekers trying to get famous :rolleyes:
It's quickly becoming easy to stereotype the idea that Christianity and free-speech are two concepts that can never exist together in America.
Oh, don't be so hard on them Tyler... there's also shopping, and declaring war randomly on anyone who looks crosswise at them.
That's the thing about people's actions

At least we get to see what's important to people.

Tiassa :cool: