FTL spaceship


Registered Senior Member
Good day.

Imagine a spaceship, which has a hollow cylinder at the front and inside the rotating magnetic field with a frequency from the 1e6Hz 10e9Hz.Lorentz force 1e6N and 100e9N.
A centrifugal force of approximately 20e22N with angular velocity and 10Gz 1MHz.
The ship is surrounded by negative energy of the dynamic Casimir effect.
Can the ship to create a shortcut in space-time (wormhole ...) and bypass the barrier speed of light.



Predictions of ship speed to 0.5 speed of light.
Ok, and which parameters could be changed?

Since we are talking about science fiction you can change any parameter. I would throw in some terms like 'quantum harmonics' or 'multi-dimensional singularities".
We dont talk about sci-fi.I am not very good in physics and then I need any sugestion or
another help with this.All parameters are from simulation software.Can you explain me which is wrong or whot I must change in may thougts?


Can the ship to create a shortcut in space-time (wormhole ...) and bypass the barrier speed of light.

No it cannot due to the rotating flux capacitor and positive ionic membranes that are within the accumulation chambers.
Not used by any condensator.
The rotation field is generated by the DC coil that rotates.
Can the ship to create a shortcut in space-time (wormhole ...) and bypass the barrier speed of light.


No for a number of reasons, first of you talking about a theoretical device with no working components that are known to science. It's not like you are taking proven physics fundamentals and applying them, your just generating some make believe spaceship with no mathematics or engineering, no prototyping and then asking if it can do the impossible, well while it's in the make believe phase it can probably do whatever you want and the washing up.... At the same time!!!

Science fiction is always attempting to put forwards "Faster than Light" potentially allowing time-travel or other weird and wonderful things and the main reason for this is because for the most parts scientists wouldn't be able to tell you what to expect at that FTL point because "It's not possible".

There are obviously countless theories, for instance if you could brake the speed where everything in the known universe does move fast enough to be relative to you, then the universe of "stuff" will disappear into a universe of "Nothing". (From the universes perspective you would disappear into nothingness)

This doesn't of course mean that you'd suddenly appear minutes, days, years or millenniums into the past, it just means you'd escape our volume into a volume that is defined by your observational perspective (technically the other volume that you left is still there but it's spread thinly across your new universe much like a Cosmic Background).

However the great thing with these theories is they cut a whole host of quandaries that science would otherwise apply, like for instance how the amount of force required to create speed is relative to the mass you are attempting to move. (I'm sure you can find some adapted Einstein related mathematics to express how the increase in speed, increases mass which in turn increases the needed force to continue to accelerate. )

This in turn brings up another point, you wouldn't try to create a spaceship to go FTL if you are looking at the concept of "Wormholes". The initial theory behind wormholes was actually to look for an alternative method to FTL without "snagging" on the mathematics and physics problems by altering the physics through a wormhole to deal with the problem.

Again these are hypothetical "wishlist" creations by people that want to be able to full-fill a task that is otherwise unachievable. So it would be best if you didn't merge FTL and Wormholes, since they are counter-intuitive
Good day.

Thank you for your post.
Finally, someone understood the meaning of my efforts.
I do not seek to create a real ship would fly FTL know but, to answer the question:
It is possible today to create at least outline of such a ship? And if not how far we are from that time?
I know that the barrier of light Speed prevents it.
And know the relevant formulas.
But in the past there were barriers that people had to overcome.
I was just curious about the reaction but I was disappointed.
I will continue their efforts and I believe this is the time we get through the FTL.
Thanks again for the view.
I am sorry .
My antworth to your last post is:

Good day.

Thank you for your post.
Finally, someone understood the meaning of my efforts.
I do not seek to create a real ship would fly FTL know but, to answer the question:
It is possible today to create at least outline of such a ship? And if not how far we are from that time?
I know that the barrier of light Speed prevents it.
And know the relevant formulas.
But in the past there were barriers that people had to overcome.
I was just curious about the reaction but I was disappointed.
I will continue their efforts and I believe this is the time we get through the FTL.
Thanks again for the view.
Ships will never be FTL. One main point to this is how long it would take for a spacecraft to reach just light speed let alone beyond, The human physiology can only take so much before it can't operate, while space is a weightless environment (due to the distance away from gravitation fields that exist around large masses).
Anyone in a ship attempting to do speed is going to be strapped into a seat, they aren't going to be freely floating about because if the ship slows down or speeds up they are going to bounce around internally due to inertia.

QED: Which wins, the Fly or the Wind-shield during a collision?

However on a side note the fly can live if it was sitting on the wind-shield when the car starts driving, (at least until it reaches a point where the mass of the car combined with wind "squishes it", while there is no wind in an enclosed weightless environment, you're still going to have inertia.)

So we know with that point alone that it would take "too long" to speed up or slow down to be an effective transport speed for "squishies" like us humans. There are however some very fast "Missiles" that unfortunately tend to be built for all the wrong reasons that can do some speeds, An updated version of NASA's "Voyager" using an "unmanned missile drone" could potentially go at speeds that we can't.
Thank for reply.But I would not the ship FTL. I would create shortcut in space (wormhole...)

Imagine a spaceship, which has a hollow cylinder at the front and inside the rotating magnetic field with a frequency from the 1e6Hz 10e9Hz.Lorentz force 1e6N and 100e9N.

What's the rotating magnetic field for?
What's the Lorentz force acting on?
What are the numbers, and why are their two for each quantity?

A centrifugal force of approximately 20e22N with angular velocity and 10Gz 1MHz.

What is the centripetal force acting on?

The ship is surrounded by negative energy of the dynamic Casimir effect.

How is that negative energy generated and contained?

Can the ship to create a shortcut in space-time (wormhole ...) and bypass the barrier speed of light.

I'm not sure yet. Why do you think it might be able to?

Predictions of ship speed to 0.5 speed of light.

Show me how you calculated this prediction.
Rotating magnetic field is coil with 1e6 turns who rotated about center of cilinder.
Magnetic force act between this coil and center.
between 1e6Hz and 10e9Hz this is to error.
they are mistake in cilinder is ferite material who rotate and generate centrypetral force.This force acting around cilinder.
Values are fro simulator EM pola.
There is writen in center of the ship is box where generated Casimir dynamic effect.
I don't know if this is real .I just have question.
Ship have microwave propulsion and I only predict this volume.

If you had any more question yust send me a post or send me your opinion about it.
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No it cannot due to the rotating flux capacitor and positive ionic membranes that are within the accumulation chambers
Stupid answer to to normal question -100 points.