From Christianity to activism


Registered Senior Member
I lost faith in Jesus Christ, I lost the belief in capitalism, I lost a friend to suicide, and I almost lost myself to suicide too. But I never lost faith in what I thought was real and true. For whatever reason, we believe children aren't capable of the truth, that we have to lie to them in a public education setting. We allow conceited professors who graduated from liberal universities the ability to reiterate messages of a mulitculturalist agenda.

In philosophy, the best and greatest argument works. If we don't present an argument, then we lose by default. If we don't fight for what we believe in, then we lose by default. I have forgotten the sad days of standing on the side and letting the world crumble; i am now focused on fighting for what not only I believe, but what numerous people believe but aren't allowed to express. At this point, I'm interested in doing what is necessary to be virtuous to all and show the truth to the many who have become blinded from years of lies.;action=display;num=1141836658