From Behind the Razor Wire


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i woke up this morning to an artical on channel 9's sunday programe on the former howard goverments policy on asylum seekers, especially the detention of children. i really cant describe how apaling it was shrinks reports stating that 100% of the children (including those born in detention) having at least 1 recognonised mental illness and 90% having two or more. The fact that philip ruddick and john howard simply ignored these reports or accused these doctors of "advocasy" was apaling. advocating for ones pt is the role of a health proffessional.

now the policy has been changed to alow children and women to be "detained" in the comunity which is a gross breach of the federal sexual discrimination act. To detain a group of people symply because of there gender is unethical and indevensable especially when its symply for political gain

unfortunatly this link doesnt go anywhere near showing full story or the level of goverment santioned abuse periptrated by the former goverment

i will keep trying to find either a full transcript or a video link to the artical