Friday Night Sermon 04-26-02


Thank You Jesus!
Registered Senior Member
Hello Everyone,

This weeks FNS will be rather personal. My wife and I have lost the pregnancy that we were expecting to deliver in December. Undoubtedly, this raises some issues for the Christian claiming to have faith in God. No one can know why God chooses to allow some to sojourn on this with us longer than others except that His work with that person on Earth is complete. So, let’s look at the issues.

Philippians 1:6, KJV
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

In times like these, the foremost aspect that we need to remember is the nature of the relationship we have with God. “WE” are “HIS” workmanship! We exist and subsist by “HIS” strength unto “HIS” end. His end unites us in Love with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Often times, we see so much of our own goals being washed away in these trials of life that we lose sight of the fact that we still are the handiwork of God. Does this mean that we’re not supposed to cry or be sad? Does this mean that Christians aren’t supposed to mourn? Of course not! What I am saying is that it is important to realize that mourning needs to be tempered with the knowledge that we still do have a purpose and a calling under God in Heaven. Moreover, we have a personal relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost that can and will bring us peace and joy.

Proverbs 18:10, KJV
The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

In our confusion, in our desperation, for our hope, in our success, and against our disaster, there stands a living loving God that is eager to make us safe. My wife and daughter and I, now have the opportunity to grow in this fact more than we ever could have wanted to. When you think about it, it’s funny how much we adults are really like children. A child grows and begins to separate from it’s parents gaining independence and gradually learns to function in a great big world all on it’s own. The child thrives on confidence and is a pleasure in the heart of its parents. Yet, when there’s newfound discovery, great success, a stubbed toe, a scary dog, a sudden fall, or anything beyond what the child knows how to deal with, what happens? The child runs and clings to its parent. The child looks to the parent for comfort and knowledge. That’s the way it should be! That’s the way it should be for the Christian too. God does intend for us to venture out into life with goals and ambitions and, do you know what? When life is good, when life is hard, when we need hope, affirmation or just the comfort of His presence, we’ve got to run and cling to God. DO NOT let pain and disappointment drag you away. DON’T let success drag you away either. Be like the growing child who, in fear will stay within sight of its parent. That’s where the child finds it’s joy in safety and that’s where we’ll find ours too. Always be able to see your high tower from wherever you are in life. Ours is a relationship with God that requires closeness and interaction.

Furthermore, there is the issue of our growth.

Colossians 1:27-28, KJV
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

There is a world in need of Christ. The greater portion of people in this world, even those that will not admit it, are searching to find a reason for existing. We have the answer. They are dead in their transgressions. We hold the obligation within us, because we have been dead and raised with Christ, to Give God the Glory and issue forth the Love of God in all times of our lives.

When I go back to the office, I know that there will be at least one man that will watch me like a hawk to see if I still cling to my high tower now that the ground has shaken beneath my feet. This man has made it plain that he wants to know where real faith can be found. He’s been raised catholic and has seen family member upon family member profess to have faith and not live it. He’s told me of how, by deed and by word, they have belittled the power of God and have scorned life because of faith that, he acknowledges, has no power. If for no other lost person on this Earth, I want to display Christ for him.

We have got to come to grips with the fact that the world does not stop or even pause to rest when we, as Christians, meet with hardship. You’d best to believe that it won’t look the other way either. In fact, these are the times when the world will peer into us the most. You know what I wonder? I wonder if these are the times when God peers into us the most too. What I do know is:

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Praise God! He has a goal and a plan for us. Will we take hold of it even thought the day is dark? Will we allow God to take us from the point wherein we had joy and were comfortable to a position of greater understanding and power in His name? If we answer yes to this, we must be abased. Christian, you have to know that growth in maturity, wisdom, and trust of God isn’t easy. Neither does it come without discomfort. Again and again, God’s Word tells us that if you want to be raised up, you’ve got to get low. Will you trust God to be with you through the hard dredges of life? There is no other way to grow into maturity.

The final issue is our will. My wife and I must choose how we will lead our daughter. Will we stand up and Bless God even in the fury of our loss or will we, in the sight of our child, curse the name of God through lack of faith?

Psalms 103:21-22, KJV
Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

What we choose now will determine whether our faith is a help or a hindrance to her and her relationship with God. What we choose now will determine what we share with the world. What we choose now will determine whether or not we will be available to commune with the God who is our refuge.


For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the
man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men -- the
testimony given in its proper time.
-- 1 Timothy 2:5-6

My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock,
my refuge.
-- Psalm 62:7


P.S. – Maria & I and our daughter thank you for your prayers and heartfelt kindness.