Freternal twins


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
This just doesnt make any sence but its true nether the less

Freternal twins runs down the MALE line in my family at least 5 generations have had at least 1 set of twins and the only thing connecting them is the fathers side of the family NOT the mothers.

How can a guy influance how many eggs a women releaces it makes no sence but 5 generations are also more than pure co-incidence

The only possable thing i can think of is that there is some reason the men in my family are atracted to women who will releace 2 eggs but even that makes no sence.

If we go back through mums family tree there is one set of identical twins (my cousins) and one set of fretenal (ie my brother and sister).

If we go up to my grandparents (on my fathers side) again there is no twins on my nans side of the family but LOADS of them on my grandfathers and my father is a twin (though in this case we arnt quite sure if he is a fretenal twin or an identical one because his twin was still born and they didnt let nan see the body)
Maybe its a chemical reaction to a smell that is let off? If you could harness this ability you could use genetic engineering to install into cafe workers so they can tell if you want one egg or two.
actually as desterbing as this thought is concidering its my family im talking about (and its really not an image i wanted to have) i was reading another thread on here about giving head and and its benifits for fertility.

YUCK, thats as far as i want to go with that thought, actually its along way further:(:(:(
It could just be chance you know.