Fresh sighting of UFO's and Werewolves on Cannock Chase

I saw a giant bunny once. Well.. it looked like a bunny, but it didn't have the long ears though and it was at least 4 foot long (nose to tail). Otherwise it just looked like a giant bunny that is until it opened it's mouth. It had canines!
When I drove off again I saw three bright lights in the sky forming a triangle!
I'm getting the impression that your not too convinced by the close level-headed encounter and subsequent description of events?
So you think this 'identical' account is also made-up?

My topic is based on the fact that I have wittnessed a werewolf in the woods near my camp house.I'm a local Mainer,and am pretty much used to weird sights,but this,was the things that where origanlly supposed to stay in young childern's story books and in campfire tales told late at night--I was wrong.
My mother,father,a friend,and I where relaxing by the lake's shore under the glowing light of our campfire,laughing and telling jokes,when a black figure caught my eye.I hushed Emily and told her to look into the woods,as the snapping of a twig brought my attetion to another spot.A massive,wolf-like creature stood in the shadowed area of the forest.It stood on hind legs and made rather muffled growling noises as it moved,as if talking to itself.It stared at our two shocked faces for at least five minutes,the growling noises pointing in our direction.
Emily was whispering to me muffled sentances,I told her to be quiet,and then the beast was gone...

I'm not lieing,although the beast missed my parents eyes,Emily and I wittnessed a beast beyond the average imagantion,or most humans,anyway.
I am still frightened to this day to wonder if the werebeast still exsits in Miane,or if it was trying to tell us somthing,beacuse the week after there was a terrible forest fire near the town genral store.No-one was killed,and it was put out,but I still dare to wonder if the man inside the werebeast's body was trying to tell some-one about the fire.Perhaps it was arson,and he wanted to warn some-one,in hopes of stopping something before it started?
Unbeliveable,as most I think will find,as basicly all the people I have told the tale to have regcted it and took it as a lie.PLease belive me,as so far,no-one has.

Kate Allen.
Where did I say that I think it was made up? Do you think I made my story up? :bugeye: